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The end of Lilly Biomedicines


How long can this underperforming and dysfunctional business unit continue to exist befoe JL pulls the plug?
1. Underperforming. low potential products.
2. Leadership (DR primarily) who have been exposed as self interested a-holes and who are not trusted by anyone.
3. No meaningful products on the horizon.
This is a stuation that just can't last. Escape while you can.


How long can this underperforming and dysfunctional business unit continue to exist befoe JL pulls the plug?
1. Underperforming. low potential products.
2. Leadership (DR primarily) who have been exposed as self interested a-holes and who are not trusted by anyone.
3. No meaningful products on the horizon.
This is a stuation that just can't last. Escape while you can.

EC, go back to the pool.

All divisions are on the chopping block. Even precious DBU that everyone thinks they are so safe in. Insane amount of reps tripping all over each other pissing the Drs off. Trying to make it until our savior......the me too Lantus we are getting sued over finally makes it to market. All divisions are getting condensed into a couple of small units sized appropriately for what we actually have to sell and based on the revenue they actually bring into the company. We don't need all these reps and managers for what we sell. Makes no sense at all. Seeing that we have no blockbusters coming out Lilly will do what they always do to inflate the stock price...layoff people.

Now that DR made HK the SD over Osteo you know they are gone! He only puts his ladies over divisions and areas that are going away. The Osteo mgrs know it and are getting out as fast as they can. One drug that is so expensive Obamacare won't cover it.

Now that DR made HK the SD over Osteo you know they are gone! He only puts his ladies over divisions and areas that are going away. The Osteo mgrs know it and are getting out as fast as they can. One drug that is so expensive Obamacare won't cover it.

True statement. Look at the history. He sends them in before a layoff or to dissolve a BU. Not a good sign. They lie to your face about it too. Then they get plucked up right before the disaster hits and placed into a new position (but it is never related to the reallocation or dissolving of the BU! Yea, right. Spare us). That's why managers are getting out of this division. The grim reaper just showed up and they know it. Time to go.

Now that DR made HK the SD over Osteo you know they are gone! He only puts his ladies over divisions and areas that are going away. The Osteo mgrs know it and are getting out as fast as they can. One drug that is so expensive Obamacare won't cover it.

That's why they spend all of their time self-promoting and marketing themselves without doing any real work. They don't need to do any real work. DR just wants everyone to feel valued and appreciated right before he cans you. Get ready for the presentation on the family and all the touchy, feely getting to know you BS which is designed to be a front for the fact that most of you are going away. It is truly sinister the way these people operate. Seen this happen twice already. What a horrible job. I don't care how much they are getting paid.

Now that DR made HK the SD over Osteo you know they are gone! He only puts his ladies over divisions and areas that are going away. The Osteo mgrs know it and are getting out as fast as they can. One drug that is so expensive Obamacare won't cover it.

Another DM jumped ship back to Indy yesterday. Writing is on the wall. Won't happen immediately but is definitely in the works. When the angel of death shows up smart people know its time to get out.

Another DM jumped ship back to Indy yesterday. Writing is on the wall. Won't happen immediately but is definitely in the works. When the angel of death shows up smart people know its time to get out.

What a choice... Stay in the field as a rep or DM or go to INDY?!? That's like live in North Korea or Iraq??