There is quite a bit of turn over going on in the Chicago Region.

CL hard to work for? Puh-leeze. He had some of the worst reps under him who never got canned for the longest time. Dude is a cake walk.

mmmmm.....interesting. Who did CL "can"? And from whom did this information come b/c I have a funny feeling someone has there information completely wrong. I can't wait to hear the answer to this.

and what's wrong with 50 - pindick!

EE is around 40 I think and is the coolest, nicest, and still the hottest looking guy here hands down. He looks younger than any 20 something guy here. Most of the guys here are fat and disgruntled from the managers on down. Double standard from the women they hire--most of em good looking and thin. Too bad.

If EE looks like your Grandpa, i'd like to meet your Grandpa. And dont think the guy smokes either. Think he did an Ironman last year. Think he's one of the nicest guys at Forest. Never badmouths anyone. You might want to give credit togood cool reps, since thats not the case with many of them out there. EE is the man.

CL hard to work for? Puh-leeze. He had some of the worst reps under him who never got canned for the longest time. Dude is a cake walk.

mmmmm.....interesting. Who did CL "can"? And from whom did this information come b/c I have a funny feeling someone has there information completely wrong. I can't wait to hear the answer to this.

CL his reps are the worst in the region. Our specialty rep tells us not to do what our DM tells us to do. What a jerk.

the new rd has made a once great region bad. nobody respects him and the dms are now doing a threesome ride along. i dont think hr knows about this. they will soon. the rd down south tried this and that was the last thing he did.

rep and dm ride along with rd LS chicago in back seat. its only with specific people that they want to fire. it seems unfair and unusual because he is onlt doing it with some people. i think that is hostile and targeting only some people make it an hr lawsuit dream.

nice work chicago.

worst division in company - hands down. Amory is 2 faced, Loiseau is clueless, Lucas is a nazi, Stiller is a drillrod, McNaughton is ok ive heard but married to a complete putz who thinks her shitdoesnt stink, Rihm gives RIMJOBS that kiss-ass rent a car boy, pennington dont even get me started. who am i missing? Moving away and leaving Forest was one of the TOP 3 decisions I ever made. Reading these threads reminds me of how much I hated it there and how much I like to see those shithole managers fail. Life is fair people. Leave Forest and find out yourself. Go work for a company that cares about you.

worst division in company - hands down. Amory is 2 faced, Loiseau is clueless, Lucas is a nazi, Stiller is a drillrod, McNaughton is ok ive heard but married to a complete putz who thinks her shitdoesnt stink, Rihm gives RIMJOBS that kiss-ass rent a car boy, pennington dont even get me started. who am i missing? Moving away and leaving Forest was one of the TOP 3 decisions I ever made. Reading these threads reminds me of how much I hated it there and how much I like to see those shithole managers fail. Life is fair people. Leave Forest and find out yourself. Go work for a company that cares about you.

wow - you must have gotten fucked with bad - you sound bitter. But, you ARE pretty correct with your assessments. This company does not care about its employees at all. Stay there long enough and you will find this out first hand. I agree with above post - if you are unhappy, the best thing to do is go work somewhere else that treats you better. Forest will never change.

Lucas is a nazi. Thats funny. I've heard first hand about that womans exploits. Im surprised one of her reps hasnt "gone postal" yet. If I got transferred into that chicks territory I'd find a new gig ASAP. If I couldnt, I would probably jump off a cliff.
Forest is a joke. Chicago division is the jewel in it's crown.


Duh...there is so much turnover because the majority of managers are micro-managing us to death and having us do report after report just to keep us busy. If I hear, "make another call per day" I am going to puke. Chasing signatures is really working well isn't it? We should be able to have some autonomy to decide the best way to produce results because this 10-12 call average per day is why Chicago is at the bottom time and time again. Each manager should be able to decide with the respective rep. the best way to increase market share in each territory. But no, all you hear is "make another call".

HEY LUKE- maybe you should listen to what the reps. are saying and not be SO concerned with call average. If it is a good rep then give them the freedom to sit and wait for a high prescriber for an hour vs. running around and getting signatures from two low decile docs..they are doing the latter to make you happy. Ask the reps. and managers that have green jackets how they got them and you can bet it is not going to have anything to do with chasing signatures.


Duh...there is so much turnover because the majority of managers are micro-managing us to death and having us do report after report just to keep us busy. If I hear, "make another call per day" I am going to puke. Chasing signatures is really working well isn't it? We should be able to have some autonomy to decide the best way to produce results because this 10-12 call average per day is why Chicago is at the bottom time and time again. Each manager should be able to decide with the respective rep. the best way to increase market share in each territory. But no, all you hear is "make another call".

HEY LUKE- maybe you should listen to what the reps. are saying and not be SO concerned with call average. If it is a good rep then give them the freedom to sit and wait for a high prescriber for an hour vs. running around and getting signatures from two low decile docs..they are doing the latter to make you happy. Ask the reps. and managers that have green jackets how they got them and you can bet it is not going to have anything to do with chasing signatures.

Wow you people still do not get it, the ENTIRE point to your job and the only way to maintain its security is to get signature. That is the forest law, you live by the sword or die by the sword. They want to know where you are with time stamps all day do they do this, with signatures. And the DM's pull this shit all the time when they do ride withs with pod members, they find the biggest ass kiss in the pod and have them spy on the other reps and then they pull receipts, gas logs, time stamps and pull the logs on the laptops for first sig vs. last call of day. Forest has been doing this shit for years!!!! This is how the DM's are trained, and being the DM's are so impacted by authority they are the perfect puppets afraid of their own shadows so they "comply with the RD at all costs"....


Wow you people still do not get it, the ENTIRE point to your job and the only way to maintain its security is to get signature. That is the forest law, you live by the sword or die by the sword. They want to know where you are with time stamps all day do they do this, with signatures. And the DM's pull this shit all the time when they do ride withs with pod members, they find the biggest ass kiss in the pod and have them spy on the other reps and then they pull receipts, gas logs, time stamps and pull the logs on the laptops for first sig vs. last call of day. Forest has been doing this shit for years!!!! This is how the DM's are trained, and being the DM's are so impacted by authority they are the perfect puppets afraid of their own shadows so they "comply with the RD at all costs"....

Exactly. This about number of sigs and calls per day because that is what they think they can enforce. Idiots.

Wow you people still do not get it, the ENTIRE point to your job and the only way to maintain its security is to get signature. That is the forest law, you live by the sword or die by the sword. They want to know where you are with time stamps all day do they do this, with signatures. And the DM's pull this shit all the time when they do ride withs with pod members, they find the biggest ass kiss in the pod and have them spy on the other reps and then they pull receipts, gas logs, time stamps and pull the logs on the laptops for first sig vs. last call of day. Forest has been doing this shit for years!!!! This is how the DM's are trained, and being the DM's are so impacted by authority they are the perfect puppets afraid of their own shadows so they "comply with the RD at all costs"....

WE GET IT!! IT IS DRILLED INTO OUR HEAD EVERY WEEK!! It didn't use to be this way and we are not robots so of course, we are going to voice our opinion when we are pushed to get signatures vs. actually taking the time to talk to our high prescribers. I would prefer to sit for 2 hours to talk to my highest prescribing physicans then run around trying to get low prescribers to sign for samples!!!

What all of you guys in Chicago don't get is that you sitting around and "talking" with your high deciles wasn't what got you the green jacket. Your managed care access was great. Now you are dealing with a few challenges, and you immediately blame it on the fact that you have to see all of your targets.

You guys are pathetic. I agree that calling on your big targets is the most important. Chasing sigs is stupid. Forest is idiotic for requiring these things. However, don't think you ever knew how to drive business when you were all on stage. It was handed to you, and quite frankly, a group of morons could have done the same. If your drug is preferred, its a layup, regardless of your talent.

Now, go get another sig.