The End is Near

I disagree.

I think you are being hard on our fraternity///.... I mean company.

Yes, we screwed up what could have been a simple launch of an epilepsy product by tying it to an expensive fit-bit watch strategy.

And yes we created a generic vs brand offering that the docs and pharmacies could not understand. And then we threw out our patient centric mantra and took a huge price increase.

And I suppose we also brought in and promoted only the best friends of our assigned Prince (as long as they dressed correctly).

But other than that, I think your criticism is unjust... :)
Company, management is a joke. I would love to see these fucking people walk around with a detail piece and terrible coverage and try to promote this has been pill. Watch them fall on her face. Their solution is to fly everybody to Minnesota next week for a one-day runaround meeting. Talk about a waste of money. They talking to both sides of their mouth. We have no money so we cut the salesforce. Miami there a big fucking party. We are in Miami nobody even mentioned percent to goal is for sales. Oh wait we don't have sales goals. I can't wait to get the fuck out of here

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