The Pinto Bean Guy...AKA Napoleon

Pinto Bean at it again. Got rid of some good people. My manager said (without being too specific for their own protection) that FP was horrible to work for and most of the LT can't stand him. He makes the whole environment for the Texas Market a crap place to work and then justifies it by saying he trying to build a "dynasty." Well I guess if his dynasty is too make people hate their job then he is the best. Lol!

Pinto Bean at it again. Got rid of some good people. My manager said (without being too specific for their own protection) that FP was horrible to work for and most of the LT can't stand him. He makes the whole environment for the Texas Market a crap place to work and then justifies it by saying he trying to build a "dynasty." Well I guess if his dynasty is too make people hate their job then he is the best. Lol!
Guy only cares about himself. Didn’t take long to figure that out. Manages by intimidation. Sadly HR has been told and did absolutely nothing!

Guy only cares about himself. Didn’t take long to figure that out. Manages by intimidation. Sadly HR has been told and did absolutely nothing!

They may listen now that he has driven the TX market into the ground. Would love to know what’s going on down there, from the top to the bottom real quick.

They may listen now that he has driven the TX market into the ground. Would love to know what’s going on down there, from the top to the bottom real quick.
He’s in too tight with JG. Good luck. My boss is bad but nothing like the mental torture in your market. Look how many jobs are available online. The turnover rate is just getting worse. Please look at the recruiting budget Kevin and connect the dots to the toxic culture that is being created at this company. A great company with an amazing product like Cologuard should not have this level of rep turnover. Stop telling us this is a great place to work. Get real insight from the people in the field.

I think one of the worst things I heard that little franky did was when 30% of the market left within a few months of him being in charge. At a managers meeting he put all of the names of the people who left on a big white board and asked them if anyone really missed them. He went name by name and if they were not deemed good enough he erased the name. Wound up with like 5 names left that it was agreed that they were a real loss. The rest of them he sneered and said we are glad to see them go....some were COE winners and some were very well liked and respected. Managers did not have the balls to push back. He was proud that he chased them off as if it was a badge of honor.
It's too bad no one feels like they can put in a survey what they really feel. I know part of JG bonus is tied to survey results...don't know about little franky...but if the surveys were more accurate then they would start to look at the toxic environment that he has created.

I think one of the worst things I heard that little franky did was when 30% of the market left within a few months of him being in charge. At a managers meeting he put all of the names of the people who left on a big white board and asked them if anyone really missed them. He went name by name and if they were not deemed good enough he erased the name. Wound up with like 5 names left that it was agreed that they were a real loss. The rest of them he sneered and said we are glad to see them go....some were COE winners and some were very well liked and respected. Managers did not have the balls to push back. He was proud that he chased them off as if it was a badge of honor.
It's too bad no one feels like they can put in a survey what they really feel. I know part of JG bonus is tied to survey results...don't know about little franky...but if the surveys were more accurate then they would start to look at the toxic environment that he has created.

Reading this makes me sick. Frank will eventually be pushed out. Just give it time...

I think one of the worst things I heard that little franky did was when 30% of the market left within a few months of him being in charge. At a managers meeting he put all of the names of the people who left on a big white board and asked them if anyone really missed them. He went name by name and if they were not deemed good enough he erased the name. Wound up with like 5 names left that it was agreed that they were a real loss. The rest of them he sneered and said we are glad to see them go....some were COE winners and some were very well liked and respected. Managers did not have the balls to push back. He was proud that he chased them off as if it was a badge of honor.
It's too bad no one feels like they can put in a survey what they really feel. I know part of JG bonus is tied to survey results...don't know about little franky...but if the surveys were more accurate then they would start to look at the toxic environment that he has created.
Must make Kevin very proud knowing his managers behave this way. One can say I’m disgruntled but dig in KC and you will find many more that feel as I do. It’s mental intimidation every single day in this market. If you truly cared you would do something.

yall are whack trying to ruin this mans career. zip it and raise the stock price. r u gen z or millennial
Sadly, I think the company and stock price are in trouble. Cologuard is great and I love selling it but intense competition is coming on fast and will be as good or slightly better than 2.0. Then our monopoly is up and plans will go to the least expensive product. Kevin’s been promising MCED and MRD for years now. So many companies are now fishing in this pond and the technology is advancing so fast. These two factors are partially why the stock has dropped 35% over the past year. Wall Street is a bit nervous playing wait and see. Could go back to $100 if other companies fail or could be in real trouble if they don’t. AI stocks and obesity are all the rage. NVIDIA, CrowdStrike, Novo, Lilly are where ES was 5 years ago but only crazier. EC has no clue how to get us out of this, just smiles and says what he thinks people want to hear. KC is so damn rich at this point it doesn’t matter and our directors are so damn demotivating it’s sad. JE was a super nice guy and not really sure what happened there. I did make a Cologuard crap load of money last year which was fantastic I must say. The Bean is simply a narcissistic. Just learn how to play the game with a narcissistic person and you will be fine.

Good god this guy is a prick. He’s walking around this meeting looking like he has a stick up his ass. I can’t stand his fake small talk that is so forced. Look…we know you don’t give a shit about our personal lives or us as human beings so just quit pretending. Toxic atmosphere will hit a new high when no one can hit these ridiculous quotas and your true character comes shining through.

Good god this guy is a prick. He’s walking around this meeting looking like he has a stick up his ass. I can’t stand his fake small talk that is so forced. Look…we know you don’t give a shit about our personal lives or us as human beings so just quit pretending. Toxic atmosphere will hit a new high when no one can hit these ridiculous quotas and your true character comes shining through.

You know what would be a great idea....instead of going out and making calls and getting more business, we should have MORE Teams calls!! I love being on calls all the time to discuss nothing of any value. My manager has told me that if I don't like the number of calls now then don't get on the LT. Pinto Bean has so many LT calls and 1-1 calls that they can hardly get anything done. The spend most of their time trying to prepare for the FP call that they can't do anything else. I love listening to how the LT gripe about how fake he is and how he does some kind of "what did you do this weekend?' at the start of calls and acts like he gives a shit. They all know you don't little man!