You are correct that the halls in TO are full of beta males, but you Horizon white knights aren’t going to be the answer. The reason you still have high bonuses is a product of labor law that prevents your jobs from being materially changed for a period of time. You’re correct, many Amgen reps aren’t anything special, I’ve been one for a long time, and the overall quality is way way down, but my friend, I’ve seen enough Horizon reps as well, and y’all are hardly the gift to pharma sales you want to believe you are. You signed on with a small company and you have been rewarded for that risk. Congratulations. Your comp package is a function of how many other people are willing and able to do your job. When you were at Horizon, not as many people were willing to take the risk of working for a small largely unknown company, so comp went up. You can train an idiot to sell drugs in today’s environment, and tons of those idiots would love to work at Amgen. Ergo, smaller IC packages, lower salaries because Amgen doesn’t have to pay more. Early on, when Amgen was younger and less stable, we were very highly paid, we drove really nice cars, our stock purchase plan was an ATM. With success, prominence, and market conditions, that need to pay a premium for talent has been reduced. So no, they don’t need you. Frankly, they don’t need me. The difference appears to be that I have the common sense, or healthy understanding of my place in the scene to see it. Don’t misattribute importance to luck.