Things to be THANKFUL for at Novartis


Company Car
13 years and 4 great managers
Great Compensation that has allowed me to be the sole provider
My kids have been raised by their Mom and to a lesser extent me, not some social program or Daycare system.
Generous vaction time and holiday time-off
Flexible hours
Professional environment
and I am sure there is MUCH MORE to be thankful for.... it's sad that many of you don't realize it because you are too busy feeling sorry for yourselves.

Company Car
13 years and 4 great managers
Great Compensation that has allowed me to be the sole provider
My kids have been raised by their Mom and to a lesser extent me, not some social program or Daycare system.
Generous vaction time and holiday time-off
Flexible hours
Professional environment
and I am sure there is MUCH MORE to be thankful for.... it's sad that many of you don't realize it because you are too busy feeling sorry for yourselves.

Eat great lunches many times on Novartis' dime while conducting business

Boy have you ever been fooled!! You have wasted 13 years on a dead end job and you will never be able to sell legitimately because you have been tainted by your profession. Just see how grateful you will be when you are unemployed

Boy have you ever been fooled!! You have wasted 13 years on a dead end job and you will never be able to sell legitimately because you have been tainted by your profession. Just see how grateful you will be when you are unemployed

Oh you just reminded me of another one.... Award trips. The multiple Presidents Club trips and Cornerstone werre SWEET. I fear not unemployment.... Novartis has helped me to STACK my resume BOY. I am thankful indeed.

Company Car
13 years and 4 great managers
Great Compensation that has allowed me to be the sole provider
My kids have been raised by their Mom and to a lesser extent me, not some social program or Daycare system.
Generous vaction time and holiday time-off
Flexible hours
Professional environment
and I am sure there is MUCH MORE to be thankful for.... it's sad that many of you don't realize it because you are too busy feeling sorry for yourselves.

I too am grateful for all those things, although my last manager was a total ASS. And the professional environment was definitely lacking in the last few weeks. I walked away, and I DON'T feel sorry for myself at all. All I feel now is relief, and now I'm just THANKFUL I'm out of Novartis. Good luck to all of you. There is definitely life after this awful place.

I too am grateful for all those things, although my last manager was a total ASS. And the professional environment was definitely lacking in the last few weeks. I walked away, and I DON'T feel sorry for myself at all. All I feel now is relief, and now I'm just THANKFUL I'm out of Novartis. Good luck to all of you. There is definitely life after this awful place.

I am thankful for what Novartis has provided for me and if the time comes, I am sure there most definitely is life after Novartis and I will be thankful for that as well... TOO MANY INGRATEFUL PEOPLE....

I am thankful for what Novartis has provided for me and if the time comes, I am sure there most definitely is life after Novartis and I will be thankful for that as well... TOO MANY INGRATEFUL PEOPLE....

I am thankful that every morning that I get up, I can get in my car and drive around with gas that I did not pay for and go pretty much where-ever I want and interact with customers that I enjoy being around....

I appreciate that we have a fantastic pipeline, some sense of reality of what needs to change to work in the market as it changes, a company with awareness the market IS changing....and a great 401K. Oh, the base pay and those RSUs are SWEET!

I am grateful that Novartis is shady and corrupt, otherwise I wouldn't have a nice fat check right now in my bank account from the Velez lawsuit payout! Thanks Novartis!

Company Car
13 years and 4 lousy corrupt managers
Poor Compensation that has allowed me to be the MceeDees fillet of sole provider
Useless vaction time you're too stressed to use
Inflexible hours
UNProfessional corrupt environment
and I am sure there is MUCH MORE to be thankful for.... it's sad that many of you don't realize it because you are too drinking kool aid.

Go back to your HR cubicle you corp stooge

Company Car
13 years and 4 great managers
Great Compensation that has allowed me to be the sole provider
My kids have been raised by their Mom and to a lesser extent me, not some social program or Daycare system.
Generous vaction time and holiday time-off
Flexible hours
Professional environment
and I am sure there is MUCH MORE to be thankful for.... it's sad that many of you don't realize it because you are too busy feeling sorry for yourselves.

I am thankful, but worked my bt all the way through, no free lunches. But now there is to much bs going on that it is no longer fun nor much to be thankful for. Novartis is really coming for us, summer! There's no love left, now you are P&L.

Company Car
13 years and 4 great managers
Great Compensation that has allowed me to be the sole provider
My kids have been raised by their Mom and to a lesser extent me, not some social program or Daycare system.
Generous vaction time and holiday time-off
Flexible hours
Professional environment
and I am sure there is MUCH MORE to be thankful for.... it's sad that many of you don't realize it because you are too busy feeling sorry for yourselves.

you forgot the harassment and the hostile workplace - thank you Novartis

Company Car
13 years and 4 great managers
Great Compensation that has allowed me to be the sole provider
My kids have been raised by their Mom and to a lesser extent me, not some social program or Daycare system.
Generous vaction time and holiday time-off
Flexible hours
Professional environment
and I am sure there is MUCH MORE to be thankful for.... it's sad that many of you don't realize it because you are too busy feeling sorry for yourselves.

That's so sweet, but nothing of what you said is unique to Novartis. In fact, some other companies give much better cars, have better managers, more vacation, and a much better work environment. Pharm jobs, in general, provide all of the things you've mentioned. However, no other pharm, device or any other company in the history of the USA has had anything comparable (that received a verdict) to the Velez trial.

My dear friend, I'm glad you had such a great experience. I'm positive you are not alone. But there are so, so many others that have not had great experiences.....such bad experiences that it makes all of the general things you listed not worth anything!

That's so sweet, but nothing of what you said is unique to Novartis. In fact, some other companies give much better cars, have better managers, more vacation, and a much better work environment. Pharm jobs, in general, provide all of the things you've mentioned. However, no other pharm, device or any other company in the history of the USA has had anything comparable (that received a verdict) to the Velez trial.

My dear friend, I'm glad you had such a great experience. I'm positive you are not alone. But there are so, so many others that have not had great experiences.....such bad experiences that it makes all of the general things you listed not worth anything!

You can join the whiners on any other thread that you like.... this thread is for people who are THANKFUL for what they have and NOT ingrateful they only dream of having

Boy have you ever been fooled!! You have wasted 13 years on a dead end job and you will never be able to sell legitimately because you have been tainted by your profession. Just see how grateful you will be when you are unemployed

dont forget - not only did she waste 13 years on an idiotic job, the process turned her into a biatch and that's why she's the "sole provider" because no worthwhile man wants to be with that kinda girl for more than an hour or two.

That's so sweet, but nothing of what you said is unique to Novartis. In fact, some other companies give much better cars, have better managers, more vacation, and a much better work environment. Pharm jobs, in general, provide all of the things you've mentioned. However, no other pharm, device or any other company in the history of the USA has had anything comparable (that received a verdict) to the Velez trial.

My dear friend, I'm glad you had such a great experience. I'm positive you are not alone. But there are so, so many others that have not had great experiences.....such bad experiences that it makes all of the general things you listed not worth anything!

Wait.... which company are you talking about. We all kinda know what the other companies are doing. So which company provides "much better cars"? Which company has a provable "better work envronment"? Do you even know what you are talking about?