So it is more than 6; sweet for you.
And an energy rep has how many?
Point is energy reps actually sell products vs account management. A high school grad could successfully take on the responsibility of what a TL does. I wonder why all the recent hires for TL's have been recent college grads or ASR's that have been promoted with a carrot of 95k in front of them.
It's funny the perception of the TL role really depends on which opco one came from. Those that came from Inc seem to think it is a tough job. Keep in mind this is coming from a rep that sold a product with zero competition and the biggest event for them was to put labels on the suture cart to "offer value" and "build relationships". No wonder they get rid of that job. What a joke.
You think a TL just does account management and energy reps sell. What a joke!!
TL reps do way more selling AND account management! You think it's takes more selling for harmonic an densest versus a TL selling hernia mesh, powered, prineo, strata fix, ever point, biologics? You are a real dumbass.