Yes, you are correct there. But still, a lot of people come on here and discuss their own days and how they work p/t, go home at 2, it's a mommy job, etc. I agree though that a lot of us (I left the industry recently) worked/work far more than reps in different industries. I know I did a lot of the time. Almost ruined my marriage actually b/c of how much friggin time I had to spend on my computer at night. My spouse couldn't understand why we couldn't get our shit done during the day, but we couldn't take tests, watch bs videos, and do a lot of things during the day or else we get our asses chewed out for uh, "not working 8-5". When my dipass younger, female manager said something once to the whole district that our "hours are 8-5, and we need to be working 8-5", I piped up and said well if it's 8-5 then why can't we do all our admin (shit) and all the other stuff during the day then? Umm, because if our hours are actually 8-5 then I'm working far too much overtime, and need to stop. lol. That stupid (bleep) had to then start talking out of both sides of her mouth.
She is the main reason I left the industry. Me-43 and female also, her 34, and a huge know-it-all, know nothing. It's tough being a tenured, older rep and getting dipshits for bosses. I couldn't take it any longer, and left. No missy the job! Much happier.
So true. You get either young wise ass managers who have very little life experience. They feel so sure of themselves to boss around people who can actually run circles around them. Sometime you get managers who are afraid their own incompetence might be seen. They'll make them good reps look like the worst mistake Merck ever made. In the end the best managers are older, have a lot of career or work experience and are self confident enough not to be on a constant seek and destroy.