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The Great Trump Delivers Again


Yeah, sure you hypocritical whiners can complain about Trump’s morals all you want. And you’re often right. The problem for you is even when you are you’re hypocritical!

Meanwhile, our awesome President Trump continues to deliver on agenda items important to those who elected him and continues to demonstrate that he is a man who keeps his campaign promises.

Criticize Trump’s morals all you want but he gets the most important moral issue - the sanctity of human life absolutely right
And delivers another blow to the evil of abortion!


Now there’s a trap here for you libtards, just waiting for you to fall into it and I can’t wait to see how many of you fools do just that! :p:D:cool:

You’ve been warned!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D

Yeah, sure you hypocritical whiners can complain about Trump’s morals all you want. And you’re often right. The problem for you is even when you are you’re hypocritical!

Meanwhile, our awesome President Trump continues to deliver on agenda items important to those who elected him and continues to demonstrate that he is a man who keeps his campaign promises.

Criticize Trump’s morals all you want but he gets the most important moral issue - the sanctity of human life absolutely right
And delivers another blow to the evil of abortion!


Now there’s a trap here for you libtards, just waiting for you to fall into it and I can’t wait to see how many of you fools do just that! :p:D:cool:

You’ve been warned!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D

Hey, who the fuck really cares. Abortion will ALWAYS be attainable, the issue is - do we do it in safe, clean, well monitored medical offices? Or do we send them to Tijuana or over to a doctor on the wrong side of the tracks. Practical situations also arise. Take for example the state of Missouri. Their new law may be so restrictive that their male state legislators will have to send their mistresses to Illinois for their extra-marital abortions.

This is just the pendulum swinging again. Ding dong !!!

Keep your eye on the jockey not the horse! ;)

Hey, who the fuck really cares. Abortion will ALWAYS be attainable, the issue is - do we do it in safe, clean, well monitored medical offices? Or do we send them to Tijuana or over to a doctor on the wrong side of the tracks. Practical situations also arise. Take for example the state of Missouri. Their new law may be so restrictive that their male state legislators will have to send their mistresses to Illinois for their extra-marital abortions.

This is just the pendulum swinging again. Ding dong !!!

Keep your eye on the jockey not the horse! ;)


How many jockies have carried a horse across the line? ;):p

As to the rest, if women want to kill their babies that badly then they deserve to have skin in the game too. So it doesn’t bother me in the least if women are stupid enough and immoral enough to seek back alley abortions.

Trump is making inroads on abortion and your fear is palpable! :p:D:cool:

Hey, who the fuck really cares. Abortion will ALWAYS be attainable, the issue is - do we do it in safe, clean, well monitored medical offices? Or do we send them to Tijuana or over to a doctor on the wrong side of the tracks. Practical situations also arise. Take for example the state of Missouri. Their new law may be so restrictive that their male state legislators will have to send their mistresses to Illinois for their extra-marital abortions.

This is just the pendulum swinging again. Ding dong !!!

Keep your eye on the jockey not the horse! ;)
And KKK Ralph Northern LOVES him some Infantacide.

but you two idiot natural born losers in life want it both ways and are pro gun and support slaughtering the ever increasing number of people gunned down. Pieces of trash.

Dude, you’re illogical and never put forth any arguments. All you want to do is engage in false personal attacks. You’re the biggest loser, period!

Only a truly sick individual would post something like this in response to Infantacide.

Not everyone considers PG termination infanticide Boopsie. And you KNOW that. It's an inconvenient truth for you. For example, your president Trump (the go with godspeed guy - LOL) has a more liberal idea than the state of Alabama. He says their red lines are too stricy and asked them to tone it down. So is he truly sick because he allows infanticide in some of the same instances I do?

Or is that another one of your 'irrelevant questions' - LMFAO!

Oh Sparky, you just bit the big one. ;)

Dude, you’re illogical and never put forth any arguments. All you want to do is engage in false personal attacks. You’re the biggest loser, period!
so you oppose do guns ? You can’t proclaim to be pro life if you support gun laws that have claimed the lives of mass slaughtered innocents from guns.

Duuuude, you are the loser. You’re stupid, ignorant, and worthless.

LOL! You didn’t have to prove me right so quickly!

You confirm that I’m exactly right and that you are actually the stupid loser by engaging in yet another personal attack devoid of any substance or any attempt at an argument! :D:p:rolleyes:

Yeah, sure you hypocritical whiners can complain about Trump’s morals all you want. And you’re often right. The problem for you is even when you are you’re hypocritical!

Meanwhile, our awesome President Trump continues to deliver on agenda items important to those who elected him and continues to demonstrate that he is a man who keeps his campaign promises.

Criticize Trump’s morals all you want but he gets the most important moral issue - the sanctity of human life absolutely right
And delivers another blow to the evil of abortion!


Now there’s a trap here for you libtards, just waiting for you to fall into it and I can’t wait to see how many of you fools do just that! :p:D:cool:

You’ve been warned!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D

Yes because we don’t have enough people on this planet as it is and we have unlimited resources. We can just continue to populate and we will have unlimited food supplies, water, and everything will be absolutely perfect because we can handle billions and billions more people even though your idol Trump said this country is full. You are really incredibly stupid and a life loser. And a perfect example of why abortion should stay legal. Case closed.

Yes because we don’t have enough people on this planet as it is and we have unlimited resources. We can just continue to populate and we will have unlimited food supplies, water, and everything will be absolutely perfect because we can handle billions and billions more people even though your idol Trump said this country is full. You are really incredibly stupid and a life loser. And a perfect example of why abortion should stay legal. Case closed.

Not at all you little Malthusian fool. Your way of thinking has been proven wrong over and over again. We could comfortably fit the world’s population within the state of TX. We’ve got plenty of room and plenty of resources. The only things we are short of are Christianity, Democracy and Capitalism, in that order.

So you’re the true loser and if you’re so dedicated to your assertions you should refrain from having children and put your conviction to its logical application to your own life. But leave innocent unborn children alone. You have no moral authority there! :p:D

Not everyone considers PG termination infanticide Boopsie. And you KNOW that. It's an inconvenient truth for you. For example, your president Trump (the go with godspeed guy - LOL) has a more liberal idea than the state of Alabama. He says their red lines are too stricy and asked them to tone it down. So is he truly sick because he allows infanticide in some of the same instances I do?

Interesting that Sparky ignored this question. Is Trump sick because he would allow abortion for rape victims and cases of incest? Why is Sparky hiding?

Not at all you little Malthusian fool. Your way of thinking has been proven wrong over and over again. We could comfortably fit the world’s population within the state of TX. We’ve got plenty of room and plenty of resources. The only things we are short of are Christianity, Democracy and Capitalism, in that order.

So you’re the true loser and if you’re so dedicated to your assertions you should refrain from having children and put your conviction to its logical application to your own life. But leave innocent unborn children alone. You have no moral authority there! :p:D
Sparky, Libs, and the obese orange philandering draft dodger bone spurs are poster senior citizens for keeping it legal

Sorry you little fool but you’re wrong again. I never run from from a legitimate direct challenge like your idiot boy hero does constantly.

So we can mark you down as both a loser AND a hypocrite!

Trump is simply wrong and I have no problem saying it. He’s wrong on the AL abortion bill and he’s wrong on Roy Moore! See I just whacked you twice and made you look like a fool.

As to Trump and abortion, his stance may be tactical or it may be genuine. Here’s the inconvenient truth for you: even if Trump is allowing abortion in cases of rape and invest then his stance is going to dramatically decrease the number of abortions by 90% or more. So you lose any way you look at it and you won’t separate me from Trump or dampen my enthusiasm for him because right now he’s far far better than any alternative!

Thanks for playing, LOSER! :D:p:cool:

Sparky, Libs, and the obese orange philandering draft dodger bone spurs are poster senior citizens for keeping it legal

Nah, and I figure you wouldn’t fare too well tangling with either of us, “senior citizens”, you young fool.

Nice job of playing the hypocrite as Bill a Clinton took draft dodging off the table decades ago! You lose! :p:p:D:rolleyes:;)

Sorry you little fool but you’re wrong again. I never run from from a legitimate direct challenge like your idiot boy hero does constantly.

So we can mark you down as both a loser AND a hypocrite!

Trump is simply wrong and I have no problem saying it. He’s wrong on the AL abortion bill and he’s wrong on Roy Moore! See I just whacked you twice and made you look like a fool.

As to Trump and abortion, his stance may be tactical or it may be genuine. Here’s the inconvenient truth for you: even if Trump is allowing abortion in cases of rape and invest then his stance is going to dramatically decrease the number of abortions by 90% or more. So you lose any way you look at it and you won’t separate me from Trump or dampen my enthusiasm for him because right now he’s far far better than any alternative!

Thanks for playing, LOSER! :D:p:cool:
Sorry, I have to interject here. Normally I would keep quiet but I can't on this one.
Mr. Trump is NOT against abortion. Mr. Trump is pandering to his base. He is as immoral as immoral can be. He has ripped off contractors, cheated on every spouse - bragged about it on Howard Stern, and even did it with a potentially diseased porn star right after the birth of his youngest child. He has been caught in a myriad of lies, and has no religious or charitable bone in his body. How the heck can't you see this? Or do you and just excuse it because you share the same political party? People like you and the enablers in Congress are what moved me to leave the GOP and go independent. Because I DO have morality.