Worst place I have ever worked. It is horrid...altogether a nightmare. Quotas and plans are changed mid year/quarter every year. Payouts are inconsistent w performance.... Unrealistic expectations. Taking the sales force away from selling w useless distrActions. Many many many half truths. No trust overall in upper management. Condescending tone across the board. If you're in whc... Well... You know. It's a waiting game every year. It has been one of the greatest mistakes of my life, waiting that is. I've been waiting for things to be better- for someone new to come in and illustrate and STICK TO a bonus plan that actually makes working worth it. For a device force, we are grossly underpaid. It's just.... Ugh. It's just ugg.
Our leaders are unapproachable and not human. "All correspondence goes through your manager"... Even if you are simply asking for extra brochures. roadblocks to doing our jobs quickly and effectively. It is a pooooorly run machine. Wish I'd known. Feel like I ruined my career by coming here.
I was so excited about whc and making a difference.... Now I just pray to not be laid off because my brag book is embarrassing. "In the middle of this year here, we realigned and the product lineup changed....the way we were paid changed.... Our FCR's don't have scores...." We are all stuck here unless your in the top 5%.... Which 95% of us are not. We're also not getting paid and will have to return our bonus checks that we just received...which we were all paid because our leaders couldn't figure it out...so they gave us all 85% ...for now. I kid you not. This happened. They get paid and heads that roll are the sales force... But upper management cannot figure out how to pay us. TRUE LEADERSHIP!
So... That's how it is here.