The loss of Pennsaid is embarassing...

Look at the sales numbers from Horizon's latest quarter and you will see it for yourself.
Simply put, they will over take Voltaren in no time at all! Spend the time to see for yourself, then you will become a believer.
Hey dumb shit, no one over here even cares. The people you are trying to brag to are long gone. The entire division got canned and those folks are probably with other companies now. Now go run along and play with the other primary care reps because we have more important matters to attend to, like how to save our asses in the hospitals.

You should care, because if your company couldn't even sell a product like Pennsaid 2% that is basically easy and selling itself, then you are all in serious trouble and speaks volumes of what your management team are capable of! Sticking your head in the sand and ignoring this is your first mistake, and you deserve what you have coming... namely being bought out or bankruptcy!

You should care, because if your company couldn't even sell a product like Pennsaid 2% that is basically easy and selling itself, then you are all in serious trouble and speaks volumes of what your management team are capable of! Sticking your head in the sand and ignoring this is your first mistake, and you deserve what you have coming... namely being bought out or bankruptcy!

The problem is this shitty company wouldn't know talent if it hit them in the face. Instead they promote secretaries to run major divisions.

They keep egotistical HSS reps that think because they've been in the industry for 15 years that they are the greatest things since sliced bread.
They hire and fire an entire sales force with 4mths.
They have a double/triple the price strategy to increase revenue.
They fuck over their end users overnight with no notice on a price increase.
They have shitty data to back up their claims (6 med students that shoved Tylenol up their asses).
They make acquisitions that make 0 sense.

Why would you think that anything coming out of this place could be successful?

I never claimed that Mally could have sucess with anything...
I am saying though that if Horizon can have that kind of sucess with a product that Mally failled misserably with then they are basically incompetant in my opinion!

I never claimed that Mally could have sucess with anything...
I am saying though that if Horizon can have that kind of sucess with a product that Mally failled misserably with then they are basically incompetant in my opinion!

No kidding. Horizon is the short bus, special ed student of the pharma industry. And if they did better than MNK with rub on horse lotion, then that definitely tells you something.