The Culture of Bayer

We got a calendar..... Not sure if its gonna stick. If we have to wait another week I'm going to spontaneously combust.

No one is hearing anything besides what we r telling each other.. Driving each other crazzzzzy.

Wish I could just go to the beach.

Nobody I know wants to take vacation because they want to get paid for it but going into offices gets a bit harder each day. Our mgr finally put a calendar on that has ride alongs scheduled which is kind of funny because we haven't seen the calendar all year until about 2 weeks ago. Do you ever start to wonder if any of the folks in charge have ever read the management books they recommend to us. Like habits of highly effective leaders. It all starts and ends with your people but somewhere along the line they seem to have forgotten WE are the people. Most of us are really good people and workers. It gets a little bit harder everyday to put a smile on when they haven't demonstrated they give much of a rats ____ about any of us.

I have never worked for a company who cares less about its people! Every year another reorg...and not a single word from upper management in weeks. Let's hope the madness ends this week with an answer about realignment. I really don't know how much more stress I can handle!

That is what I see. Great place to work. You will always have some sour grapes, but overall great culture. Lots of opportunity if you work hard as well.

QUOTE=Anonymous;4764098]I've heard Bayer is a great place to be in the industry. Every employee that I've met and talked to seems happy. Is this an accurate depiction of the culture of Bayer?

You must not work for Bayer company or floating on a cloud. The culture has been bad for years and years and constantly gets worse. Not sour grapes at all, just realistic!

Worst place I have ever worked. It is horrid...altogether a nightmare. Quotas and plans are changed mid year/quarter every year. Payouts are inconsistent w performance.... Unrealistic expectations. Taking the sales force away from selling w useless distrActions. Many many many half truths. No trust overall in upper management. Condescending tone across the board. If you're in whc... Well... You know. It's a waiting game every year. It has been one of the greatest mistakes of my life, waiting that is. I've been waiting for things to be better- for someone new to come in and illustrate and STICK TO a bonus plan that actually makes working worth it. For a device force, we are grossly underpaid. It's just.... Ugh. It's just ugg.

Our leaders are unapproachable and not human. "All correspondence goes through your manager"... Even if you are simply asking for extra brochures. roadblocks to doing our jobs quickly and effectively. It is a pooooorly run machine. Wish I'd known. Feel like I ruined my career by coming here. :( I was so excited about whc and making a difference.... Now I just pray to not be laid off because my brag book is embarrassing. "In the middle of this year here, we realigned and the product lineup changed....the way we were paid changed.... Our FCR's don't have scores...." We are all stuck here unless your in the top 5%.... Which 95% of us are not. We're also not getting paid and will have to return our bonus checks that we just received...which we were all paid because our leaders couldn't figure it they gave us all 85% ...for now. I kid you not. This happened. They get paid and heads that roll are the sales force... But upper management cannot figure out how to pay us. TRUE LEADERSHIP!

So... That's how it is here.

You can get promoted if you are German, white male and part of the inner circle. Competence is not a strong criteria to get promoted! Its so sad to see how many incompetent people get promoted to Director and VP positions. Bayer could be a better company if they embraced diversity.

Bob Russey is also a terrible human being. He worked in HR and used that past position to harass. He's honest and actually will tell you he's untouchable. Bayer is the worst place to work. They have a good ole boy mentality. Terrible place to work.