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thinking of taking a job at Allergan

face it, no one in pharma wants or needs a grasping breathless angsty little nevernhas been like you. you will never pass muster at any interview for a sales job. the moment you walk into an interview your presence will shut down anything you hope to persuade. you let off a stink of failure and angst that precedes everything. you should be very, very greatful to still be working at all. there are many behind you in line for your so called crappy job, many who could out perorm you easily. fast money in pharma is becoming obsolete and so are you.
nevermind thevatrocities in drug pricing, that will be dealt withbin time. you however, greedy hostile and burnt out are much easier to deal with. just unhire you and let your bones turn to dust . that wont make the slighest ripple as you sink below the surface of salesman.
Get some lexapro before you go back to the rock so you can sleep. You have REAL issues (make sure you're gun is locked away, you are the guy whose presence is a danger)

Get some lexapro before you go back to the rock so you can sleep. You have REAL issues (make sure you're gun is locked away, you are the guy whose presence is a danger)
l am not entirely familiar with lexapro. bet you keep yours handy though. and my fully registered and properly stored guns and ammo are nice and locked up the way they should be. guess you missed out on the "how to store and use prescription meds"and you also have a loose idea on how weapons should br stored. come october, please abstain from selling rx meds and weapons. you clearly don t know the legal way to handle either with any competance.

l am not entirely familiar with lexapro. bet you keep yours handy though. and my fully registered and properly stored guns and ammo are nice and locked up the way they should be. guess you missed out on the "how to store and use prescription meds"and you also have a loose idea on how weapons should br stored. come october, please abstain from selling rx meds and weapons. you clearly don t know the legal way to handle either with any competance.
I SOLD lexapro and you clearly need something stronger. Just getting training for Vraylar, looks like you fit the bill. Perfect case study from what I read in your posts! However it will take creative writing skills to get you on our drug. Take the thorazine and let us know how that works out for you. Wish you were in my territory so i could get some help selling this drug. My first RX!

I SOLD lexapro and you clearly need something stronger. Just getting training for Vraylar, looks like you fit the bill. Perfect case study from what I read in your posts! However it will take creative writing skills to get you on our drug. Take the thorazine and let us know how that works out for you. Wish you were in my territory so i could get some help selling this drug. My first RX!

I SOLD lexapro and you clearly need something stronger. Just getting training for Vraylar, looks like you fit the bill. Perfect case study from what I read in your posts! However it will take creative writing skills to get you on our drug. Take the thorazine and let us know how that works out for you. Wish you were in my territory so i could get some help selling this drug. My first RX!

Dear poster no 1
we hope that you have enjoyed the Punch and Judy show. once upon a time Allergan pre Actavis was a good place to work. given the still esteemed Allergan name, the stellar location and new but hopeful employees, there iscacgood chance you will like what you see and hear. salariesbhave been trimmed in every dept probably including sales as well. housing costscand rent are high. hopefully, someone can answer your other questions. we have been through several big shake upsvof you have read the mews. good luck in whatever you choose

dont mind the angry loon, he will be gone in oct.Mc donalds has his resume in hand as we speak.

Dear poster no 1
we hope that you have enjoyed the Punch and Judy show. once upon a time Allergan pre Actavis was a good place to work. given the still esteemed Allergan name, the stellar location and new but hopeful employees, there iscacgood chance you will like what you see and hear. salariesbhave been trimmed in every dept probably including sales as well. housing costscand rent are high. hopefully, someone can answer your other questions. we have been through several big shake upsvof you have read the mews. good luck in whatever you choose

dont mind the angry loon, he will be gone in oct.Mc donalds has his resume in hand as we speak.
Looks like the guy got his first dose, thankful for his family. BiPolar disease is a serious disorder, hope he makes the step process to Vraylar. Classic example of why we need better gun control!

Looks like the guy got his first dose, thankful for his family. BiPolar disease is a serious disorder, hope he makes the step process to Vraylar. Classic example of why we need better gun control.

silly boy, you dont even have an undergrad degree let aloneca medical degree and here you are handing out diagnoses. how many times have real doctors asked you to remove their lab coat, pick up your little sample case and to get out. a nut job like yourself probably is not even allowed to own a gun at least in this state.

I know my drugs better than my doctors and you my friend, look like a patient from our studies. So sorry for your family and please for society sake, take your next dose.

To the person who is saying this is a good place to work. You need Vraylar for sure. You have to have many screws loose to stay and work in this mess. Been in the industry 10 years and too long with this company. To the OP save your time and sanity do not take this job.

That was an enjoyable squabble to read. I'm in R&D at legacy AGN in Irvine, as can be seen by my care in avoiding typos and lack of vitriol. It's true this is still the best gig in orange county, for R&D, in my humble opinion. I feel sorry that a sales job drives a person to such anger. I would imagine competition drives all companies to be competitive and the unpleasantries of sales are roughly equal wherever you work. If you join, welcome aboard. There is no R&D without sales. Except for Botox. That shit sells itself.

That was an enjoyable squabble to read. I'm in R&D at legacy AGN in Irvine, as can be seen by my care in avoiding typos and lack of vitriol. It's true this is still the best gig in orange county, for R&D, in my humble opinion. I feel sorry that a sales job drives a person to such anger. I would imagine competition drives all companies to be competitive and the unpleasantries of sales are roughly equal wherever you work. If you join, welcome aboard. There is no R&D without sales. Except for Botox. That shit sells itself.
The unpleasantness of sales is uniquely personified to this company. I've been with 2 in my career, this being the third. I don't know what your management is like but the situation here is the worst I have ever seen. Botox is not my drug (GI) but I can truly say this place is the pits. My manager couldn't sell his way out of a paper bag and when I show him how, he nit picks my details for something negative every time. I'm a performer and still feel uncomfortable and uneasy everyday. It's the fear driven motivation that's got me shopping and unfortunately for you in R&D, I am not alone. I believe the aesthetics team is just as demoralized so good luck to you because as you said, there is no R&D without sales.

The only people that should take a job at this horrible company are people looking for their first pharma job or if you are REALLY desperate. This is by far the worst company I have ever worked for.
Everyone knows the black hole of Calcutta in pharma is Abbvie. Nothing can be worse than a job there!

I don't know the first thing about sales. I've read threads on this site since Ackman dipped his finger in the pot, and except for Shoham, this site reminds me of my garbage pail kids card collection from yesteryear. I think I learned more about sales from Love and Other Drugs. I'm sorry if only half the anger and frustration is real. Sounds like the situation at Wells Fargo. I naively thought drugs were for improving lives when I went to college. Now I see that a 30% improvement over placebo along with some side effects is enough for a manager (pressured from the top) is forced to push sales as if it's as benign as a sugar tonic. At least my local management is (usually) driven by scientific backed results, which leads to my somewhat satisfaction in my work.

I don't know the first thing about sales. I've read threads on this site since Ackman dipped his finger in the pot, and except for Shoham, this site reminds me of my garbage pail kids card collection from yesteryear. I think I learned more about sales from Love and Other Drugs. I'm sorry if only half the anger and frustration is real. Sounds like the situation at Wells Fargo. I naively thought drugs were for improving lives when I went to college. Now I see that a 30% improvement over placebo along with some side effects is enough for a manager (pressured from the top) is forced to push sales as if it's as benign as a sugar tonic. At least my local management is (usually) driven by scientific backed results, which leads to my somewhat satisfaction in my work.
Go away and find a sandbox appropriate to your grade level little boy. You ask some pretty dumb questions for someone "considering" a job that has obviously not been offered. You are either a shit level lab rat, an impressively ignorant sales rep, or one of the lamest stock analysts ever to grace CP with their ineptitude. Whatever you are, go brush your teeth. Your breath smells of week old Santorum.

The job isn't that bad. I'm sure there are micromanagers in the company, but fortunately I don't have a manager who micro manages. The pay is decent.

Yes we have roommates at meetings. That part sucks. Multi billion dollar companies shouldn't force roommates.

The job isn't that bad. I'm sure there are micromanagers in the company, but fortunately I don't have a manager who micro manages. The pay is decent.

Yes we have roommates at meetings. That part sucks. Multi billion dollar companies shouldn't force roommates.
This is a new person or someone too young to understand yet. Get back on the board after 2 years of the POD or working for other companies or if you happen to become specialty then lets see what you have to say. Lets see if your manager last that long. The turnover on managers is really high too. Just like you will be. Just trying to save you while you drink the new kool-aid before it hits you like a ton of bricks. It is a glorified contract scheme now because of the industry.