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The Best we have this year is....


So here it is. The nominations are in. The crowd is hushed. Who would receive the coveted AZ award by our new President? Almost $11B in sales in the US and what are we most proud about? The unrelenting push of sham charity supported co-pay cards for a dying brand, notice to reps to see doctors when a diagnostic code identifies a new target and best of all? Fun bite size learning chunks of our yearly mandatory compliance training that saved over 17,500 hours of productivity. Let's forget the fact that for the first time in 131 years we were NOT under a CIA so for once we did not need 11,000 people to spend 3 hours only 90 minutes so there you have it - do the math. Wasn't that fun this year getting 25 different emails over 6 months to do the 10 minute haha scenarios and it is fucking mandatory so please next year just tell me once when to close the door for 90 minutes. What a joke.

First we have our CEO spend his first big meeting here by doing a sappy farewell party to Paul Hudson two weeks after he gave notice and he joked and told stories about Paul coming to his house for crepes. Hence the post - Let them eat crepes - nice play on words. And today our new comedian talks about Paul his texting buddy and how they still yak it up and Paul was doing a visit to Rio - wow tough duty huh - and oh by the way I know the Novartis marketing company president in Brazil because you know this is a really small clubby group of folks that travel this circuit. Great opening there Rudy. Can;t wait till next year

The President's Award should have gone to our DSM. Over the past year - really more like 3 - she has managed to not work a single full day with anyone in our district. Arrives late in the morning spends the whole time going over data then off for a two hour lunch then we make one call before she magically gets called again for yet another urgent tconf with our CBD who by the way is also unseen and unheard from.

They gave a Presidents Award for doing those sappy little modules where they tried to be cute? Are you for real? On what basis? This is an annual rite of passage and we got nothing better than compliance training modules? Help us all

The President's Award should have gone to our DSM. Over the past year - really more like 3 - she has managed to not work a single full day with anyone in our district. Arrives late in the morning spends the whole time going over data then off for a two hour lunch then we make one call before she magically gets called again for yet another urgent tconf with our CBD who by the way is also unseen and unheard from.

Sounds oddly familiar