The End Is Near

quiz:who has the best tan?
who has the most improved handicap?
lets see nobody working everyone waiting to see what happens and where to bring their business---tg included[/QUOTE
Funny. All of the above. With the depleted ops crew in place, no supplies, and no reagent, why be embarrassed and beat up by bringing on a new client that can be saved and brought to a stable lab. In the meantime...fore!!

So many of us have worked so hard. We have been here and did our job 9 to 5 and more than that. Yet we get knocked down by lack of sales, no new acconts. We can only do what we can do. Are you doing what you can do?

So many of us have worked so hard. We have been here and did our job 9 to 5 and more than that. Yet we get knocked down by lack of sales, no new acconts. We can only do what we can do. Are you doing what you can do?

The plan to exit the business has been in place for quite some time and the inevitable is near. Unfortunately, there were just no takers after they hired a banker to shop the business. Bottom line people is that the industry model for small regionals is broken and can't be fixed, especially one that tried to take advantage of the out of network strategy. Trevi now knows they can't recoup their investment so their only choice is to unload this albatross any way they can if just to stop the bleeding.

So many of us have worked so hard. We have been here and did our job 9 to 5 and more than that. Yet we get knocked down by lack of sales, no new acconts. We can only do what we can do. Are you doing what you can do?
If playing golf and hanging on the beach counts then yes. Why should i bring business in not knowing when Trevi is shutting us down?
Now i heard we are sending out bags becouse no reagent? like everyone else --tg included--just collecting my check until its done. prob by sept is my guess enjoy the rest of the summer.