The new comp plan is a joke

Wait, so is the new comp plan or the old comp plan a joke? Or wait, the one they changed after they changed it. Shocker, the joke of a comp plan got changed again. Think of something else new before more vets jump ship. Shining up a turd...I reiterate, the new comp plan is a joke.

Let's get this thread rolling before our joke of a national sales meeting in awesome ass Plainsboro while we get to listen to Christopher Walken shovel more bullshit down our throat without even looking you in the eyes while he does it. Try recruiting solid talent with that comp plan. It's not commissions, it's an at plan bogus bonus structure that doesn't pay that well. If I wanted to make Pharma money, I'd go be a Pharma rep. Joke. Someone please buy Integra so our management team could get a lesson in managing a successful company 101.

60% attrition rate for reps with 18 mos or less. Tampa!

Let's get this thread rolling before our joke of a national sales meeting in awesome ass Plainsboro while we get to listen to Christopher Walken shovel more bullshit down our throat without even looking you in the eyes while he does it. Try recruiting solid talent with that comp plan. It's not commissions, it's an at plan bogus bonus structure that doesn't pay that well. If I wanted to make Pharma money, I'd go be a Pharma rep. Joke. Someone please buy Integra so our management team could get a lesson in managing a successful company 101.

Still a joke!

If the quotas ever come out. Once again the looch fails to deliver in a timely manner. How is this even allowed to happen? Quotas for Full year 2016 given in mid February. And not a word on why. Sick of this sh*t. And you wonder why people are leaving in droves. I worked my ass off In January and I haven't a damn clue what I am getting paid. God dammit

Let's get this thread rolling before our joke of a national sales meeting in awesome ass Plainsboro while we get to listen to Christopher Walken shovel more bullshit down our throat without even looking you in the eyes while he does it. Try recruiting solid talent with that comp plan. It's not commissions, it's an at plan bogus bonus structure that doesn't pay that well. If I wanted to make Pharma money, I'd go be a Pharma rep. Joke. Someone please buy Integra so our management team could get a lesson in managing a successful company 101.

This still cracks me up! Saddlebrook!

Is Christopher Walken a dead man walking? How long will there let him linger before cutting him loose? There is no trust or respect for him from the sales team. I wonder how much of what he spews he actually believes or is he being coached to lie to us so poorly?

Sadly I would keep him over sm any day. That guy is bad news. No leadership ability. No desire to listen to his people. And he is one of the ugliest mother _\\ I have ever seen. He is a waste of company money. That guy is one of the faces of the division ? What in the hell. Embarrassing