The HUB is a disaster

This is life:
Manage it or be managed by it. Regardless of what the “it” is.

Our hub is totally being managed by chaos. It shows everywhere in everything that comes from it. I was hopeful that it was a phase. It’s not. You see the HUB doesn’t think they have a problem. The translation is that there is nothing but rough water ahead, followed by a burial at see.

I'm going to be completely honest here as an office employee: Every hub is a disaster. That's not new. And I get it for the most part, it's not surprising - your priority is not to give away free drug, it's to give away *enough* free drug to make sure doctors don't remember how hard it is to get your drug.

Sun's hub is special terrible. My team is very good at managing paperwork. Authorization was denied the same day it was written. Appeal was denied 10 days later. Second appeal was denied 10 days after. All of which we submitted to the hub. We called the hub at day 30. "Can you fax us the insurance denial?"

"...uh, we did"

"Oh. Yeah. I see it, here it is. Let me look into it."

Called back three days later. "We need the insurance denial"

We changed to Tremfya, patient had the drug three days later. And let me tell you, their hub is a special kind of terrible too. But it pales to yours.

Don't even get me started on medicare assistance. No, we're not going to buy and bill and I don't know why anyone would even conceivably think that. I've never met a derm office that does. We'll fill the form out for patient assistance if the patient's income is low enough, and...what? You don't have a form for that? You want me to tell the patient to fax their tax returns to a random number with no context? Have you met any elderly patients?

Two prescriptions written, two prescriptions changed, hopefully no more will be written.

There it is in a nutshell.

This is life:
Manage it or be managed by it. Regardless of what the “it” is.

Our hub is totally being managed by chaos. It shows everywhere in everything that comes from it. I was hopeful that it was a phase. It’s not. You see the HUB doesn’t think they have a problem. The translation is that there is nothing but rough water ahead, followed by a burial at see.

Face it. The HUB runs by approved guidelines based on a signed contract and SOP. They get their money whether they fill a prescription, or not. The excuse will always be that the HUB cannot control prescribers, reps, patients not communicating properly. The HUB will always state that they cannot control the patients insurance and prior approval needs. The HUB gets substantial SUN money every month based on the contract staffing agreements. They also get processing fees based on service. There is more servicing on an unfilled prescription that an easy fill prescription. Like a casino, the HUB system is rigged in favor of the House.

Face it. The HUB runs by approved guidelines based on a signed contract and SOP. They get their money whether they fill a prescription, or not. The excuse will always be that the HUB cannot control prescribers, reps, patients not communicating properly. The HUB will always state that they cannot control the patients insurance and prior approval needs. The HUB gets substantial SUN money every month based on the contract staffing agreements. They also get processing fees based on service. There is more servicing on an unfilled prescription that an easy fill prescription. Like a casino, the HUB system is rigged in favor of the House.

To a degree.
Increasingly HUB providers have skin in the game, aligned to pre-set metrics.

But the issue here is very likely that we bought the ‘Bronze’ level plan and we’re expecting ‘Gold’ level outcomes.

Ain’t gonna happen.

Face it. The HUB runs by approved guidelines based on a signed contract and SOP. They get their money whether they fill a prescription, or not. The excuse will always be that the HUB cannot control prescribers, reps, patients not communicating properly. The HUB will always state that they cannot control the patients insurance and prior approval needs. The HUB gets substantial SUN money every month based on the contract staffing agreements. They also get processing fees based on service. There is more servicing on an unfilled prescription that an easy fill prescription. Like a casino, the HUB system is rigged in favor of the House.

So Sun’s only hope for not getting completely fried with their final Hail Mary pass is in McKesson’s hands. Foolish move. Abbvie has an in-house system, why didn’t we? Or was the Hub manager too busy getting her hair and nails done? Total crap from all these people. Again being managed and not managing anything. These are posers who are unable to get it done and simply hoped for someone else do do their jobs. I’m sure these are repeat winners of awards that were based on others efforts in the past. We were done in by morons in management.

So Sun’s only hope for not getting completely fried with their final Hail Mary pass is in McKesson’s hands. Foolish move. Abbvie has an in-house system, why didn’t we? Or was the Hub manager too busy getting her hair and nails done? Total crap from all these people. Again being managed and not managing anything. These are posers who are unable to get it done and simply hoped for someone else do do their jobs. I’m sure these are repeat winners of awards that were based on others efforts in the past. We were done in by morons in management.

We looked at it both ways and ideally it’s your own people, internally, bc they’ve got ownership. But the talent and infrastructure is much better, and scalable, externally.

And, except for sending it to Sun India (phew, we dodged that bullet), we weren’t permitted to have it in-house.

We looked at it both ways and ideally it’s your own people, internally, bc they’ve got ownership. But the talent and infrastructure is much better, and scalable, externally.

And, except for sending it to Sun India (phew, we dodged that bullet), we weren’t permitted to have it in-house.

Abbvie is gonna rip Sun a new one. This will be painful to watch and endure if you're still employed here.