The above post is right on. I am a Berlex rep who knew that Berlex was bad. Bayer makes Berlex seem like Apple! The incompetence is rampant and widespread. Phil is representative of all that is wrong at Bayer. Totally incompetent and clueless!
The culture is awful.
They don't hire from within and don't develop their people even though on their intranet site under Professional Development they state otherwise. There are some really great people at Bayer (personality-wise), and some real losers. Many/most of the management still think they are part of the "cool" group in high school and love to professionally bully people around. Most manage up for fear of their own hide, and trample the people beneath them in the process. Most directors may have some years under their belts, and thats really the only reason they got the jobs, not based on real performance, hence they are horrid, dysfunctional managers. Again, they like the cache of being in senior management roles, and really could care less about anyone who isn't at or close to their salary grades. Do a google search on "Bayer" and "gender discrimination" and you can read all about the lawsuit that they are quietly sweeping under the rug. It boggles the mind at who is now in the leadership roles--
Oh, and they love lying to the sales force--neurology as an example--telling these people for years how great everything it is...while the competition is cleaning ther clocks...
I've heard Bayer is a great place to be in the industry. Every employee that I've met and talked to seems happy. Is this an accurate depiction of the culture of Bayer?
German with a splash of British. All the bad aspects of the respective "cultures" dominate
Are you saying Phil is no Steve Jobs!? Ole Steve would never fuel expansion opportunities by passing over current apple employees to hire only Samsung employees would he? Or any other high level manager of a major corporation for that matter. That would hurt morale , breed discontent and heighten mistrust that can affect productivity . Management 101
This is spot ON!!!! Bayer also has a ton of development opportunities but strangely, you can never get your boss to help get you there??????
There are some companies doing it right. I have heard Genetech is great about helping develop their own people. They WANT you to build on your stregths. Maybe they could do a mass LAYOFF with all of the high paid executive salaries in the home office. Clean house there and rebuild the management team for a change. See if we could actually get some people who care about other people. Last I checked, that is mgmt 101 too. Take care of your people and they take care of you.
I find all this comical. Have you never worked for another pharma company? It's like this everywhere! It's part of being in sales, in pharma and having a job in genreal. Anyone who tells you they work for the perfect company is either too naive to know any better or drinking way too much of the company cool aid.
All the announce,emits will happen together, I bet.
Here is ure missing spp!
Suddenly lms released content!
Oh yeah, fsd is gone as of last week...
Here are ure colleagues account plans...go get em!
Data updated through June overnight!
And the BD mess gets cleared up!
Skyla? Back in stock!!!!
......said no one ever.