People....please....its all fiction....
Ventiv has been great to me so far. Started in January with BI contract. Was 13 years with "big pharma," sad I got the ass kicked out of last job but still doing same thing for about 15% less. Bonus on track to make this 0% less, so no complaints here.
Seems as Ventiv is screwing over the loyal reps that been with them for years, hiring big pharma. What about the 150 that were cut in January from Cephalon contract?? Thanks for nothing Inventiv!
Seems as Ventiv is screwing over the loyal reps that been with them for years, hiring big pharma. What about the 150 that were cut in January from Cephalon contract?? Thanks for nothing Inventiv!
Did you honestly think for one second they care about us or our jobs? We are temporary reps ready to be cut at any moment. I expect nothing but the worse from this company and so far they have lived up to it. That should tell you what they get from me in return.
Jerks and idiots. inVentiv is a good company and we have good jobs. The answer always comes back to the same thing. No one is forcing you to be here so quit. Bitching about it serves NO purpose. Do you think senior management and the new owners are going to come on here and read your BS and decide to change the company?
What is your point? What are you trying to accomplish?
Go Away - inVentiv is a good place to work and we have good jobs! And if you don't think YOU do, that is very easy to fix!!!
Why dont you speak for yourself? The rest of us are sick of being paid 50% of what we are worth. It should be illegal working for this pay. You are a perfect contract rep. willing to settle for the worst possible postition available. ANYONE can get these jobs. That should tell you something. I am not proud or happy.
I agree 100%. I give nothing much, they get nothing much, and we are given nothing much in pay. It works for everyone.
Well said. I have never felt less motivated. I spent all last week landscaping my yard. This week I am remodeling a room. I have not taken 1 day vacation. I am out for myself with this job. That's it. Me and only me. Fuck inVentiv.
Well said. I have never felt less motivated. I spent all last week landscaping my yard. This week I am remodeling a room. I have not taken 1 day vacation. I am out for myself with this job. That's it. Me and only me. Fuck inVentiv.[/QUOTE
If you can get by doing this a few days a month I say good for you.
Personally, I go to work every day and do my job. The thought of getting fired in today's makrket is too scary and the job is too easy so why fake it?