The new comp plan is a joke

I just stated on another thread that I heard another recon rep with a lot of metal business just bailed because of the joke of a comp plan. It blows my mind that this is allowed to continue to happen.

Here is the god honest truth- and take this seriously. Big nose Brian, walken, marky mcCreepy truly think reps making over 120k is adequate.
Well gang, the recon reps carry three bags. Does Stryker have one rep do biologics/regen, hand, and foot and ankle? Of course not. 3 reps.
More tenured reps are going to be out the door very very soon. And who the h can blame em

I think you mean they think we are worth less than that pay. And they think we are dumb enough to appreciate their generosity of 120-140 pay. Hey, slappy that isn't a lot of money!!!!! Expect another mass exodus!

We, as reps, are doomed. Plain and simple. If you are talented and have a strong sales history here, the time is now to refresh the resume. And find a new organization to WORK WITH, rather than an organization to WORK FOR!

If you are new at Integra, leverage the comp plan to you and your families best advantage. Sand bag a quarter, when needed, for metal. Then reap the benefits of the regenerative line, to max out the plan, to collect as much money as you can. Stave off the introduction of omnigraft, in your territory. Don't passively "gift" the 2x2 business to the Wound Care Team.
As very soon, it will evaporate in your designated OR.

Because, there will be a split in this company. And the sales force will be separated into the quickly obsoleting metal line vs. proven and clinically effective regen products. Where you will be forced to sell either products that are continuously on back order, and viewed as commodities (metal), at a higher commission. However a difficult and arduous sale, due to the lack of innovation. Or work a very large area, to sell a massive amount of skin, for a reduced % of commissioned sales.

All this in an effort to make you less relevant to your customer base. Reduce your impact as a sales consultant. Which will make it easier for Upper management/HR, to view you as an under performing representative for Integra, when quota is not achieved. And you shall be unceremoniously excused from your job. Only to find your former territory to be fractured into a smaller area, and be back filled by ASR's (who have never, or will never be promoted by major ortho manufacturers), outside the industry reps who want to get into medical, and 1099 distribution outlets. If you don't believe this is the intent of those who are managing us, then please stay on as a member of Integra. And realize you are currently under valued, and not appreciated for the efforts you put towards the bottom line. But don't complain about your future. Otherwise, look for a better position in the industry.

We, as reps, are doomed. Plain and simple. If you are talented and have a strong sales history here, the time is now to refresh the resume. And find a new organization to WORK WITH, rather than an organization to WORK FOR!

If you are new at Integra, leverage the comp plan to you and your families best advantage. Sand bag a quarter, when needed, for metal. Then reap the benefits of the regenerative line, to max out the plan, to collect as much money as you can. Stave off the introduction of omnigraft, in your territory. Don't passively "gift" the 2x2 business to the Wound Care Team.
As very soon, it will evaporate in your designated OR.

Because, there will be a split in this company. And the sales force will be separated into the quickly obsoleting metal line vs. proven and clinically effective regen products. Where you will be forced to sell either products that are continuously on back order, and viewed as commodities (metal), at a higher commission. However a difficult and arduous sale, due to the lack of innovation. Or work a very large area, to sell a massive amount of skin, for a reduced % of commissioned sales.

All this in an effort to make you less relevant to your customer base. Reduce your impact as a sales consultant. Which will make it easier for Upper management/HR, to view you as an under performing representative for Integra, when quota is not achieved. And you shall be unceremoniously excused from your job. Only to find your former territory to be fractured into a smaller area, and be back filled by ASR's (who have never, or will never be promoted by major ortho manufacturers), outside the industry reps who want to get into medical, and 1099 distribution outlets. If you don't believe this is the intent of those who are managing us, then please stay on as a member of Integra. And realize you are currently under valued, and not appreciated for the efforts you put towards the bottom line. But don't complain about your future. Otherwise, look for a better position in the industry.

Well said. Applauding. Agreed on so may levels.

It's such a joke that the good reps keep leaving and management doesn't give a sh!t. Obvously they don't care because they have done virtuially nothing to stop it. It is sales and it is painfully clear that we are all just a number and that's it. I thihk Nick wants the tenured reps to leave so he can replace with less experienced, cheaper labor.

Freys awards speech at his final NSM was amazing! Between slurring his words and slobbering all over MM and JB on their way to accept presidents club award. What an epic night. Pretty sure that was his resignation speech.

Agreed however, he may have been an HR nightmare, but at least the reps got paid. I'd rather have a $19k base and make 10% off the top then try and manipulate this POS comp plan. This place really is a joke.

Thumbs up NG. This comp plan is really awesome. Great way to attract good talent to replace the reps that are gone because of your genius comp plan. It has been so great for the moral of the reps. I can completely understand why you put it in play. It is such a motivating plan, I bet the numbers for reps are off the charts. I think you deserve a promotion. Things are really heading in the right direction. Well done.

Great month last month guys. I can tell you all feel very incentivized to bust your hump.
Oh just enter that stocking order out of the goodness of your heart. I know you're capped .... But we are changing lives here.

Tons of reps that prior to the “split” hit their number every month and now all the sudden are 70 percenters at best.
Skin reps were butt hurt when they didn’t get to sell ortho gear anymore and now they understand how cushy the gig is. Literally do jack and make as much as the ortho guy, or more, while the Extremity guy wants to take his own life.
Mass exodus in 3,2,1 month.

Today is the day I said enough is enough. This place is an absolute nightmare where Incompetence flows like the capastrana Im looking for a quick exit and I can confidently say 80% of the salesforce is doing the same. (At least) Nice work dumb chris, nice job marketing. Do we have that department? Great job product development. Do we have that? Great job compensation and payroll. This joint is f*cked

wake up folks it’s a publicly traded company.......... all that matters is the shareholders...... nothing else. Management is not awarded on your feelings - they are awarded on the bottom line. Your top exec don’t have an unreal salary but they are awarded depending on quota met for stock options. If they can’t make the shareholders happy then no stock- they are not happy........

Okay smart guy. They won’t be happy when sales bottom out 50% either. Whether you tools like it or not, when the reps leave so will the business. Metal business is not there because of product merit. Let’s leave it at that. And skin hasn’t changed in 20 years. People are coming for Integra. Integra keeps jackin up the price and still doesn’t have reimbursement. Solid strategy. Anything else, stock option Steve?