The Biggest Problems AZ has...


The Biggest Problems AZ has...

1. Management is not listening to their employees
2. Arrogance is killing morale
3. Good opinions are stifled
4. Direction is misguided
5. No consistency across regions
6. Product messaging is unfocused
7. Sales people are not aligned correctly
8. District managers are undisciplined in their assigned care settings (They don't know the business).
9. Very limited team efforts
10. Empty pipeline

Hmmmm. . . . .

1. Management is not listening to their employees (Management does not care and there are way, way too many of them! They do what they can to look busy.)
2. Arrogance is killing morale (Really? Morale died a long time ago with forced rankings and too many mirror image counterparts who have to shove their nose up managements' ass to stay employed. If you have not noticed AZ likes to PIP people out of every district every single year and for no good reason as they keep the mirrors they like and we all have the same fucking goals. That's not arrogance, it's stupidity and hostility. Makes people quit sharing anything because that "one" thing might be the valuable egg they will need at chopping time!)
3. Good opinions are stifled (There are no good opinions at AZ - only yes men)
4. Direction is misguided (Direction? What fucking direction and to whom? Are you kidding me? This would be like herding cats!)
5. No consistency across regions (Oh, there is. Just because the top down leadership is to rule by intimidation and create a culture of fear does not mean it is not crossing regions - I assure you, it is. Even bad is consistency - think about that.)
6. Product messaging is unfocused (Oh, well, here you are just wrong. Messaging is all AZ is about. In fact, any sales person NOT out messaging will be executed. I mean it. No one here can even think outside the box. This does not mean the messaging is good - but do not tell that to marketing as they had a team of "consultants" tell them our message is what doctors want to hear!!!)
7. Sales people are not aligned correctly (You think having sales people stacked one on top of the other, piled into districts where there is like 1 rep for every account and they are all trying to do the exact same thing is a problem? How would you align like 8 mirror image partners who have five different bosses and refuse to share even one contact?)
8. District managers are undisciplined in their assigned care settings (They don't know the business). (Well, you beat me to that one, but they don't care either! They just want to check boxes and stay off the radar.)
9. Very limited team efforts (What team effort? - forced ranking and a culture of fear makes this place The Hunger Games of pharma - there is no I in team and AZ fosters only giving a shit about yourself. I have yet to see any team actually act like a team - you know, where you all want to win the same game and do not care who gets credit but just want to get from point A to point B? Not here. It's every man or woman for himself or herself and the more credit they can take AWAY from their partners the better they look to their manager!)
10. Empty pipeline (Uh, yes. But I think we bought some fish oil and a risky biologic for cancer recently. Anyone who watches drug approves for Oncology knows that is one hell of a crap shoot!)

Sorry, I meant to say like 5 to 9 reps per every account or every target. One rep would be outstanding. AZ would never do it. Not until the well runs completely dry. You see, to cut this glut of sales people would mean HUGE cuts to HQ, marketing, middle management, field management and not a single one of them have the balls to say we don't need this many people. We go, they go. They all want their cushy busywork jobs - how they live with themselves at the end of the day after doing absolutely nothing of any value is beyond me.

I have 0 complaints. I work just a few hours per week, and make tons of money. I really can't understand why all of you are so unhappy? I love it here! Met my spouse twice last week for an early PM movie. I eat free lunches most days. Life is great!

Honestly, have no idea what division you are in but I call BS. My division we are tracked like animals threatened if we do not meet metrics. Impossible targets. Huge area. Drive hours a day and have hours of trackers and reports at night. Not to mention one Azer every two weeks that takes four hours each. I barely have time to stop to tske a dump.

Honestly, have no idea what division you are in but I call BS. My division we are tracked like animals threatened if we do not meet metrics. Impossible targets. Huge area. Drive hours a day and have hours of trackers and reports at night. Not to mention one Azer every two weeks that takes four hours each. I barely have time to stop to tske a dump.

a simple thing that all reps should start pushing for, and leveraging the HR work/life balance initiatves as the rationale: OFFICE days. Reps have a heavy admin burden, with reports due, and especially expense reports. Yet, has anyone ever brough this up vocally at a meeting for upper mgnt to hear? Why is that all other field employees above rep level have dedicated office time, yet the folks who REALLY need it for planning and admin, and for packing cars, and opening and reviwing promo crap,,get zero consideration ? The culture is to "do admin on your personal time". Well, that flies right in the face of trying to maintain a work/life balance. HR should look at how the admin side of the job has changed so dramatically, and start pushing for dedicated office days for field reps. If they did that the same way they pimp for Duhversitty, there might be some headway made there. Consider: all other roles have office days built in. Fields should have that also as a business need.

a simple thing that all reps should start pushing for, and leveraging the HR work/life balance initiatves as the rationale: OFFICE days. Reps have a heavy admin burden, with reports due, and especially expense reports. Yet, has anyone ever brough this up vocally at a meeting for upper mgnt to hear? Why is that all other field employees above rep level have dedicated office time, yet the folks who REALLY need it for planning and admin, and for packing cars, and opening and reviwing promo crap,,get zero consideration ? The culture is to "do admin on your personal time". Well, that flies right in the face of trying to maintain a work/life balance. HR should look at how the admin side of the job has changed so dramatically, and start pushing for dedicated office days for field reps. If they did that the same way they pimp for Duhversitty, there might be some headway made there. Consider: all other roles have office days built in. Fields should have that also as a business need.

The last time I worked for a company that was this fucked up was about 11 years ago. I have no idea how we can get appointments (sometimes 20 phone calls), complete about 10 emails a day, that four hour expense report, the trackers, the account plans, wait for all that shit and the blue circle of death to load anything on the laptop, complete the training and all the fucking reading ON OUR OWN TIME!!! Yes, Our BOSS actually said we will get written up if we are not in the field by 8:30 and we cannot leave an account until 4:00 pm. While this sounds great it really does not work that well as you cannot leave at 8:30 for an account that is 2 hours away. Likewise if you are two hours away and leave at 4 pm - you won't get home until 6 pm and still have all the B.S. OK, where did I just squeeze in 10 to 20 phone calls to get that one or two more appointments? I am more than exhausted. If I am lucky enough to get out of here, I am going to write a horrible letter to HR, copy my attorney regarding AZ's practice about overworking their reps - I saved my boss's lovely "expectation letter" !!!!.

Office days are needed at least two a month! My last company had no call requirement just dollar targets and we had one office day a week. People loved the company and most felt they had a great work life balance. I was being downsized, hence being here. Since coming to AZ, I have not had time to work out, to cook, to go for a walk - nothing. In fact, I have so much shit to do left over from any given week that I usually have to take a VACATION DAY to do it. I bet my last eight vacation days I did AZ work on them. Nice. I fucking hate this place.

Am I alone here or is this nuts, especially the folks with the long drive times? I am CVAS.

BTW, during any given ride day with my ASSHOLE manager: he spends ALL day on GOOD on his phone typing all of his emails and reading. He makes about 10 to 20 phone calls and pays little attention to what is going on at my account. Then he feels free to criticize me after that lack of attention to anything that was important to me or my customer. He also has pointed out that he needs to be home by 5 and does not work after that. . . . Oh, but not his fucking reps. Amazing.

a simple thing that all reps should start pushing for, and leveraging the HR work/life balance initiatves as the rationale: OFFICE days. Reps have a heavy admin burden, with reports due, and especially expense reports. Yet, has anyone ever brough this up vocally at a meeting for upper mgnt to hear? Why is that all other field employees above rep level have dedicated office time, yet the folks who REALLY need it for planning and admin, and for packing cars, and opening and reviwing promo crap,,get zero consideration ? The culture is to "do admin on your personal time". Well, that flies right in the face of trying to maintain a work/life balance. HR should look at how the admin side of the job has changed so dramatically, and start pushing for dedicated office days for field reps. If they did that the same way they pimp for Duhversitty, there might be some headway made there. Consider: all other roles have office days built in. Fields should have that also as a business need.

You are correct about the culture. Work life/balance is a ruse, a byword, has been for years. Office days are continually brought up by reps during surveys. Management has no intention of recognizing either.

You are correct about the culture. Work life/balance is a ruse, a byword, has been for years. Office days are continually brought up by reps during surveys. Management has no intention of recognizing either.

Someone needs to come up with some damning evidence and sue. I would imagine there are enough pissed off reps for a class action against AZ. Seriously, everyone here is timid. No one EVER speaks up at any meeting. We shuffle around like cattle being led to the slaughter and say not one negative thing. Granted, last time I even mentioned something negative to my boss he pretty much bit my head off about not being a team player. Fuck this place. I mean it. You think half of these managers and regionals are NOT out golfing at 3 on Friday or more often? Yet, they expect reps to figure out how to drive three to four hours a day, see six ICs with great F2F discussions, make appointments (and that's 20 phone calls to one appointment and we cannot do that and drive), read through the B.S. 10 emails or more a day, do all the trackers, plans, training, how about that B.S. IPAD trip around the world that took six hours to learn what should have taken 2? I is crazy. ALL on MY OWN time!!! Really?

Here is my usually day. I get up at 6 am exhausted and try and do family stuff and eat. At 7 am I am getting ready and looking over emails and checking my car - usually out the door on the road by 7:30 or 8:00 am or even sooner. Get to first call by 9 and keep making calls until I have to do lunch at 11:30 to 2:00 (no time to make appointments then). I sit in my car for about 1/2 and do enter calls and try to make some appointments over the phone - usually not enough time. I hit the road and go to another account to hunt down more doctors or HCPs. I make a few retail calls and before I know it, it is 5 or 6 pm and I go home usually get there by 6:30 or 7 pm. I eat dinner and am exhausted only to open my computer at about 8:30 pm and see three to four fire drills that I have to do RIGHT NOW sent by my asshole manager or his manager. So, rather than spend time with my family or work out, I am on the company site doing B.S. until 10 pm at night or later. Of course, the fucking thing crashes and I have to call the helpless desk. Add another hour or two of time. Jeez, I had hoped to start my account plan or tracker or AZer report. Ok, there is always tomorrow. tomorrow is the same B.S. Thursday night I am up until 10 pm sending account plans. Friday, if I do get off early (like 3) it is to spend until 8 pm doing an Azer report and then stand at FedEx for an hour the next morning while they fax it. Sometime in the next five days my asshole manager will reject it because someone forgot to circle something. Ok, another hour looking at the blue circle of death to fix it. . . . and do not even get me started on loading the databases that contain all of our metrics and transfering them into something useful. Hello! Then there is the vendor credentialing, the wellness B.S., the conferences and ask fuckhead a question and no one says anything meaningful anyway. OMG, I was on one "executive rep" TC and it was all glad handing and "oh, how happy and grateful I am to present to everyone today, thank you Suzie and Brad and my manager and his manager and corporate for allowing me to . . . . !" Completely useless. Again, no one asked any hard or painful questions. It was all people who wanted to be seen as "team players" in love with every single thing this company spews out. FU AZ

Can we ID which managers are the most to be concerned with?

WTF kind of question is that? Most of the managers at AZ are only here to ride your ass until they break you. That is the culture here. You are completely expendable. You'd be lucky to find one normal manager in any given region who actually 'gets' it and values the people on their team.

I have 0 complaints. I work just a few hours per week, and make tons of money. I really can't understand why all of you are so unhappy? I love it here! Met my spouse twice last week for an early PM movie. I eat free lunches most days. Life is great!

Bullshit. What division are you in? Seriously. You must have a great boss, be in a small territory, know all of your accounts/targets days in and be able to lie with no problem on most of your call data. That shit will catch you now that we have IPADS. I guess if you're in primary care or you are actually in CV hospital speciality, you could do it by doing one hospital lunch a day - How do you have that kind of access shared with three other counterparts or number of accounts to keep you buy enough to hit the target list? You cannot! No way. Unless you ace all of your partners out or have wonderful accounts that LOVE seeing an AZ rep once a week or every couple of days. I am not buying it.

Bullshit. What division are you in? Seriously. You must have a great boss, be in a small territory, know all of your accounts/targets days in and be able to lie with no problem on most of your call data. That shit will catch you now that we have IPADS. I guess if you're in primary care or you are actually in CV hospital speciality, you could do it by doing one hospital lunch a day - How do you have that kind of access shared with three other counterparts or number of accounts to keep you buy enough to hit the target list? You cannot! No way. Unless you ace all of your partners out or have wonderful accounts that LOVE seeing an AZ rep once a week or every couple of days. I am not buying it.

Doesn't really matter if you "buy it" or not. I have been doing it for about 13 years now. I literally have not worked a full day since we merged. And, i don't give a rat's ass about the stupid iPads. And, I won't get caught because I'm smart. A lot smarter than my incredibly stupid DM, who but the way hasn't worked a full day with a rep since day 1!

You morons worry to much about getting caught. Just chill and relax a little and things will look better in the AM.

Doesn't really matter if you "buy it" or not. I have been doing it for about 13 years now. I literally have not worked a full day since we merged. And, i don't give a rat's ass about the stupid iPads. And, I won't get caught because I'm smart. A lot smarter than my incredibly stupid DM, who but the way hasn't worked a full day with a rep since day 1!

You morons worry to much about getting caught. Just chill and relax a little and things will look better in the AM.

Quit congratulating yourself. You gave it away. Your DM could give a crap and does not work a full day. Your life is fucking great here at AZ. I happen to have a DM that has few reps, does three day rides, expects 6 min F2F IPAD details with ICs or clinicals when he's with you, and wants to work from 8:30 to 4:30 no exceptions. Everything is by the book from account plans, to pre call planning to the proper message for the right target to ensuring a close that gains commitment. You miss any one of those things and he WILL give you a NI or write you up. It is like living in HELL. Oh, and the rides for all of us are SURPRISE. Meaning no 1 day notice. This jerk actually calls you at 3 pm and is riding with you the next day. We have a dozen different trackers and best practices. I do not no where to begin or end with how bad this is for our group. I have not figured out how to fool this guy and I sure have not gotten over the PTSD of having literally 2 hours or less to plan a GREAT fucking busy day for this prick as a threat looming 24/7. I have never been under so much stress in my entire life and this prick is just part of the marvels at AZ.

Quit congratulating yourself. You gave it away. Your DM could give a crap and does not work a full day. Your life is fucking great here at AZ. I happen to have a DM that has few reps, does three day rides, expects 6 min F2F IPAD details with ICs or clinicals when he's with you, and wants to work from 8:30 to 4:30 no exceptions. Everything is by the book from account plans, to pre call planning to the proper message for the right target to ensuring a close that gains commitment. You miss any one of those things and he WILL give you a NI or write you up. It is like living in HELL. Oh, and the rides for all of us are SURPRISE. Meaning no 1 day notice. This jerk actually calls you at 3 pm and is riding with you the next day. We have a dozen different trackers and best practices. I do not no where to begin or end with how bad this is for our group. I have not figured out how to fool this guy and I sure have not gotten over the PTSD of having literally 2 hours or less to plan a GREAT fucking busy day for this prick as a threat looming 24/7. I have never been under so much stress in my entire life and this prick is just part of the marvels at AZ.

I've always thought I've had it bad, but your boss turns a knot in my stomach. Cannot imagine living under that kind of constant stress, especially unannounced (which it really is the afternoon the day before) field rides.

I can promise you if he does it one more time and I have grown a set, I am throwing every fucking thing in that POS they call a car along with all the electronics, a printed resignstion from my attorney and hand that dick the keys. It is an icredible amount of stress on top of all the other BS and pressure of the job. The note will point out specific facts re AZ and management creating a very hostile environment.

I can promise you if he does it one more time and I have grown a set, I am throwing every fucking thing in that POS they call a car along with all the electronics, a printed resignstion from my attorney and hand that dick the keys. It is an icredible amount of stress on top of all the other BS and pressure of the job. The note will point out specific facts re AZ and management creating a very hostile environment.

This is your Dm. No you won't. You sold out for 40 pieces of silver. You will do what you are told and you will kiss my ass. You are good at talking behind my back but to my face you melt. You make me sick. You will never I mean never grow a set. It's a shame you are 45 years old and can't get a job anywhere else and decades from retirement. Now go finish those spreadsheets I ordered you to do and keep the tracker current. LOL

I can promise you if he does it one more time and I have grown a set, I am throwing every fucking thing in that POS they call a car along with all the electronics, a printed resignstion from my attorney and hand that dick the keys. It is an icredible amount of stress on top of all the other BS and pressure of the job. The note will point out specific facts re AZ and management creating a very hostile environment.

Why not have some fun with it first?

The next field day he springs on you, tell him that's fine and you're really looking forward to it. Then let him travel to your territory and at about 7:00 call him and tell him you're sick.

Hell if you're about to quit there's nothing worse they can do to you, so.... Why not? If he doesn't believe you the third time it happens, the worst he can do is fire you.

In today's economy, you're not getting another good job no matter what, whether you quit or are fired, so it doesn't matter at all. Stick around and have fun.

I can promise you if he does it one more time and I have grown a set, I am throwing every fucking thing in that POS they call a car along with all the electronics, a printed resignstion from my attorney and hand that dick the keys. It is an icredible amount of stress on top of all the other BS and pressure of the job. The note will point out specific facts re AZ and management creating a very hostile environment.
There is a history of hundreds of these types of lawsuits against AZ management. If you are a minority they may settle out of court to make it go away but if you are a white male then forget it. They will fight you to their last breath.