The VBU continues to crumble

There are 3 buckets of people when it comes to Shingrix:
1) those who have already been vaccinated
2) those who refuse all vaccines (becoming much more common post covid)
3) those are on the fence and need convinced by their doctors to get vaccinated.
Good luck with number 2 and good luck thinking doctors are gonna spend a ton of time trying to convince number 3. Your growth in Shingrix is now dependent on new patients turning 50. The IRA helped growth from patients on Medicare who couldn’t afford Shingrix by making it $0. After that spike, it’s been a free fall. Sadly, management is oblivious and sets the in unrealistic sales goals for Shingrix know the patient pool is sinking every day. Good luck.
No2 = stupid Americans. Quite a lot in that category.

As the VBU continues to face challenges, how does your incentive pay look? I'm grateful for MBOs as a key part of my incentive pay, and I set achievable goals to maximize my payout.

Thankful for my severance! Off to greener pastures for sure. Some good people still hanging on at GSK and may God bless your journey! GSK afforded me the ability to support my family and some nice things in life. Thankful.