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the axe is going to fall on ...


I would look at other divisions within Novartis such as Oncology.
Gen Med was hit hard and Im just not sure Novartis will crumble the structure again after 6 mos. There are many other ways Novartis can cut $$

Yeah, by getting rid of the displaced DM's that are reps now!! It makes since for June 30th, because that will be when the severance for most runs out for the last round of cuts, yep be prepared!!! I bet oncology will be one, but also GM probably another 1 person per pod.

it wont be a Sept. reduction,mid year sounds about right. Wouldnt surprise me if this time a more organized reduction occured such as offering a retirement package to rid all those close to retirement along with a tweaking of the PODS.

Ive noticed a great deal of urgency about sales despite it being so early. Seems like this first quarter sales means something to Novartis more than previous first quarters. Pressure from MD heating up.

Ive noticed a great deal of urgency about sales despite it being so early. Seems like this first quarter sales means something to Novartis more than previous first quarters. Pressure from MD heating up.

I've noticed that too. Pressure from DM and MD is ridiculous. Fewer people with higher goals? Come on. I go to work every day and do my best, but you'd think they think we're all slacking. Docs have also mentioned that those who remain, from all pharma companies, are more stressed and "pushy". Where does that get us? Locked out of more offices. Way to go Novartis!

it wont be a Sept. reduction,mid year sounds about right. Wouldnt surprise me if this time a more organized reduction occured such as offering a retirement package to rid all those close to retirement along with a tweaking of the PODS.

This sounds spot on...my old mgr in Neuro said retirement pakages would be offered before the layoff...that never happened.....so I bet it will take place soon...then the axe in AUg-Oct?

"Will the axe fall"? Remember Novartis Pharma US primary goal/duty/mandate is to deliver the numbers mandated by Switzerland. If growth in sales isn't happening due to losartan pressure on Diovan, Aricept generic vs Exelon Patch, total number of prescriptions down for all medicines ( which was the case in 2010), fewer people have insurance due to jobless numbers, Gilenya growth slower than budgeted, on and on, what's left is cutting costs. They will soon, if not already, have enough sales numbers to make decisions on necessary cuts. Rember whether it's via increased sales or cuts; SWITZERLAND ALWAYS GETS THEIRS!

Yeah, by getting rid of the displaced DM's that are reps now!! It makes since for June 30th, because that will be when the severance for most runs out for the last round of cuts, yep be prepared!!! I bet oncology will be one, but also GM probably another 1 person per pod.

All pods should be collapsed, with only ONE rep per territory. Multiple reps, calling on the same docs is clear waste. As long as thjeir are pods, your jobs will neber be secure.

I dont know about the 1000 number but I do know that how Reclast,Patch and the CV franchise perform these first couple months will set a whole bunch of decisions in motion. If we are not hitting budget then a reduction of force ( packages/displacements) will occur sooner rather than later.

Id like to know from the poster who stated a reduction down to 1000 reps where he/she got that number.

1000 does not seem out of the question. Here is the current headcount.
MD = 27. SOC Hospital and LTC Dir = 4.
FLM = 240. KAM=25. BRM=39. LTC Manager=49.
Hospital ASM=9. GM/SOC and Account Rep=2219.
TOTAL Field Force=2689 plus 1 General Manager.

K P needs to go. He doens't know what he is doing. His manager will see soon. It doesn't take long to figure out when someone has fallen through the cracks. He is a lawsuit waiting to happen.