There will be a Reckoning Mr AH and ROCHE!!


This country has been kicked before, and we have been swindled, but never count the USA out.

Our country is being pummelled by this COVID 19 and many companies are putting off RIFs and putting EMPLOYEES FIRST!

Mr. Schwann and Mr. Hardy---there will be a reckoning when congressman will ask which companies dumped their employees during this crisis.

If you DARE think that companies like ROCHE that make over HALF of their profits in this country will get a pass by buying off congressman with lobbyists when that reckoning occurs, you have not paid attention to history.



This country has been kicked before, and we have been swindled, but never count the USA out.

Our country is being pummelled by this COVID 19 and many companies are putting off RIFs and putting EMPLOYEES FIRST!

Mr. Schwann and Mr. Hardy---there will be a reckoning when congressman will ask which companies dumped their employees during this crisis.

If you DARE think that companies like ROCHE that make over HALF of their profits in this country will get a pass by buying off congressman with lobbyists when that reckoning occurs, you have not paid attention to history.

This change was in place long before COVID19. No turning back now. The 3 Horseman slater by biosimilars is happening and the options are limited. Genentech has been living on a hope and a prayer. AH is fulfilling his promise to Roche.

The employees who were slaughtered in the pioneer ecosystems were loyal and built those brands to reach billion dollar sales. Genentech Roche offered those employees an extra month in the face of a pandemic. Shameful. Employees who are older but still with the deepest knowledge and relationships. The company should hear the customers who are just as pissed at what is being done. How are those people supposed to get jobs in this environment when no one can leave their house. The New York Times will expose this.

NYT and average Joe won’t have any sympathy for high salary white collar types who had company cars, quarterly bonuses, 6-wk paid sabbaticals, premier health insurance, and a long list of other company paid perks.

Those who practiced fiscal responsibility and worked hard will make it, though it won’t be easy.

People with relationships and work ethic will be able to land contract jobs for launches. That’s likely all that will remain of the industry sales roles by this time next year anyway.

The picnic is over kids.

This country has been kicked before, and we have been swindled, but never count the USA out.

Our country is being pummelled by this COVID 19 and many companies are putting off RIFs and putting EMPLOYEES FIRST!

Mr. Schwann and Mr. Hardy---there will be a reckoning when congressman will ask which companies dumped their employees during this crisis.

If you DARE think that companies like ROCHE that make over HALF of their profits in this country will get a pass by buying off congressman with lobbyists when that reckoning occurs, you have not paid attention to history.


Was with Roche for over 15 years and got downsized during one of the times after we finished acquiring Genentech. So quite crying. Genentech was supposed to have all these great future medicines. The biggest mistake Roche ever made was not sticking to their therapeutic spaces and going down the Genentech hole

Was with Roche for over 15 years and got downsized during one of the times after we finished acquiring Genentech. So quite crying. Genentech was supposed to have all these great future medicines. The biggest mistake Roche ever made was not sticking to their therapeutic spaces and going down the Genentech hole
The biggest mistake Roche made was running off the GNE scientists and leadership. And as for Roche's therapeutic areas... what would those be? That's why they acquired GNE. Remember in 2008 all the fanfare over 5 Roche blockbusters coming out that year going forward? All flopped and never made it to market. The Swiss need to stick to banking and chocolate although NVT seems to have figured it out the science. Too late for this ship, though.