The Signature Game: is it real or fake?


Personally, I think it is real and alive.

How else can they assess the working habits of the reps? Regional mangers and district mangers do look, so take heed...those of you that have great numbers and great relationships and work hard and ONLY get signatures when needed.

Your lesser counterparts cover their stupidity and laziness one way: GETTING SIGNATURES.

you say, that can't be....that is like high school or a college project where the dummies hang on to the coat tails of the talented, and this stuff does not happen in the world of adult selling. Wrong again. It happens and it is alive and well.

Play the game. Don't worry about selling anything. Nobody in this industry cares about that. We just care that you got a signature or two, every hour from 8-5. Do that can you might survive the downsizing that is coming...and it is coming.

Selling? NA. We don't sell in pharma...leave that to the real sales jobs, friend.


The game is real. It shows them you're 'working'. Working for what is the question. And, God forbid that dern computer idles or shuts down. It can set you back 2 hours waiting for another chance to get the Dr. to sign.

However, you better get the numbers in the end to measure your sales. But not too high for too long! Break that curve and they have to fire you on compliance grounds, because you offset the payout curve on bonus and salary. Only a few stars at a time, riding the middle of the pack are allowed.

And, if the signature audit/sales don't get you the compliance papers you signed saying you won't ask for the business will. #cya #keepaplanB #itsallcorrupt

Signature, sales, salary. L&L dollars...they'll get you in the end, so better to get fired or leave on that plan B. It's all a rat-race game meant to pad the stock holders bottom line, sales up and the rep generator churning.

Keep Living The Game is Real

The game is real. It shows them you're 'working'. Working for what is the question. And, God forbid that dern computer idles or shuts down. It can set you back 2 hours waiting for another chance to get the Dr. to sign.

However, you better get the numbers in the end to measure your sales. But not too high for too long! Break that curve and they have to fire you on compliance grounds, because you offset the payout curve on bonus and salary. Only a few stars at a time, riding the middle of the pack are allowed.

And, if the signature audit/sales don't get you the compliance papers you signed saying you won't ask for the business will. #cya #keepaplanB #itsallcorrupt

Signature, sales, salary. L&L dollars...they'll get you in the end, so better to get fired or leave on that plan B. It's all a rat-race game meant to pad the stock holders bottom line, sales up and the rep generator churning.

Keep Living The Game is Real

Thank you for your reply.
I remember doing a field ride years ago ( I left this terrible industry because I honestly felt would have a nervous breakdown if I had to work another year with this lazy people and nasty managers) and the office did not need samples. They were loaded....

well DKHEAD manager just couldn't let it go with a good call. He insisted I get a signature from the doctor on that call. I did as I was told. But, after that call, I knew this industry was fishy and terrible...not a good industry for those that want to do something with their careers and sell. I planned it all out very good. Got the severance package. Built up a good career afterwards, in my own RE business. Things have never been better, and I think the reason is that I know this corporate selling, especially in industries like pharmaceuticals, is a sure fire way to destroy your work ethic and selling skills. As it is commonly put here, FU PHARMA.

  • Wonka   Feb 15, 2015 at 03:02: PM
When I was a rep, I refused to play it. Told my manager I wasn't leaving a box of samples at offices that had plenty just to collect a signature.

When I was a rep, I refused to play it. Told my manager I wasn't leaving a box of samples at offices that had plenty just to collect a signature.

Do that today, and you are on a PIP, and on the way out.

This is why I advise EVERYONE to get the F out now...unless you are making so much money and it is not worth it.

Still, other industries are just as bad today. Its hard to find a company that truly "gets it" and rewards the producers, and has integrity.

When I started in 1995, there where not cell phones either and the requirements were 8 calls a day, no tracking of signatures, and check voicemail 3 time a day....

now we have a cluster flipping mess.

was just thinking - I started in 1988 working for one of the remaining Big 3 Pharma cos. ; only rep in my territory, 5 drugs in my bag and a call requirement of 6 per day. No sig requirements - we were told that leaving samples led to decreasing Rxes since pts would use samples and not get the Rx filled - esp for Antibiotics. basically saw my docs back then on a monthly rotation - not like the insanity now where 3,4 5 co. reps in a territory are seeing top tier docs once a week - and begging for "just a signature, please!"


This is one of many reasons that I am thankful to be in injectable biologics. I don't chase signatures and my customers respect me for that. Do what you need to do to keep you job, but understand that you actions are proving that most of your job can be done by someone at half of your salary.