Wrong, we are still here. We are just tired of beating a dead horse. Zoll executive management has never changed, and never will change. You will continue to churn and burn your sales force with all the lies you have been telling for over a decade. Jason maybe a great brown noser, but has no leadership abilities at all. Niether does Marshall, all he knows is how to hide behind his lackey, Jason. Nothing will ever be fixed, you have no credibility, and your device is nothing but a hoax. Fact is the LifeVest has more inappropriate discharges then it does patient saves. Also if you knew how they counted a patient "save," you would be appalled.. most unethical and immoral of a company that has ever existed.. so again, we are still here, it's just we will use Zoll as a second income and a way to to fill our spouses gas tank, instead of arguing with a schmuck like you..