The Review Process is the Worst I Have Seen It....

What ticks me off is my manager is a no issue all year. Every once in a while he has a good or bad idea. Most of the time my manager is there just to apply pressure. He is never really corporate like, but when it comes time for this review he changez. He gts serious and corporate like. I have such a bas taste in my mouth with the review.

I hate the taste of "bas" in my mouth. I empathize with you. Yuck.

What ticks me off is my manager is a no issue all year. Every once in a while he has a good or bad idea. Most of the time my manager is there just to apply pressure. He is never really corporate like, but when it comes time for this review he changez. He gts serious and corporate like. I have such a bas taste in my mouth with the review.

I hate to break this to you, but after reading your post, I'm pretty sure your manager should be fired for hiring you in the first place. Honestly, is English your second language or what?

What ticks me off is my manager is a no issue all year. Every once in a while he has a good or bad idea. Most of the time my manager is there just to apply pressure. He is never really corporate like, but when it comes time for this review he changez. He gts serious and corporate like. I have such a bas taste in my mouth with the review.

It's posts like this that make me embarrassed I still work here. Have we no standards at all?

It's the top down attitude that reps are nothing but errand boys/girls, and the products are so spectacular that they will sell themselves, with proper data analysis by a couple MBA grads in home office. It will only get worse the further society gets from the once solid foundations of judeo-christian ethics. Without a true higher power, man will only serve his/her own selfish ego, with little regard for other people; with little regard for those they employee or manager, or the customers they are suppose to serve.

It's the top down attitude that reps are nothing but errand boys/girls, and the products are so spectacular that they will sell themselves, with proper data analysis by a couple MBA grads in home office. It will only get worse the further society gets from the once solid foundations of judeo-christian ethics. Without a true higher power, man will only serve his/her own selfish ego, with little regard for other people; with little regard for those they employee or manager, or the customers they are suppose to serve.

Dead On!!

Needs Improvement - You better have interviews lined up

Low Performance - Start Looking

Meets Expectations - Hope to God I could keep this up so I
could continue to put food on the table

Exceeds Expectations - Managed Care is perfect and I have been positive at meetings

No One Gets This One - You will never reach this level in the review process

That is what the review means to most of us.

It's the top down attitude that reps are nothing but errand boys/girls, and the products are so spectacular that they will sell themselves, with proper data analysis by a couple MBA grads in home office. It will only get worse the further society gets from the once solid foundations of judeo-christian ethics. Without a true higher power, man will only serve his/her own selfish ego, with little regard for other people; with little regard for those they employee or manager, or the customers they are suppose to serve.

Agree. Exactly right

Needs Improvement - You better have interviews lined up

Low Performance - Start Looking

Meets Expectations - Hope to God I could keep this up so I
could continue to put food on the table

Exceeds Expectations - Managed Care is perfect and I have been positive at meetings

No One Gets This One - You will never reach this level in the review process

That is what the review means to most of us.

That's the best description I've seen yet.

First of all, I think the Japanese are great people. My story is as follows... I got a bad review because I did not meet goal for Vesicare. I was able to maintain market share, and even gain a few points. My market has declined by a pretty large margin since last year. I also blame Obama. My goal was too high, but yet I was the most prescribed product in the OAB class. Maybe I should not be rewarded because I was not able to do this incrediblr task of beating the large goal given to me. But should I be penalized?

Am I going crazy, or are several people going through a similiar situation?

First of all, I think the Japanese are great people. My story is as follows... I got a bad review because I did not meet goal for Vesicare. I was able to maintain market share, and even gain a few points. My market has declined by a pretty large margin since last year. I also blame Obama. My goal was too high, but yet I was the most prescribed product in the OAB class. Maybe I should not be rewarded because I was not able to do this incrediblr task of beating the large goal given to me. But should I be penalized?

Am I going crazy, or are several people going through a similiar situation?

Yes, same situation has been going on for about 2 years now. Some excellent reps (the first hired to start this company) have fallen victim to this same circumstance. Astellas does not want to be HONEST and announce layoffs. Rather, management has devised a tried and true means of forcing experienced, high salaried reps out of the company.
The reasons are similar to your's a means to QUANTIFY a way to get rid of you!
Giving bad reviews (ie if your market share is high, then you are penalized for low growth, even if you are hitting your goal...By same token, if you are hitting your goal, but your market share is low, then that is also unacceptable). YOU CANNOT WIN. Astellas is fully covered on all fronts.

Amazing that those behind these decisions can live with themselves for what they're doing to people's lives.

First of all, I think the Japanese are great people. My story is as follows... I got a bad review because I did not meet goal for Vesicare. I was able to maintain market share, and even gain a few points. My market has declined by a pretty large margin since last year. I also blame Obama. My goal was too high, but yet I was the most prescribed product in the OAB class. Maybe I should not be rewarded because I was not able to do this incrediblr task of beating the large goal given to me. But should I be penalized?

Am I going crazy, or are several people going through a similiar situation?

7yr old product paid on growth w/ no IC tied to market share. It's ridiculous on its face. Then @ NSM SS says we expect market to decline 3% & forecasts 7% growth in Vesicare. 10% net growth after 7 years w/ Detrol gone generic and in this economy. Be prepared to repeat the same review process next year... If we make it that long

I just do not get it. The mess is this out in the open. The IC and goaling platform is prehistoric. We need to revamp everything and stop putting good reps in turmoil.

What you representatives do not understand is that no one in the sales division wants the IC plan to be 70% based on #'s for the reasons that everyone has talked about on this board. Your managers have tried to get it changed, the directors have tried, the NSM has tried - all to no avail. The decision is made by the Japanese upper management and they refuse to change it as they are not salespeople and simply do not want to understand the realities of the US marketplace. As far as they are concerned we (the sales force) are all replaceable at any time - even people like P S who parted ways with Astellas in 2011 because he missed forecast. Simply put, they just don't care about anything except making the sales forecast. Period.

Evaluations are in place to hold us all accountable and offers an easy way to document 'poor performance' when it suits the manager that you report to. In many cases the decision to eliminate an individual rep is not made by your manager but by someone who doesn't know you but does know the sales numbers. Then it is up to the manager to execute the instruction or lose their own job. That is 'corporate america.'

Bottom line is as a previous post said - if you get anything less than a 'meets expectations' unless your manager is rooting for you and is very persuasive, you should start looking.

Are you telling me that its better to go down a list of average performers and replace them with other people. I thought it would be better to work with the people you have.

How do managers feel in going to a non quota based business like GSK? Talking about this is like the big white elephant in the room.

Are you telling me that its better to go down a list of average performers and replace them with other people. I thought it would be better to work with the people you have.

How do managers feel in going to a non quota based business like GSK? Talking about this is like the big white elephant in the room.

Meets expectations = average performer or you are doing a good job. Anything less than that may mean you should start looking depending upon how long the below expectations has been going on. Generally speaking managers are not looking to replace average performers unless there are other issues outside of sales numbers.

Astellas is a 'performance based company' as decreed by Japanese upper management so it really does not matter what managers may think about a non quota based business. As I said - no one is listening....

Meets expectations = average performer or you are doing a good job. Anything less than that may mean you should start looking depending upon how long the below expectations has been going on. Generally speaking managers are not looking to replace average performers unless there are other issues outside of sales numbers.

Astellas is a 'performance based company' as decreed by Japanese upper management so it really does not matter what managers may think about a non quota based business. As I said - no one is listening....

Thanks for the enlightenment!! Maybe Wall Street needs to get a clue from this company. Performance Based or High Performance Culture is what is needed in the USA economy. Just did a survey....and the answer is..... every company is performance based sugar! Don't know of any corporation that is ok with average results.

It is all how you go about getting the numbers!! Nippon culture is to cast those aside that do not perform while the USA culture is to work TOGETHER for increased performance.

That is why the top execs in this company are paid so well. It is blood money and takes away from the values from which they were raised as Christians.

All companies from what I know are performance based. I mean we need to evaluate other forms of performance. I have people in my district that are on top of the leader board just by luck. I mean they do not contribute, have knowledge, and lack personality. Its sad because our manager has to look for some reason to use this person as a positive example. This is evidence that our performance evaluation structure does not work.

Sometimes when my manager does not acknowledge my greatness I get sad and cry hysterically. Then I call my Mommy and she reaffirms that I am special. So I have that going for me.