"The Great Train Robbery"

The first step is acknowledging you have a problem. Anonymously posting at 4 AM is not healthy. Here are some resources that can get you the help you need.

Top 25 HelpLine Resources
Finding Treatment
Psychology Today offers a national directory of therapists, psychiatrists, therapy groups and treatment facility options.

SAMHSA Treatment Locator provides referrals to low cost/sliding scale mental health care, substance abuse and dual diagnosis treatment. Phone: 800-662-4357

Learn more about treatment and services.

Suicide And Crisis
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention provides referrals to support groups, mental health professionals, resources on loss and suicide prevention information. Phone: 1-888-333-2377

The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides 24/7 crisis intervention, safety planning and information on domestic violence. Phone: 1-800-799-7233

The Suicide Prevention Lifeline connects callers to trained crisis counselors 24/7. They also provide a chat function on their website. Phone: 1-800-273-8255

Learn more about suicide and what to do in a crisis.

Mental Health Conditions
Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) provides information on prevention, treatment and symptoms of anxiety, depression and related conditions. Phone: 240-485-1001

Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) provides information and referrals on ADHD, including local support groups. Phone: 800-233-4050

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) provides information on bipolar disorder and depression, offers in-person and online support groups and forums. Phone: 1-800-826-3632

International OCD Foundation provides information on OCD and treatment referrals. Phone: 617-973-5801

Schizophrenia and Related Disorders Alliance of America (SARDAA) maintains the Schizophrenia Anonymous programs, which are self-help groups and are now available as toll free teleconferences. Phone: 240-423-9432

Sidran Institute helps people understand, manage and treat trauma and dissociation; maintains a helpline for information and referrals. Phone: 410-825-8888

TARA (Treatment and Research Advancements for Borderline Personality Disorder)offers a referral center for information, support, education and treatment options for BPD. Phone: 1-888-482-7227

Learn more about mental health conditions.

Research & Statistics
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) provides information on statistics, clinical trials and research. NAMI references NIMH statistics for our website and publications. Phone: 1-866-615-6464

Learn more about mental health statistics.

Financial Assistance
Allsup provides non-attorney representation when applying for SSDI. Phone: 800-279-4357

HealthCare.gov provides specific information about coverage options in your state, includes private options, high risk pools and other public programs. Phone: 1-800-318-2596

Needhelppayingbills.com provides information on state and local assistance programs, charity organizations and resources that provide help paying bills, mortgage assistance, debt relief and more.

NeedyMeds provides information on available patient assistance programs. Phone: 1-800-503-6897

Partnership for Prescription Assistance helps qualifying individuals without prescription drug coverage get the medications they need.

Here is a news flash for you, son. When you see all of the ultra successful professionals at Quest Diagnostics, living the dream that seems forever out of your reach, consider this fact. While you are still in your jammies sleeping your life away, we are up every day, two cups down and our minds fully engaged by 5am. But why should you care? Route Service isn’t required to “clock in” until the afternoon and you wouldn’t have a clue how to start work without a supervisor handing you written step by step instructions first. You might want to stop surfing the internet for free counseling services and try to learn first hand from those of us who are providing priceless life lessons right in front of you. Hope this helps.

Dear Anonymous Quest Employee:

Your past, current and ongoing concerns have been reviewed, investigated and discussed ad nauseam. In the absence of any new information, our conclusions remain unchanged. Simply put, no one cares about your stupid opinions. We are however pleased to hear that you still might have an interest in selling something, anything really, up to and including a “bridge”, if that task will redirect your attention away from these frivolous complaints. Hope this helps.


Trying to comprehend the drive that I have, would be like trying to understand the size of the universe.

Laugh, and then prepare yourself to cry.

That will be your ending, head in hands, crying.

That's All

Trying to comprehend the drive that I have, would be like trying to understand the size of the universe.

Laugh, and then prepare yourself to cry.

That will be your ending, head in hands, crying.

That's All

Perhaps you can use some of that self ascribed drive to better yourself intellectually before attempting to use analogous logic, Someone who claims to be in the business of marketing microbiology testing for Quest Diagnostics should be aware that the size of the universe, as we know it, runs in opposite directions, not only to the infinitely large but also to the subatomic level and beyond. Unfortunately, when it comes to your “drive”, the only thing I have seen driving you are fits of jealousy and mental instability. I would comment on your repetitive references to crying, but I am well aware of my own limitations and I am unqualified to analyze the delicate, sensitive and extremely emotional state that you occupy. I will leave that to the capable hands of Dr. Laura on Monday morning. Hope this helps.

Perhaps you can use some of that self ascribed drive to better yourself intellectually before attempting to use analogous logic, Someone who claims to be in the business of marketing microbiology testing for Quest Diagnostics should be aware that the size of the universe, as we know it, runs in opposite directions, not only to the infinitely large but also to the subatomic level and beyond. Unfortunately, when it comes to your “drive”, the only thing I have seen driving you are fits of jealousy and mental instability. I would comment on your repetitive references to crying, but I am well aware of my own limitations and I am unqualified to analyze the delicate, sensitive and extremely emotional state that you occupy. I will leave that to the capable hands of Dr. Laura on Monday morning. Hope this helps.



Dear Anonymous Quest Employee:

Your past, current and ongoing concerns have been reviewed, investigated and discussed ad nauseam. In the absence of any new information, our conclusions remain unchanged. Simply put, no one cares about your stupid opinions. We are however pleased to hear that you still might have an interest in selling something, anything really, up to and including a “bridge”, if that task will redirect your attention away from these frivolous complaints. Hope this helps.


Urgent Care Man,

Quest does care. They purchased Shiel Medical Laboratory for about $200,000,000. Of course they care. Those accounts that were taken to Sherman Abrams, AccuReference, and even Lenco and Accurate.

I do understand your point, the money that were spent belongs to the shareholders. Not the management team, although I am sure they do hold stock. This team is either ill informed or they are not and have a plan.

There have been meetings and rumors that they are extremely upset. What about all the people who left were questioned by Ex Federal agents in the exit interviews. The questions sure didn't seem like they didn't care!!!! They obviously realize and understand what happened and who is responsible. Unless of course you think that are that dumb.

We have goals and none of them are good for you. You already know that by your consistent diatribes. You certainly could say the same with our banter, although we only tell the TRUTH, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me god!

In the end the Truth will come out. We will have it no other way. All who have screwed Quest and others will pay dearly. This is the eternal fact. We cannot lose and will not lose.I know you are really worried. BTW, you really should be more worried than you actually are.

Urgent Care Man,

Quest does care. They purchased Shiel Medical Laboratory for about $200,000,000. Of course they care. Those accounts that were taken to Sherman Abrams, AccuReference, and even Lenco and Accurate.

I do understand your point, the money that were spent belongs to the shareholders. Not the management team, although I am sure they do hold stock. This team is either ill informed or they are not and have a plan.

There have been meetings and rumors that they are extremely upset. What about all the people who left were questioned by Ex Federal agents in the exit interviews. The questions sure didn't seem like they didn't care!!!! They obviously realize and understand what happened and who is responsible. Unless of course you think that are that dumb.

We have goals and none of them are good for you. You already know that by your consistent diatribes. You certainly could say the same with our banter, although we only tell the TRUTH, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me god!

In the end the Truth will come out. We will have it no other way. All who have screwed Quest and others will pay dearly. This is the eternal fact. We cannot lose and will not lose.I know you are really worried. BTW, you really should be more worried than you actually are.

Tod Schild

zarfA- You are so clueless, how about state some facts. That is what we are doing. You write about complete crap.

Urgent Care Man,

Quest does care. They purchased Shiel Medical Laboratory for about $200,000,000. Of course they care. Those accounts that were taken to Sherman Abrams, AccuReference, and even Lenco and Accurate.

I do understand your point, the money that were spent belongs to the shareholders. Not the management team, although I am sure they do hold stock. This team is either ill informed or they are not and have a plan.

There have been meetings and rumors that they are extremely upset. What about all the people who left were questioned by Ex Federal agents in the exit interviews. The questions sure didn't seem like they didn't care!!!! They obviously realize and understand what happened and who is responsible. Unless of course you think that are that dumb.

We have goals and none of them are good for you. You already know that by your consistent diatribes. You certainly could say the same with our banter, although we only tell the TRUTH, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me god!

In the end the Truth will come out. We will have it no other way. All who have screwed Quest and others will pay dearly. This is the eternal fact. We cannot lose and will not lose.I know you are really worried. BTW, you really should be more worried than you actually are.

Be cognizant of all the lessons you learned on the way up, because those same lessons will be just as valuable on the way down.

You may not want to acknowledge at this time, but you will at some point.

Trying to comprehend the drive that I have, would be like trying to understand the size of the universe.

Laugh, and then prepare yourself to cry.

That will be your ending, head in hands, crying.

That's All

Someone call the WHAMMBULANCE for Tod Shild and Michael Waldman. These 2 names are not even in the same category. But i guess it is the age of TRUMP. anything is possible.

Wake up and the first thing is posting at 6:41AM

I can understand the stress because the proof is there.

Rough night with little sleep.

The mind racing what can be the consequences if I get caught


I have big problems to deal with

Solution: Be quiet and think about quitting. Take some time off like little man is supposedly doing. You know that was a lie the minute Andy quit. Maybe get out of the industry for a year or so. Try to get away from a bad environment. Accept that Quest does read this stuff and you know that it is 99% the truth. Never say 100% when no individual is perfect. Someday the shoe will fit.

Conclusion: Take the information serious because it is all the truth. Stop blaming people for your wrong doing.Hope this helps

If you go back months, or from day one, you will notice the same thing being stated over and over. The ex Shiel Medical Laboratory reps, from day one have taken business from Quest to other labs while still employed.
The only statements that Urgent Care Man, supply man, little man... is about Tod or waldman. But nothing of substance, bk, basement boy, you have nothing of substance in your statements.
What you are hiding are the facts, we have uncovered them and will not stop until you are destroyed on multiple fronts. Your roos is finished.
I will say it over and over. You are scared, stressed, and absolutely going crazy. We will make sure that you get caught. I think Quest knows exactly what is going on.
Why hasn't DN left yet? He knows y"all are going to get caught.