The Future?

You might want to re visit your strategy . Depends on your tenure,and position. Standard separation packages. Sounds like your were low level non tenured disgrunteld ex employee.

ETMs get screwed again. No changes to ETM comp plan, but they increased the EAM plan because they aren't making enough this year. This place blows. What's the over/under on number of ETMs that resign by end of November?

Stop complaining and quit already. Olympus is a loser company. You will become a loser if you stay.
Either shut up and stay miserable, or leave and move on with a happy life.
Olympus=Sheer Misery.


Totally agree that Olympus is being driven into ground by the douche bag management. There is a shit load of unhappy people both inside and in the field. It was all that was talked about at recent meetings. Get out if you can.

People when will you learn?
Major Major Reorg coming January 5th.
Management has been told to keep quiet until its announced.
How much needs to happen in order for you to leave and find happiness in your life?
There is a sun on the other side of the swamp.

People when will you learn?
Major Major Reorg coming January 5th.
Management has been told to keep quiet until its announced.
How much needs to happen in order for you to leave and find happiness in your life?
There is a sun on the other side of the swamp.

"How much needs to happen in order for you to leave and find happiness in your life?" I wish you would take your own advice. Shit posting on CP must be a miserable existence. Yes, we know it's you on the other thread, too. Please move on. I am worried about you.

Says the absolute loser who absorbs everything written on here like a sponge to water.
Obviously, I am the author and you are the bitch! Hows it going Sales Ops Dick? Cutting more comp these days? Again, Major Reorg on January 5th, 2017. Randy Clark had a meeting on Monday this week. Don't believe me, fine stay and live with it. Olympus is an absolute sewer!

So... whats the state of the state over here? Open ended question...

It's awful. I've never worked for a company where I've broken my quota every year and gotten a pay cut for a reward. Now our quotas are so rediculously high that no one will make it to their bullshit tier plan they are stating they're rolling out next year. If the a Japanese were smart they'd fire all of them and start over. Another BSX manager got hired yesterday. BSX culture is shit and they're bringing it to Olympus. They have not done 1 positive thing since they came aboard and I have loved this job, but I'm interviewing to leave. So much for building those relationships and working my ass off to make more money. Totally awful.

Totally agree!
My wife has given me an ultimatum, leave Olympus, or we are going to have bigger problems. She's right, I'm miserable working for Olympus. This place is soul destroying.
A lot of my colleagues are experiencing this with their spouses. This place is a dead end. I have been interviewing and it's going to take some time, but once I find something, I will never look back. Olympus is an evil corporation. Just google it and the evidence is in black and white.

Agree. My spouse and I fight everyday about this shit job. We are trying to settle down and can't with all of the uncertainty and payouts. Can't buy a house, don't really like where we're living right now and miss our friends. I've never been in a situation with a job not knowing where I'm going or what's happening next. Being demoted every year I've been with Olympus is not motivating either. There is nothing positive about this company right now.

i will say this company does motivate you. Motivates you to find a new job and be happy. mike callaghan is the biggest POS there is. These guys just wake up counting their money and decide who they are going to screw over next.
If anyone is considering coming here, DO NOT!!
I would rather shit down and share a meal with Stalin than one of these upper managers. These guys are the scum of the scum.

Says the absolute loser who absorbs everything written on here like a sponge to water.
Obviously, I am the author and you are the bitch! Hows it going Sales Ops Dick? Cutting more comp these days? Again, Major Reorg on January 5th, 2017. Randy Clark had a meeting on Monday this week. Don't believe me, fine stay and live with it. Olympus is an absolute sewer!

And, when Jan 5 comes and goes with no announcement will you admit you were wrong and just a shit posting loser?

No, but will you answer why the reps bust their asses only to collect less pay every fucking year?
I bet you won't touch that one with a ten foot pole.
Major Corporate Reorganization on January 5, 2017.
People, why would you want to stay here? This is not a career, its a dead end.
Big flat dead end.

Do not accept an offer or interview with Olympus. You will be very sorry if you do either.
Current reps, get out now!

just got out of a monthly meeting. TM resignations in Urology are about to hit the roof. REORG documents leaked and many reps have now read whats about to go down. Its not pretty.
More details to follow.

Why do you people continue working for Olympus? They will continue to steal more and more out of your pockets.

Do not apply or accept an offer from Olympus. You will be very sorry if you do.

I heard the NYC territory is open in the endoscopy. Is it a good gig? They have to be making good money in that market. I have a couple years of device sales. Any input?

just got out of a monthly meeting. TM resignations in Urology are about to hit the roof. REORG documents leaked and many reps have now read whats about to go down. Its not pretty.
More details to follow.

Ooooo! More secret claims! Everybody run! There's a secret and it's bad!

Unless you provide some proof, you are full of sh*t.