
Really does that really matter? These products that we have other than lifevest are very small scale. Lifevest is where the money is. But with the lack of leadership and the terrible AD’s and mangers this company is going to be viewed as the bottom of the barrel. Get rid of the leadership that has no integrity and hire a whole mew management team. If that is not done I believe the Zoll\Lifevest division will get destroyed by the competition. If I was in Jon’s position my first day would be hiring character people who know how to sell and rid ourselves of bullies who have zero vision and just want to hook up with their TMs. Just the thoughts of most of the sales force here.

This is another product that Zoll has invested in that was a waste of money. Below average product with poor leadership equals failure.

First mistake was bringing a bunch of Zoll rejects over to run the business. Driscoll was clueless with Zoll so he was the obvious choice to run a new start up. How long can they keep blaming Covid?

Sales are non existent! Don’t let anyone convince you to go work for this division. First the person they hired to right the ship (JB) is the absolute worst. You don’t want to work for him. Second this product is a niche product. It’s only indicated for a very small group of patients having MI’s. Run from this division.

This product is trash. The company needs to retire it. They have already wasted too much money on it.

The product simply isn't going to take hold. It's just infused oxygen and there just isn't enough lift to get anyone excited or interested in using a very expensive piece of capital equipment. The best bet is cut the losses and sell the product off. Zoll management made a bad descion on this one and it's going remain stuck in the black hole with nothing more than money is being burned for a loss.

This product is never taken hold. Hospitals may use it a couple of times but they won’t use it much. Do you even know limited to patient population is? Clearly you don’t.

This product is as useless as the leaders that try and sell it. It’s like the other products Zoll has bought. Why do they keep wasting money on things people don’t want. If this is such a great product why haven’t all the thought leaders in the US embraced it? Why isn’t it standard of care at every hospital? The only thing they did right here was force JB to go to this division. WC more professional and brings so much more value. He actually listens and treats people with respect. He also doesn’t try to bully his team or try and hook up with his TM’s. He is a breath of fresh air.

This product is as useless as the leaders that try and sell it. It’s like the other products Zoll has bought. Why do they keep wasting money on things people don’t want. If this is such a great product why haven’t all the thought leaders in the US embraced it? Why isn’t it standard of care at every hospital? The only thing they did right here was force JB to go to this division. WC more professional and brings so much more value. He actually listens and treats people with respect. He also doesn’t try to bully his team or try and hook up with his TM’s. He is a breath of fresh air.

So true. Although our director in the east is a lip service tool who could'nt deliver anything hot even if it came directly from the oven. We are selling a led ballon and this POS will NEVER fly.

If they really want this product to have a chance they need to get rid of JB. He is so toxic for our culture. He makes everyone around him worse. The LV division got lucky when he was forced out over here. Can he just retire? He has no useful ideas and his bully at all costs approach does not work. This is 2022 not 1950! Go back to LV! Oh Wait, they don’t want you either.

If they really want this product to have a chance they need to get rid of JB. He is so toxic for our culture. He makes everyone around him worse. The LV division got lucky when he was forced out over here. Can he just retire? He has no useful ideas and his bully at all costs approach does not work. This is 2022 not 1950! Go back to LV! Oh Wait, they don’t want you either.

There is a lot of toxicity in our division. Neither one of our sales directors care for one another and only want to pit us against eachother.

Zoll needs to take a hard look at this division. The cash burn is enormous and the return in minimal. Let’s cut the losses and move on. We tried to make it work but there just enough business. Give us our severance and call it a day.

Zoll needs to take a hard look at this division. The cash burn is enormous and the return in minimal. Let’s cut the losses and move on. We tried to make it work but there just enough business. Give us our severance and call it a day.

They did take a hard look! Then they brought in The Hammer! JB will turn it around!