Things to be THANKFUL for at Novartis

I am thankful that I only need to work 25 hours a week, can use the car to haul mulch, use the company resources to run a part time business, eat lunch for free with peers and call business meetings, will get a severence when fired/laid off, will be able to sue the company in civil court. They pay ok and not a hard job. Just boring and Dr's dont want to see us. Would take a severence package today to leave and move on.

Now that's from a REAL novartis rep! At last some true commentary about how the game is played in this crap company. Milk it till they fire you brother. If you can stand the smell!

I am thankful that I only need to work 25 hours a week, can use the car to haul mulch, use the company resources to run a part time business, eat lunch for free with peers and call business meetings, will get a severence when fired/laid off, will be able to sue the company in civil court. They pay ok and not a hard job. Just boring and Dr's dont want to see us. Would take a severence package today to leave and move on.

I can not believe I work at the same company as some of you people. You are lazy, entitled, no good, whining, shit for brains human beings. What makes you think you even deserve what you have? Maybe doctors specifically do not want to see you because you are a bitch. Your job, no matter what industry you are in, is what you make it. You would abuse policy at any company and complain that you are being treated unfairly no matter where you work. So, good luck in your miserable existence because no matter where you work or what you do in life, you will always be a bitch. I am glad I am not you.

I'm thankful I have those glasses with the fake eyes in the lenses as it has helped me sleep through every Novartis NSM , Launch Meetings , DPM's , POD Meetings , training sessions etc. for 20 years.

This is why I was able to sell ON LABLE not Off Lable with bribes like the management wanted us to do at least until they were busted , the 2nd time .

I can not believe I work at the same company as some of you people. You are lazy, entitled, no good, whining, shit for brains human beings. What makes you think you even deserve what you have? Maybe doctors specifically do not want to see you because you are a bitch. Your job, no matter what industry you are in, is what you make it. You would abuse policy at any company and complain that you are being treated unfairly no matter where you work. So, good luck in your miserable existence because no matter where you work or what you do in life, you will always be a bitch. I am glad I am not you.

I do not deserve what I made from Novartis. I don't care. My friends got laid off and busted their butts while here. So I will abuse the system so when I get let go I can say at least I am even with the company. Thanks for the good luck thoughts. I don't need luck. I have the skill to know how to work the system. Working the system has led to a great work/life balance. When and if the company catches up to me, so be it. Don't be bitter of someone making more money than you. This is a lot of money to go around at NVS.

I am thankful that I only need to work 25 hours a week, can use the car to haul mulch, use the company resources to run a part time business, eat lunch for free with peers and call business meetings, will get a severence when fired/laid off, will be able to sue the company in civil court. They pay ok and not a hard job. Just boring and Dr's dont want to see us. Would take a severence package today to leave and move on.

Very sad that this is how you want to spend your work day. You are part of the problem. This entitlement mentality is exactly what led to counting calls and other micromanagement bullshit that doesn't matter. Have some self pride and just move on. A severance is not for that long so count it paid.

I prefer to take pride in my work, work more than 40 hours each week, and always try to find ways to improve and do better whether it is learning the market, products, presentation skills, whatever. I suspect I am the happier of the two of us. Of course I've never spent my days just hoping for being let go and getting severance. Maybe that's why I have never been let go!

I do not deserve what I made from Novartis. I don't care. My friends got laid off and busted their butts while here. So I will abuse the system so when I get let go I can say at least I am even with the company. Thanks for the good luck thoughts. I don't need luck. I have the skill to know how to work the system. Working the system has led to a great work/life balance. When and if the company catches up to me, so be it. Don't be bitter of someone making more money than you. This is a lot of money to go around at NVS.

It sounds like you are the bitter one. It's really too bad that reps like you haven't been let go. There's still more to come in the industry though and once we go back to the way it was years ago, it will be harder for people to hide. Maybe then we can return to being professionals with work ethic and pride. Maybe some day you will look in the mirror and see your empty rationalization for the reality of the untalented, lazy boar that you are.

I can not believe I work at the same company as some of you people. You are lazy, entitled, no good, whining, shit for brains human beings. What makes you think you even deserve what you have? Maybe doctors specifically do not want to see you because you are a bitch. Your job, no matter what industry you are in, is what you make it. You would abuse policy at any company and complain that you are being treated unfairly no matter where you work. So, good luck in your miserable existence because no matter where you work or what you do in life, you will always be a bitch. I am glad I am not you.

A standing ovation to you! Trust there are more people out here like you and not like the majority of the posters on this board.

Very sad that this is how you want to spend your work day. You are part of the problem. This entitlement mentality is exactly what led to counting calls and other micromanagement bullshit that doesn't matter. Have some self pride and just move on. A severance is not for that long so count it paid.

I prefer to take pride in my work, work more than 40 hours each week, and always try to find ways to improve and do better whether it is learning the market, products, presentation skills, whatever. I suspect I am the happier of the two of us. Of course I've never spent my days just hoping for being let go and getting severance. Maybe that's why I have never been let go!

I spend the majority of my day doing what I wish. What is wrong with this? Agreed, I am part of the problem but so what? I am not at all concerned or troubled by this fact. Self-pride? I have a good life so why would I move on with no severence? You work your way and I work my way. We have about the same chance of getting laid off. I work for money - plain and simple. No loyalty from NVS, so no concern from me. Offer voluntary separation packages and if advantageous I will be first in line.

I spend the majority of my day doing what I wish. What is wrong with this? Agreed, I am part of the problem but so what? I am not at all concerned or troubled by this fact. Self-pride? I have a good life so why would I move on with no severence? You work your way and I work my way. We have about the same chance of getting laid off. I work for money - plain and simple. No loyalty from NVS, so no concern from me. Offer voluntary separation packages and if advantageous I will be first in line.

Wow, your parents must be so proud. If you were my child, I would smack you and then disown you. Justify the sorry excuse for who your are all you want, you are still scum.

I spend the majority of my day doing what I wish. What is wrong with this? Agreed, I am part of the problem but so what? I am not at all concerned or troubled by this fact. Self-pride? I have a good life so why would I move on with no severence? You work your way and I work my way. We have about the same chance of getting laid off. I work for money - plain and simple. No loyalty from NVS, so no concern from me. Offer voluntary separation packages and if advantageous I will be first in line.

You have more honesty & integrity than all of management & HR put together
despite the kool aid this moronic paid corporate shill keeps trying to sell like castro & his

Wow, your parents must be so proud. If you were my child, I would smack you and then disown you. Justify the sorry excuse for who your are all you want, you are still scum.

Trust me if you smacked me you would not walk again. I forgot to mention I am at the gym until 10 am 4 days a week. Get it right. I am wealthy scum. I have no problem with that title. Sticks and stones... but living well is the best revenge.

Wait.... which company are you talking about. We all kinda know what the other companies are doing. So which company provides "much better cars"? Which company has a provable "better work envronment"? Do you even know what you are talking about?

I'm glad some of you are happy. I am grateful for EVERTHING I have. I was once happy here as well. I also believed that all companies were the same. I left after 20 years and can't believe I was deluded for so long.

It is a pretty sweet gig, I agree, but there are better. Reps are the lowest life format Novartis. Managers and Marketing, 1 think you are stupid, 2. blame you for every failure 3. take all the credit for any success. There is no loyalty or security.

I left after all that time with countless awards and never got a call from my RD asking why or trying to make a counter. They seemed happy that I reduced headcount by one since they didn't replace me. They also saved themselves 20G by not paying me for the bonus I didn't get paid. I don't think they are too happy now.

Overtime is for union morons.... we are paid a salary. Do your job and get paid a salary.... this is NOT a 9-5 punch the clock job.

Not according to the US appellate court or the US supreme ct that refused to hear or overrule the lowewr court decision so in conclusion

Go cry to your soon to be reduced dividends

Not according to the US appellate court or the US supreme ct that refused to hear or overrule the lowewr court decision so in conclusion

Go cry to your soon to be reduced dividends

Regardless.... you will NOT be paid MORE, probably LESS when ALL is said and done, PLUS you will have LOST the BIGGEST UPSIDE of this job which is the flexible schedule. You are a MORON.... now we can ALL punch the clock like Union-Tards. Thanks