The Trolls have been apprehended

the posts may have slowed but that is only because the turnover has continued and those left behind don't know enough about the company to complain yet.

Deceitful people try to hide their truth but we all see you and how you treat others. This has an impact on whether people stay or leave regardless of their personal performance. You can call cafe pharma and have posts removed but we all still know the truth.

the posts may have slowed but that is only because the turnover has continued and those left behind don't know enough about the company to complain yet.

Deceitful people try to hide their truth but we all see you and how you treat others. This has an impact on whether people stay or leave regardless of their personal performance. You can call cafe pharma and have posts removed but we all still know the truth.

AMEN.....mother Zoll should be on alert, you cannot suppress the truth.

I'm not in the industry, but I came to this site to do some research b/c i'm interested in the med sales field. I happened upon this thread by chance... and it's absolutely hilarious! You guys/girls are brutal. I'm not judging though. I'm sure you have to be a killer to be successful in a business like this. Does all this sh*t talk happen in person, or do you all meet at conventions and act like nothing happened? Most importantly... should I stay interested?

I'm not in the industry, but I came to this site to do some research b/c i'm interested in the med sales field. I happened upon this thread by chance... and it's absolutely hilarious! You guys/girls are brutal. I'm not judging though. I'm sure you have to be a killer to be successful in a business like this. Does all this sh*t talk happen in person, or do you all meet at conventions and act like nothing happened? Most importantly... should I stay interested?

Being a killer is the easy part. Getting the business is not very challenging. After you have a little success the hardest part of the job becomes your employer trying to screw you at every angle. Compensation plans constantly changing, never in your favor, quotas being given to you after the month is over, or quotas growing so fast it is impossible to keep up, and that's after they cut your territory, and increase the quota . Then there is the politics of the business, don't speak up, don't you dare try to present to ideas. They will be shot down, then stolen by a management will then be ridiculed for speaking your mind. Also keep in mind how you must lay out your own money for expenses and the company will reimburse you, if and when they approve. Wow, interest free loans to a global conglomerate. Then you have to deal with the egomaniac physicians who are never wrong about anything because they have an MD next to their name..then there is JW and ML running this circus...just look at all the threads and post..judge for yourself..