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thinking of taking a job at Allergan


I heard you guys went to a PTO system, can you please give me REAL answers and tell me how many to start? How does it accumulate? Company car? What is the training schedule like? IC plan? Culture? Roommates at meetings? Anything else would be really helpful. Thank you!


I heard you guys went to a PTO system, can you please give me REAL answers and tell me how many to start? How does it accumulate? Company car? What is the training schedule like? IC plan? Culture? Roommates at meetings? Anything else would be really helpful. Thank you!
Why do people do this? Are you too lazy to read all the threads here or do you want someone to blame when you make a bad decision????? This question doesn't even deserve an answer

I am/was not in sales but its galling and depressing that any legitimate question is replied to by some misanthropic dope who uses the opportunity to spout off crap.
Maybe you can hope to get a more intelligent answer on glassdoor. sorry, but this forum is mostly dedicated to unhappy cranks these days.

I heard you guys went to a PTO system, can you please give me REAL answers and tell me how many to start? How does it accumulate? Company car? What is the training schedule like? IC plan? Culture? Roommates at meetings? Anything else would be really helpful. Thank you!

Honestly, you have to be more specific. What position are you considering? It's a very large company now and every division is different.

I heard you guys went to a PTO system, can you please give me REAL answers and tell me how many to start? How does it accumulate? Company car? What is the training schedule like? IC plan? Culture? Roommates at meetings? Anything else would be really helpful. Thank you!

Nearly 20 year vet here.
I don't hear good things about this company. They look for "suckers" that will take a low base pay. And they will, like all pharma companies, micromanage you to death.

I am/was not in sales but its galling and depressing that any legitimate question is replied to by some misanthropic dope who uses the opportunity to spout off crap.
Maybe you can hope to get a more intelligent answer on glassdoor. sorry, but this forum is mostly dedicated to unhappy cranks these days.
Then why the hell are you reading a sales
Blog?? Go back under a rock and stay away from where u don't belong!! As for the questioner, think of the worst answer to all your questions and bingo! Thats this crappy company

Then why the hell are you reading a sales
Blog?? Go back under a rock and stay away from where u don't belong!! As for the questioner, think of the worst answer to all your questions and bingo! Thats this crappy company
sales blog? someone named Shoham posted while the co was in crises and his posts were well recieved. Its hard to believe that an uncivilized angry little brat generates anything positive either professionnaly or othwise. we, sales or not could use a lot fewer of you or less of you in particular.

The only people that should take a job at this horrible company are people looking for their first pharma job or if you are REALLY desperate. This is by far the worst company I have ever worked for.

sales blog? someone named Shoham posted while the co was in crises and his posts were well recieved. Its hard to believe that an uncivilized angry little brat generates anything positive either professionnaly or othwise. we, sales or not could use a lot fewer of you or less of you in particular.
You are an idiot! This thread is a question about working a SALES job at this company. Unfortunately you don't know how to read or write so get the hell off our blog and tell the poster the truth! Read the many postings here and stop asking stupid questions. There you go, simple! Now

I d tell you to go to hell but there is a much more suitable place for you and its just around the block. Valeant. please go to Valeant. Ackman would be highly impressed with your vitriol and general misery which you probably hand out like free samples at a sales convention. if you are going to be such an angry fool, try it amoung those poor souls who have really been screwed, reputation, 401k and all. they will laugh in your self pitying, pouty and on the verge of throwing a full blown tantrum s face. crawl back to your cube. I am resting comfortably with my 401 k and enhanced severance while having taken on a much more enjoyable position elsewhere.

I d tell you to go to hell but there is a much more suitable place for you and its just around the block. Valeant. please go to Valeant. Ackman would be highly impressed with your vitriol and general misery which you probably hand out like free samples at a sales convention. if you are going to be such an angry fool, try it amoung those poor souls who have really been screwed, reputation, 401k and all. they will laugh in your self pitying, pouty and on the verge of throwing a full blown tantrum s face. crawl back to your cube. I am resting comfortably with my 401 k and enhanced severance while having taken on a much more enjoyable position elsewhere.
You don't fool anyone. You're just an ass

I d tell you to go to hell but there is a much more suitable place for you and its just around the block. Valeant. please go to Valeant. Ackman would be highly impressed with your vitriol and general misery which you probably hand out like free samples at a sales convention. if you are going to be such an angry fool, try it amoung those poor souls who have really been screwed, reputation, 401k and all. they will laugh in your self pitying, pouty and on the verge of throwing a full blown tantrum s face. crawl back to your cube. I am resting comfortably with my 401 k and enhanced severance while having taken on a much more enjoyable position elsewhere.

The short version of the above is, why dont you go way and give some sales applicant a chance to makea good impression, a decent paycheck who has the capacity to really like what they do. disagree? give is a major pharma within 20 plus miles that offers what this pharma does. if you find it do share.

The short version of the above is, why dont you go way and give some sales applicant a chance to makea good impression, a decent paycheck who has the capacity to really like what they do. disagree? give is a major pharma within 20 plus miles that offers what this pharma does. if you find it do share.
Still an ASS! Any salesperson who wants a job in Pharma knows this place is the Forest Motel of sales. And Doesn't ask these questions on CP. Except You!

You don't fool anyone. You're just an ass
well, here i am, happy and laughing at you.

so far you have resorted to hell and ass a lot. We can all imagine how impressive those wrds sound in confereces and sales calls. my guss is that you are on your way out of this co and with you delightful disposition know you will be screened out where ever you go next. quite sure you hate all HR people, but many can spot trouble in a matter of minutes. you are on the short list with no good prospects. Poor,mean, nasty,angry little you.

well, here i am, happy and laughing at you.

so far you have resorted to hell and ass a lot. We can all imagine how impressive those wrds sound in confereces and sales calls. my guss is that you are on your way out of this co and with you delightful disposition know you will be screened out where ever you go next. quite sure you hate all HR people, but many can spot trouble in a matter of minutes. you are on the short list with no good prospects. Poor,mean, nasty,angry little you.
Hahahaha thanks for the laugh!

Still an ASS! Any salesperson who wants a job in Pharma knows this place is the Forest Motel of sales. And Doesn't ask these questions on CP. Except You!
if you dont like the new conglomeration then vote with your feet, and you large derrier and hand over your resignation. There are a plethora of tiny pharmas around here but they do not need an old cross dude with a bad attitude from the get go. give it uo and start carping about Trump vs Clinton.

if you dont like the new conglomeration then vote with your feet, and you large derrier and hand over your resignation. There are a plethora of tiny pharmas around here but they do not need an old cross dude with a bad attitude from the get go. give it uo and start carping about Trump vs Clinton.
You have already admitted 1. You are not Sales 2. No longer work for the company 3. Are an HR plant to this blog. Again I ask, please go back under the rock you crawled out from under. As for me, I'm gone October 1 to greener pastures and trying to save the poor guy who wants to know if this is a good place to work. The other Big Pharma companies are a much better bet since having this company on my resume has been an interview killer. Happy Nesting rock dweller!

face it, no one in pharma wants or needs a grasping breathless angsty little nevernhas been like you. you will never pass muster at any interview for a sales job. the moment you walk into an interview your presence will shut down anything you hope to persuade. you let off a stink of failure and angst that precedes everything. you should be very, very greatful to still be working at all. there are many behind you in line for your so called crappy job, many who could out perorm you easily. fast money in pharma is becoming obsolete and so are you.
nevermind thevatrocities in drug pricing, that will be dealt withbin time. you however, greedy hostile and burnt out are much easier to deal with. just unhire you and let your bones turn to dust . that wont make the slighest ripple as you sink below the surface of salesman.

You have already admitted 1. You are not Sales 2. No longer work for the company 3. Are an HR plant to this blog. Again I ask, please go back under the rock you crawled out from under. As for me, I'm gone October 1 to greener pastures and trying to save the poor guy who wants to know if this is a good place to work. The other Big Pharma companies are a much better bet since having this company on my resume has been an interview killer. Happy Nesting rock dweller!