The Future?

Can you also please provide your "proof" of no REORG?


I'm not the asshole making claims. You have been slinging so much angry BS on here for over a year it's pathetic. Clearly your therapy is failing. I'm not making any claims, just asking for proof of yours. So, either you have proof, or you are a complete loser. Well, you are a loser either way. Just want to see if you are a loser who has any proof of said claim of re-org.

I'm not the asshole making claims. You have been slinging so much angry BS on here for over a year it's pathetic. Clearly your therapy is failing. I'm not making any claims, just asking for proof of yours. So, either you have proof, or you are a complete loser. Well, you are a loser either way. Just want to see if you are a loser who has any proof of said claim of re-org.

Emotional IQ Fail

olympus is a joke. Stop complaining or move on. Nothing is going to change and its only going to get worse there. Doctors think the equipment is good but the company is a POS and I am just repeating what a Thoracic surgeon said to me. Either grow some balls and leave or shut up.

Major layoff coming on January 5th
I have seen the emails and interoffice memos. I'm not sharing any other details other than that. I'm not going to divulge my sources or implicate myself dickhead!

Major Reorganization January 5th.
You were well warned.
This is the last notice.

Either way, you are an idiot if you stay working for Olympus. The ride is over here.

There is NO reorg. I can't wait for you to look like an idiot come January 5th. Or even through all of next year. You prove the best point, that all of your posts are BS and you have ZERO credibility. I guess time will prove me right and prove you do be nothing more than a whinny bitch. Don't be mad we fired you for being worthless, just move on!

My doc is a famous Urologist in Denver.
He said, "it's probably a good time to find another job, Olympus is heading straight to the bottom after that DOJ judgement."

It's over people, you can argue and bitch back as much as you want, but the writing is written in bold black letters, right there on the wall. It's over.

Olympus corporate has its head shoved up its own ass. HR is a disaster. Sales Management is in total denial about sales focus & morale. They are all out to lunch.

How much is enough people, before you finally decide to move on and do something else?

Watch what happens in April. You will be paying Olympus with the new comp plan.

I think it's extra humorous that previous poster states, "you have been slinging mud on here for over a year now." As if there is only one person posting on this public post board.
Just shows what a complete moron you are.
Are you aware that thousands of people read and write on here every month?
Grow up!

Not sure about this reorganization, but either way they will rape us again in April, with the new comp-less plan of garbage.
So, either way we are screwed. Management has us by the balls.
The only answer is resignation.

Time to leave.

Spot on!
Worst managers I've ever worked for are at Olympus. Absolute zeros!
Overpaid and useless at problem solving.
Only motive is to keep AVP happy and collect salary and company pension.

Spot on!
Worst managers I've ever worked for are at Olympus. Absolute zeros!
Overpaid and useless at problem solving.
Only motive is to keep AVP happy and collect salary and company pension.

I've been here over 10 years now and have been pretty fortunate with the managers. The problem is even the good managers left at Olympus are in a serious bind between following the fucked up direction from Nacho/Todd (by the way of Japan) and doing what's right by their reps. My manager has been as forthcoming as possible and he even admits that if they don't fix compensation (across all divisions) come 150P, then it is time to leave. That is really sad when a current manager says that and realizes what a shit hole this company has fallen into.

We are a very top-heavy company now with literally NO communication from senior leadership. That is a sad, sad place to be. Either management have nothing but bad news to share or are too scared to hear what reality is at the rep level from our feedback. Either way, it does not bode well for us. I have more than contemplated leaving Olympus for the last year or so. The work responsibility has more than doubled along with the stress levels. The pay has been cut by 40-50%, so I just do not see where Olympus values it's reps and relationships any longer. Hell, Compliance probably sees this as a risk anyway!

Anyway, I'm not waiting until 150P's comp plan to update a resume and start interviewing. I highly suggest you do it now. I hate to think I could leave what I thought was a good company with great products that could be a destination job, but this idea was evaporated quickly these last couple years. Good luck to the great reps still left. There are good jobs out there, just be patient and you'll find it.

Major layoff coming on January 5th
I have seen the emails and interoffice memos. I'm not sharing any other details other than that. I'm not going to divulge my sources or implicate myself dickhead!

Major Reorganization January 5th.
You were well warned.
This is the last notice.

Either way, you are an idiot if you stay working for Olympus. The ride is over here.

So, who lost their job yesterday from the "Major Reorganization January 5th?" Best to everyone, except the loser that has been posting this bogus rumor. Nice try douche.

My RVP was saying that a certain HR woman screws the RVP's at the meetings. She is usually drunk and hanging with the east coast.
The shit that goes on in this place is like a tabloid in line at the grocery store.
Both parties are married too! That one you can take to the bank!

PS> Sales Ops Dick should be drug out back at our next NSM and left beaten and his teeth knocked out.

BE GLAD YOU ARE NOT IN ENERGY . ENERGY IS THE ARMPIT !!! Sean Moore is a reject from Conmed and has no idea why we can't hit the number . Ryan , and Tanner have to be chomping at the bit , and figuring out how they can get his job . The rvp team is running in circles trying to keep their jobs , and we are out selling for 7% . The worst morale , no trust , no direction , and a lot of admin. My paper is on the street and recruiters all know how bad energy is for reps.

So, who lost their job yesterday from the "Major Reorganization January 5th?" Best to everyone, except the loser that has been posting this bogus rumor. Nice try douche.

I do not know who is "defending" Olympus on this thread. If you are either a manager or a corporate employee, please don't be part of the problem anymore. Instead of arguing with reps, who for the most part have legitimate claims for being pissed off (exorbitantly high quotas, severely reduced pay, no longer respected), do your job by taking this information back to management to see how things can be fixed at Olympus. The reps no longer have a voice in this company and for the most part, the RVPs do not either. If you truly are someone who has a "voice" or can make an impact, do something for the field for once. And don't think for a second field reps are overpaid or not worth their weight. We bust our ass day-in and day-out to bring significant revenue into this company all the while keeping a positive relationship with our customers who see all the negativity surrounding this company. This is why most customers come back to Olympus for the next purchase; not because it is the "thing to do". Be part of the solution; we are everyday, we're just tired of being shit on.

I can tell you who it is exactly:
Michael Fleming in Finance/Sales Ops
He is the one who gets up everyday at 4:57 am and fights back against reps here on CP.
He is the one who orders algorithm books on how to shave commissions from reps year in and year out. He is the fucking asshole who is going to shave Urology to 5% commission this April. I have been in earshot and heard him say, "I hate sales reps, they are nothing but a waste of money." Nils listens to this dickhead every year when we get cut. Nils sold us down the river a long time ago. Then he pleads with us to hit the number. When we do, he then fucks us in the ass. We should kick both of them in the fucking balls, or hit them over the head with a baseball bat. I'm tired of this shit.

Usually stay away, but have to chime in. I'm surprised there are as many people visiting and talking about this site as there are right now! This place is a shit show. Reps & RVP's aren't happy, and it is more than just comp. With regards to GI&R I don't think they want to lose reps, but they are not too concerned if people leave as they will consolidate territories and just make moves whenever it is that the new platform launches with the ETM's that are qualified. I wouldn't expect any ground breaking changes to the comp plan, as it all comes down to sales, and without much new to sell to meet the needle, whatever they do change with the plan, it will not matter.

The most secure jobs in the short term are ETM's, unless they are part of the early wave of hiring and inexperienced and not cutting it. It will be another 3 years or so until EAM's start making good money again. Unless, you are one that has an underdeveloped territory and you can take advantage of the end of platform comp plans that will come out.

A lot of BS to wade through, but someone could probably count on a decent per year comp average if looking out 5-6 years. The 1-3 year average will definitely be unacceptable for most. Remember this is capital, and there are ups and downs. This is the down in the cycle but in addition to all the BS changes, lack of communication, FDA issues, DOJ rulings, etc. Where everyone is in their career, territory upgrade cycle, competitive situation, and personal income needs will decide how much our sales force will change in the next year.

Bottom line, its not a great situation right now, and doesn't look to improve much in the short to mid term. Big question is what will happen with ERCP issue, and how that will further deteriorate the situation?

I think the poster before me wrote a nice article.
Lets try to keep it in perspective folks. The Japanese that run Olympus are bad people.
This was evidenced in the legal proceeding where they waltzed in front of families who lost loved ones and were totally defiant. The top of OCA here in CV are just the next rung of the tree lower and exhibit the same defiance and denial. From top down this place is really awful. A lot of phony and fake Kool Aid folks, if you catch my drift. I'm in management an I am currently looking for a new job, and I know for a fact that several of my reps are looking too. This place will continue to be a third tier operation and sales will continue to dwindle.
No vision and terrible leadership are corporation killers.

Time for a change in life.

I don't get why any of us work in sales for Olympus?
The management in the company are totally sleezy cocksuckers.
None of the RVP's have any balls and do whatever they are told.

Totally useless douches that provide no sales value.