This thread is not meant to scare you, or talk as though the sky is falling. My intent is only to prepare you for some negative changes coming so that you eyes are wide open and you can prepare. This might mean you should think twice before making large purchases,vacations, etc.
Folks, the"Reshape" plan is code for "Re-org" and is the start of a controlled layoff/downsizing. Even if we win the Copaxone challenge next year, things are going to change in a big way. Teva must change with the current industry climate, and try to stay viable over the next few years. Everything we heard at our last meeting is a textbook process for thinning the ranks and cutting costs. If you fail to grasp the gravity of the recent changes, lets revisit a few things that were rolled out in the last couple of weeks:
1. Hiring freeze for all home office personnel as well as certain facilities that are slated for closure. On top of that, any sales territory that comes open for any reason (fired, transferred, promoted) will not be posted until a home office review of said territory takes place. It will then be determined if the territory should be closed or split, then added to adjacent territories. The one other option mentioned was that if the territory is closed, they could maintain the headcount by adding a rep elsewhere in the country where it might be more profitable. This is a first at Teva.
2. Lost of any/all accrued time off, if not used by end of calendar year (unless pre-approved by the that's going to happen!). Teva has always allowed carryover of 4-8 days depending on the year. This is also another first for Teva.
3. New work day expectations sign-off. We were told that this was only done to protect Teva against lawsuits from fired employees who stated that the expectations were never clearly stated.
There is an old saying that goes: "The best way to hide a lie is in a half-truth". So to be fair, that part (undefined expectations)is true as some fired employees have used that defense. Now lets move on to the deception part of the expectations letter. First, we are told to be in the field from 8 to 5 and to have a signature call by 8:30 everyday, and one at 4:30 or after everyday. If you fail to do so, your activity will be highlighted when it is automatically sent to your manager every week. Your manager then has the option to make this a disciplinary event if you fail to meet the new criteria. If your manager wants you out, make sure you follow this to a tee. However, even if your manager is trying to protect you he/she will have to answer up-line for any "holes" in your activity. The worst part is we all have limited offices where we can get signatures that early or late in the day, thereby setting you up for problems. We now are told to only take a "half-hour" lunch yet our offices are generally closed from 12 to 2 for lunch. Calling on pharmacies during lunch is hit and miss as they are usually slammed with customers trying to make their lunch run to the pharmacy. Beware, a 2 hour block of inactivity is also a way to highlight your activity report. These are all firsts for Teva.
4. Finally, I want you to consider this: Do any of these new rules actually cause your business to grow? except for a few rare exceptions, No. So why institute all of these new rules? The answer is, it gives them additional tools to get rid of you with documentation, rather than paying you a severance package should you be on the list for "Reshape".
There were many other troubling changes that I have not addressed in this post. All sales forces at Teva are going to feel the pain, some more than others. How quickly, this goes down hinges on a number of things inside Teva, as well as the FDA, the courts, and Obamacare. Be ready for a series of mandatory conference calls with sudden changes, some that will make no sense and will have the feel of panic at home office in them.
Be well my Teva counterparts, may we all land on our feet through the changes.
Folks, the"Reshape" plan is code for "Re-org" and is the start of a controlled layoff/downsizing. Even if we win the Copaxone challenge next year, things are going to change in a big way. Teva must change with the current industry climate, and try to stay viable over the next few years. Everything we heard at our last meeting is a textbook process for thinning the ranks and cutting costs. If you fail to grasp the gravity of the recent changes, lets revisit a few things that were rolled out in the last couple of weeks:
1. Hiring freeze for all home office personnel as well as certain facilities that are slated for closure. On top of that, any sales territory that comes open for any reason (fired, transferred, promoted) will not be posted until a home office review of said territory takes place. It will then be determined if the territory should be closed or split, then added to adjacent territories. The one other option mentioned was that if the territory is closed, they could maintain the headcount by adding a rep elsewhere in the country where it might be more profitable. This is a first at Teva.
2. Lost of any/all accrued time off, if not used by end of calendar year (unless pre-approved by the that's going to happen!). Teva has always allowed carryover of 4-8 days depending on the year. This is also another first for Teva.
3. New work day expectations sign-off. We were told that this was only done to protect Teva against lawsuits from fired employees who stated that the expectations were never clearly stated.
There is an old saying that goes: "The best way to hide a lie is in a half-truth". So to be fair, that part (undefined expectations)is true as some fired employees have used that defense. Now lets move on to the deception part of the expectations letter. First, we are told to be in the field from 8 to 5 and to have a signature call by 8:30 everyday, and one at 4:30 or after everyday. If you fail to do so, your activity will be highlighted when it is automatically sent to your manager every week. Your manager then has the option to make this a disciplinary event if you fail to meet the new criteria. If your manager wants you out, make sure you follow this to a tee. However, even if your manager is trying to protect you he/she will have to answer up-line for any "holes" in your activity. The worst part is we all have limited offices where we can get signatures that early or late in the day, thereby setting you up for problems. We now are told to only take a "half-hour" lunch yet our offices are generally closed from 12 to 2 for lunch. Calling on pharmacies during lunch is hit and miss as they are usually slammed with customers trying to make their lunch run to the pharmacy. Beware, a 2 hour block of inactivity is also a way to highlight your activity report. These are all firsts for Teva.
4. Finally, I want you to consider this: Do any of these new rules actually cause your business to grow? except for a few rare exceptions, No. So why institute all of these new rules? The answer is, it gives them additional tools to get rid of you with documentation, rather than paying you a severance package should you be on the list for "Reshape".
There were many other troubling changes that I have not addressed in this post. All sales forces at Teva are going to feel the pain, some more than others. How quickly, this goes down hinges on a number of things inside Teva, as well as the FDA, the courts, and Obamacare. Be ready for a series of mandatory conference calls with sudden changes, some that will make no sense and will have the feel of panic at home office in them.
Be well my Teva counterparts, may we all land on our feet through the changes.