The model isn't the problem- its our people that are the problem (quote from Kate & Dean)

Can medical just take Peggy Han back ... everything ppl have written on here doesnt even come close to describing how terrible she really is. What a fucking nightmare! She should crawl back into whatever hole she crawled out of. She doesnt motivate anyone and only tares down other ppl ..esp other women its just sad and pathetic. Get over yourself.

Medical has done very few things right but getting rid of Peggy is one of them. Hopefully we will continue getting rid of the pathetic leadership that stayed since the reorg. You can blame all of this on Phoni Faucett who should have cleaned house a long time ago.

I have never seen a company keep such incompetent leaders! Honestly the vast majority of RVPs, HEDs in the Eco need to go…
most of field medical leadership too. They just don’t have the ability to lead and being a yes person or getting a leadership position because of “diversity” preference just isn’t going to cut it. It’s time things change once and for all!

Peggy is a pathetic excuse for a leader and no one trusts her bc all she does is spews lies everywhere she goes and is disingenuous! She talks shit about ICs and other leaders which is so unprofessional. She has to be one of the worst leaders to ever come to commercial. Seems like medical feels the same.

Kate I hope you're reading this SHE NEEDS TO GO! If you need to meet your diversity quote promote Gina, she's a 1000x times better!

Peggy is a pathetic excuse for a leader and no one trusts her bc all she does is spews lies everywhere she goes and is disingenuous! She talks shit about ICs and other leaders which is so unprofessional. She has to be one of the worst leaders to ever come to commercial. Seems like medical feels the same.

Kate I hope you're reading this SHE NEEDS TO GO! If you need to meet your diversity quote promote Gina, she's a 1000x times better!

Yes yes yes!! 100% THIS!

Truth!!!! Hey Theresa …. THIS

Ha yeah we have really fallen. I'm old and make decent money doing nothing so not leaving until retirement. But we have a model that doesn't work, kept the wrong people (like myself haha), have a culture of promoting people based on sex/color vs. prior success and we pay a good base salary but horrible bonus.

How long after the downsizing did the new model start? Was the downsize all at once or continuous lay offs in the same division? Finally, who are the district managers under this new model? Who do the sales people report to?

I realize most have no problem being liars at this company. I would guess perhaps 10% of recorded calls are actually legitimate calls. I would take a very hard look at who has the highest call averages, because those are the ones that are actually doing the least. They have learned that lying keeps you off lists. Now some will say they are the smart ones for lying the most. I choose to be able to look at the person in the mirror with a clear conscious. This is why I am leaving at the end of the year. I can no longer stomach not only my own behavior to stay off lists, but also being among people that have no integrity or authenticity. This once great company now dwells in the sewer.

I realize most have no problem being liars at this company. I would guess perhaps 10% of recorded calls are actually legitimate calls. I would take a very hard look at who has the highest call averages, because those are the ones that are actually doing the least. They have learned that lying keeps you off lists. Now some will say they are the smart ones for lying the most. I choose to be able to look at the person in the mirror with a clear conscious. This is why I am leaving at the end of the year. I can no longer stomach not only my own behavior to stay off lists, but also being among people that have no integrity or authenticity. This once great company now dwells in the sewer.
see ya sister-don't let the beaded curtain hit you on the way out!!

Business consultants (ZS and Mckinsey) exposed on LastWeek Tonight
"oversells its brilliance...much of the time The Firm merely reorganizes sales forces or designs by-the-numbers downsizing to reduce overhead."

Ecosystem Interviews:
"Do you believe in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion?"
Yes-? "You're Hired!"

Ecosystem Management Interviews:
" Do you promise to Not tell the Truth, Any of the truth, so help you Gaia?"
Yes?- "You're hired!"