The Evolution of Ethicon


More change is coming. From what I have heard, energy is definitely being roled into ESC. Biosurgery may also be part of this restructure. If not this year, next year. There wil be head count reduction. The company is trying to reduce expenses, so tenured reps beware especially if you missed your number. We must have some in-house people on this board, so please share what you are hearing.

What does everyone think we will look like?

More change is coming. From what I have heard, energy is definitely being roled into ESC. Biosurgery may also be part of this restructure. If not this year, next year. There wil be head count reduction. The company is trying to reduce expenses, so tenured reps beware especially if you missed your number. We must have some in-house people on this board, so please share what you are hearing.

What does everyone think we will look like?

Headcount will be reduced from the DM level up..surg care reps will be ok. Not a good time to be an energy rep now though

My 2 cents.. There really is no need for multiple rep types calling on the same surgeon. I see it all the time a TL, HBT and and energy rep in the same case. Sometimes the biosurgery rep will join on occation. With tighter margins and lower reimbursement the model of ESC is going to be specialty based. The old days of multiple Ethicon reps in the same OR will be gone and we will all carry more products. I hate to think they would just desilve the energy franchise but I fear that is how it will go down unless there is a major restructuring at ESC.

My 2 cents.. There really is no need for multiple rep types calling on the same surgeon. I see it all the time a TL, HBT and and energy rep in the same case. Sometimes the biosurgery rep will join on occation. With tighter margins and lower reimbursement the model of ESC is going to be specialty based. The old days of multiple Ethicon reps in the same OR will be gone and we will all carry more products. I hate to think they would just desilve the energy franchise but I fear that is how it will go down unless there is a major restructuring at ESC.

They are not going to be doing a major shakeup with ESC..they have the model they want. The major shakeup will be with energy..some energy reps may be retained but it's sounding like energy is getting dissolved

More change is coming. From what I have heard, energy is definitely being roled into ESC. Biosurgery may also be part of this restructure. If not this year, next year. There wil be head count reduction. The company is trying to reduce expenses, so tenured reps beware especially if you missed your number. We must have some in-house people on this board, so please share what you are hearing.

What does everyone think we will look like?

Energy AND Biosurgery will be folded into ESC. All the EBS people who think EBS will not be affected have their heads in the sand. Done deal. Announcement coming soon.

They are not going to be doing a major shakeup with ESC..they have the model they want. The major shakeup will be with energy..some energy reps may be retained but it's sounding like energy is getting dissolved

I agree with the ESC model being what they want, but how will they decide who gets the role? Do you think a 2 year TL who did not hit plan will be kept over a consistent high performing energy rep?

I agree with the ESC model being what they want, but how will they decide who gets the role? Do you think a 2 year TL who did not hit plan will be kept over a consistent high performing energy rep?

Actually, I think they will. ESC is the new model and energy is a separate company. I feel bad for the energy reps but I'm not so sure there will be head count reduction anyway. They will be rolled into ESC hopefully. I don't see how a TL can pick up anything else like energy.

The real question is will there be headcount reduction once energy is rolled into ESC. If there is, then energy reps will be the ones let go.

I agree with the ESC model being what they want, but how will they decide who gets the role? Do you think a 2 year TL who did not hit plan will be kept over a consistent high performing energy rep?

Yes. Because ESC is not going to let go of a bunch of their own reps to let Energy reps fill their place. Energy should have never spun off. Unfortunately, they are a separate company now. My guess is the HBT, TL, and GYN will carry energy going forward.

Yes. Because ESC is not going to let go of a bunch of their own reps to let Energy reps fill their place. Energy should have never spun off. Unfortunately, they are a separate company now. My guess is the HBT, TL, and GYN will carry energy going forward.

I agree. If ESC goes thru another major "transformation" and role change then I can see energy having an equal chance at landing a job. Otherwise they will fill the gaps and the rest will get cut.

I really think this was the game plan all along. Energy thought they dodged the bullet during project constitution but it was just a matter of time. Biosurgery will soon follow if it does not happen this round.

Energy-I get it. But they aren't spread as thin as the ESC reps BUT at least they are innovating products. ESC isn't. Energy reps are
Trained on Endo so they will be able to fill in for ESC reps

Energy-I get it. But they aren't spread as thin as the ESC reps BUT at least they are innovating products. ESC isn't. Energy reps are
Trained on Endo so they will be able to fill in for ESC reps

Energy reps are not trained on hernia, suture, tsa, etc..
Oh and in what universe are our energy products innovating?
Sucks man it really does but ESC went through it last it's energys turn.

God, please fire my ass and give me the severance now! We in "Energy" are getting our clocks cleaned and the best we get from corp is an articulating device that nobody wants or is willing to pay for!

You want this lead filled, shit lined bag? Take it!

Energy-I get it. But they aren't spread as thin as the ESC reps BUT at least they are innovating products. ESC isn't. Energy reps are
Trained on Endo so they will be able to fill in for ESC reps

"Energy reps are not spread as thin as ESC reps". Dumbest comment on this thread. This must be from a TL that covers 6 accounts perhaps? Get over yourself. Seriously you have it the easiest out of all three roles. Sure you are "responsible" for a lot of products but rally only work 20 hours a week.

"Energy reps are not spread as thin as ESC reps". Dumbest comment on this thread. This must be from a TL that covers 6 accounts perhaps? Get over yourself. Seriously you have it the easiest out of all three roles. Sure you are "responsible" for a lot of products but rally only work 20 hours a week.

6 accounts for a TL? I have 3 times that many and I am a TL.

6 accounts for a TL? I have 3 times that many and I am a TL.

So it is more than 6; sweet for you.

And an energy rep has how many?

Point is energy reps actually sell products vs account management. A high school grad could successfully take on the responsibility of what a TL does. I wonder why all the recent hires for TL's have been recent college grads or ASR's that have been promoted with a carrot of 95k in front of them.

It's funny the perception of the TL role really depends on which opco one came from. Those that came from Inc seem to think it is a tough job. Keep in mind this is coming from a rep that sold a product with zero competition and the biggest event for them was to put labels on the suture cart to "offer value" and "build relationships". No wonder they get rid of that job. What a joke.

So it is more than 6; sweet for you.

And an energy rep has how many?

Point is energy reps actually sell products vs account management. A high school grad could successfully take on the responsibility of what a TL does. I wonder why all the recent hires for TL's have been recent college grads or ASR's that have been promoted with a carrot of 95k in front of them.

It's funny the perception of the TL role really depends on which opco one came from. Those that came from Inc seem to think it is a tough job. Keep in mind this is coming from a rep that sold a product with zero competition and the biggest event for them was to put labels on the suture cart to "offer value" and "build relationships". No wonder they get rid of that job. What a joke.

This response just shows how ignorant you are. There was not a single person who's only product was suture. Those "suture" reps also sold hernia which from the numbers this year most of the former endo reps can't seem to do. I came from endo and am an HBT now and it's been a big adjustment for me. We used to have contracts driving our business. We don't have that with hernia. Combine that with trying to protect endocutter business and it's a full time
You'll see just how little the company values energy reps later this week.

So it is more than 6; sweet for you.

And an energy rep has how many?

Point is energy reps actually sell products vs account management. A high school grad could successfully take on the responsibility of what a TL does. I wonder why all the recent hires for TL's have been recent college grads or ASR's that have been promoted with a carrot of 95k in front of them.

It's funny the perception of the TL role really depends on which opco one came from. Those that came from Inc seem to think it is a tough job. Keep in mind this is coming from a rep that sold a product with zero competition and the biggest event for them was to put labels on the suture cart to "offer value" and "build relationships". No wonder they get rid of that job. What a joke.

You must not know much about the different roles. They can all be difficult I will be the first to admit. However, if you think carrying only energy and harmonic is more difficult than a TL then You are obviously not being honest.

Energy has 2 products as far as I know...Are you kidding me! No wonder everyone wanted to move to energy. I honestly don't know how you would stay busy.

As far as the different roles at esc....they are all challenging but TL role makes the most sense of them all.