The Pinto Bean Guy...AKA Napoleon


The Pinto in Tx/NM mkt continues to build his dy-nasty through threat and intimidating DMs/Reps. Been admonished by HR for his "speeches " at meetings and yet once again he's still here while good people leave or are told you must conform to CARS/AA... what a load of crap!! Resistance is FUTILE, you will be assimilated!

Sadly, Pinto is smarter than HR, which is not saying much, and will manipulate the system. If he’s as great as he perceives himself to be, how about develop us and stop leading by intimidation. Shame you you KC! Preach one thing but allow managers to walk all over people.

Sadly, Pinto is smarter than HR, which is not saying much, and will manipulate the system. If he’s as great as he perceives himself to be, how about develop us and stop leading by intimidation. Shame you you KC! Preach one thing but allow managers to walk all over people.

Why doesn’t Gute handle it then? Frank has been a documented problem for a while, why does his GM continue to let him slide?

JG! At our session he told us The Bean is a great leader. I’m not saying anything on the fake “anonymous” survey. HR knows the truth yet brags about our great culture. If making people feel incompetent is great well this guy is exceptional.

JG! At our session he told us The Bean is a great leader. I’m not saying anything on the fake “anonymous” survey. HR knows the truth yet brags about our great culture. If making people feel incompetent is great well this guy is exceptional.

They want people to leave. Upper management loves people like the bean who can toe the line of HR and make people feel like crap. Jim Cute fired another shdm but he really had no choice with the amount of integrity/hr reports that she had coming after her. I’m lucky and like my market but I couldn’t imagine trying to “wait out” leaders. Why not just look for another job?

Sadly, Pinto is smarter than HR, which is not saying much, and will manipulate the system. If he’s as great as he perceives himself to be, how about develop us and stop leading by intimidation. Shame you you KC! Preach one thing but allow managers to walk all over people.
Kevin Conroy is the biggest fraud in the industry he preaches culture and putting patients first but the only thing he cares about is his own image. His self-righteousness is truly unparalleled

I knew Frank back when he was with Pfizer. He wasn't very successful as a hospital rep, but was then promoted by his guy, Howard G. to DM, circumventing the required post and compete process. The napoleon-like tendancies discussed in this and other posts were his MO as a DM, resulting in mediocre performance and few people promoted from his team. Perhaps that's why Frank was one of the first people laid off. He had to move to Texas to land his next gig. His napoleon approach of fear and intimidation should be investigated by HR. There have been complaints about him almost since the month he joined Exact!

I knew Frank back when he was with Pfizer. He wasn't very successful as a hospital rep, but was then promoted by his guy, Howard G., to DM, circumventing the required post and compete process. The napoleon-like tendencies discussed in this and other posts were his MO as a Pfizer DM, resulting in mediocre performance and few people promoted from his team. Perhaps that's why Frank was one of the first people laid off. He had to move to Texas to land his next gig. His napoleon approach of fear and intimidation should be investigated by HR. There have been complaints about him almost since the month he joined Exact!

Toxic people create a toxic culture but EC and JG don’t care about anything except their bank accounts. If you believe their “our people are our assets” crap you are in trouble. EC has FP doing the job he doesn’t have the courage to do himself. Most of the people i engage with are frustrated by the culture but HR somehow fudges the results and keep telling us ES has been voted a great place to work. The money this year has been great I will agree. The culture continues to erode since MS was forced out. I can’t imagine what it will be like when the market growth slows.

I knew Frank back when he was with Pfizer. He wasn't very successful as a hospital rep, but was then promoted by his guy, Howard G. to DM, circumventing the required post and compete process. The napoleon-like tendancies discussed in this and other posts were his MO as a DM, resulting in mediocre performance and few people promoted from his team. Perhaps that's why Frank was one of the first people laid off. He had to move to Texas to land his next gig. His napoleon approach of fear and intimidation should be investigated by HR. There have been complaints about him almost since the month he joined Exact!
Sounds like the same reason they got rid of the incompitant Eliza from Pfizer!