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The END is near

There are some Lily reps in WV that are useless. If anyone from Lily checked to see if those expense receipts were for feeding customers or their fat families, they would get a big surprise.
Or if they checked to see who is actually driving those cars.

I knew it was getting bad when they pulled the Charmin Ultra out of the restrooms.

"this is the end
My only friend
The end
Of our elaborate pipeline
My friend
It hurts to see such
the end.
On the PM system
it depends.
The killer woke before dawn
She put her high heels on
She changed the ratings

"this is the end
My only friend
The end
Of our elaborate pipeline
My friend
It hurts to see such
the end.
On the PM system
it depends.
The killer woke before dawn
She put her high heels on
She changed the ratings

and she walked on down the hall
Manager yes vixen I want to reallocated you
Director I want to F-----ck you

Can you picture what will be
A career so limitless and free
Desperately in need
of another company's hand
In desperate land

CAS/MH rolled into BMBU June 5. Reallocation announced to mgt June 25 (via conf call, then 1 on 1 calls, no live meetings). Announced to field (via conf call, then 1 on 1 calls) June 26. Most reps will get 3 months severance (less 40% tax on avg).

So ridiculous...just ordered 2800 new vehicles and Achievement Trips are registered through August. Clearly not a fake tactic to keep people working hard. Sure, reallocations are coming, but more like June 2016. You're off by a good year buddy.

So ridiculous...just ordered 2800 new vehicles and Achievement Trips are registered through August. Clearly not a fake tactic to keep people working hard. Sure, reallocations are coming, but more like June 2016. You're off by a good year buddy.

It's all a matter of where your cost center falls on the big spreadsheet in the Indy sky.

So ridiculous...just ordered 2800 new vehicles and Achievement Trips are registered through August. Clearly not a fake tactic to keep people working hard. Sure, reallocations are coming, but more like June 2016. You're off by a good year buddy.

Watch and learn grasshopper. Exact same stuff happened a couple of layoffs ago. Trips cancelled at last minute in my division and paid out so that even those laid off got paid. We had rooms and tickets booked. Lilly has huge contracts with travel agencies, airlines, PHH and car companies. Cancelling is built into their contracts (with the amount of money they spend with them it is not a problem). Wouldn't get too comfortable if I were you.

Watch and learn grasshopper. Exact same stuff happened a couple of layoffs ago. Trips cancelled at last minute in my division and paid out so that even those laid off got paid. We had rooms and tickets booked. Lilly has huge contracts with travel agencies, airlines, PHH and car companies. Cancelling is built into their contracts (with the amount of money they spend with them it is not a problem). Wouldn't get too comfortable if I were you.

If it is indeed as planned; just reps and DSM's, I'm perfectly comfortable sitting right here. But again, I agree with the premise just disagree with the timing. That is all.

There are some Lily reps in WV that are useless. If anyone from Lily checked to see if those expense receipts were for feeding customers or their fat families, they would get a big surprise.
Or if they checked to see who is actually driving those cars.

That would not happen. Lily checks everything.

Well, they don't check everything. All they would have to do is check out an old timer and they might get a few surprises. Like those late lunches- bet they are always in Huntington and Morgantown.

what a corporate backstabber. You have an ugly personality.

Whomever you are, you should be shown the door -- ASAP.

Get that IP ADDRESS...

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the pipeline will gaze back into you.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the pipeline will gaze back into you.

Friedrich Nietzsche

The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.


The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.


Truth. I remember the meetings (both rep and mgt) where a "motivational speaker" with the depth/intellect of a gnat was paraded in. The reactions to the speaker (as well as Lilly head shed honchos) reminded me of Germany in the 30's/40's. So glad to be out of that supremely unprofessional, mind numbing dog/pony show.

Truth. I remember the meetings (both rep and mgt) where a "motivational speaker" with the depth/intellect of a gnat was paraded in. The reactions to the speaker (as well as Lilly head shed honchos) reminded me of Germany in the 30's/40's. So glad to be out of that supremely unprofessional, mind numbing dog/pony show.

Like the training course where everyone learned the shape and color of theor "Birkman Triangles" taught by the Scungili Sisters...

Like the training course where everyone learned the shape and color of theor "Birkman Triangles" taught by the Scungili Sisters...

We've probably wasted billions on phony psychology.

Which probably equates to 100 billion when you look at lost opportunity.

The Silicon Valley approach is to just totally get immersed in competitive game changers, not to say that I agree with it. Sure, why not set up some X labs, have pizza and coffee for free after hours for the dedicated types, maybe offer some special options.

These psychologists usually turn out to be quacks in the long run.