TENURE - How did it work last time - How will it work this time?

If you are more "expensive" ( salary, pension, etc.) and all other things being equal. Logistics, ratings, etc. you will be cut before less tenured, less expensive.

This is NOT true. This is a lawsuit. Think about it people...the 10-20K difference in people's salaries is pennies in the grand scheme of things

No mention of Diversity and Inclusion criteria! With all the lawsuits, workshops, role plays, and theatrics along these lines, Im amazed it wasn't mentioned, but AMEN to the post of getting your house in order! Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. But is the BEST meaning you remain in this CESSPOOL ? Think about it? Seriously folks. I wasn't among the chosen last year, and as bad as it seemed at the time, I am better off.

No mention of Diversity and Inclusion criteria! With all the lawsuits, workshops, role plays, and theatrics along these lines, Im amazed it wasn't mentioned, but AMEN to the post of getting your house in order! Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. But is the BEST meaning you remain in this CESSPOOL ? Think about it? Seriously folks. I wasn't among the chosen last year, and as bad as it seemed at the time, I am better off.

Nice light bulb! The head of D and I isn't the brightest.....

A "1" rating does not automatically mean will you will be let go... example, two reps with same tenure are competing for one spot. First rep has a "1"-- 3.2, 1.2, 2.3 ratings over last 3 years and second rep has 2.2, 2.2, 2.2. First rep sum total is 13 and second rep total is 12---- second rep is left go. That is how is was explained to me anyway. I was also told if you get two 1s in a row-- you're out!

I really could care less give me the package. If anyone cares I have a friend at another company in HR it is a sales org. and they said they literally go down the line 1 white guy one girl 1 black male 1 black female ect. This may explain why the last cuts had P-club award winners galore. I personally think they throw darts. If you all are not getting your resume in order and interviewing like a lunatic you are braindead.

Best of Luck to all.

Incorrect sir. With it all tied, before tenure, they count up how many 3s in v and b you have.

Another incorrect post. There is no other ratings counted except last two years. They don't go back past 2 years. If everything is a tie (ratings, location to new territory targets) it simply becomes a tenure issue. End of story.

Historically this is how it rolls out in order of priority.
1. Last years rating
2. location to new territory
3. tenure

Anyone with a 1 is gone, sorry but thats what happens. If both have a 2/2, then its a matter of who lives close to the most targets in the new territory. If both live equally close to the majority of targets in the new territory, then the last thing considered is tenure and the individual that has been around longer stays. Just remember ratings are the most important and anyone with a 3 will stay unless the other has a 3 then the before mentioned scenario will play out.

What sucks is if you have been a top performer for years but as you know top performer goals increase, and then you have a bad year along with bad timing of a layoff, well you know the rest of the story.

Just continue to work hard, be a professional, and be as much of a value to Novartis as possible in meeting or exceeding expectations per your roles and responsibilities. Then also prioritize time when you are away from work to get your resume in order and line up interviews in preparation for potential layoff.

God Bless, and Best Wishes.

This is it.

There was one more criteria that was used in the last lay-off, but I'm not sure if I should mention it. My manager told me about it after I was retained when, in fact, I should have been terminated. Hummmmmmmmmm............

Bottom line is there will be not be enough "1's" to get rid of everyone so there will be reps with 2's and 3's that will be gone. If what is being said is true with the amount, ratings won't even really matter

Last year = no rhyme or reason. I know of EXCELLENT reps with 20 years and 25 years experience that were gone. Then I knew other with little tenure that were gone. All of these people were good reps with great ratings. The only thing I can think of is that maybe those very tenured reps had just previously moved over to the Neuro division about 2-3 months prior. The other less tenured reps were under my FLM. They all appeared to have great ratings. I think tenure did have everything to do with their layoff. However, last year on CP, it seemed that people were posting things across the board and there was no rhyme or reason to many of the layoffs.

PS: those reps who had just moved over to the Neuro division, their tenure was considered with the division and not with the company overall. So it didn't appear to matter that they had 20 and 25 years tenure with the company. They had only been with the neuro division about 3 months. Pretty s+itty if you ask me.

PS: those reps who had just moved over to the Neuro division, their tenure was considered with the division and not with the company overall. So it didn't appear to matter that they had 20 and 25 years tenure with the company. They had only been with the neuro division about 3 months. Pretty s+itty if you ask me.

Anyone who was rehired after being displaced last year also starts over with zero tenure even if you went back to your same position. Im sure tenure will play a part as will performance, ratings, diversity, where you live in relation to the territory, awards and there is NO way anyone will be able to figure it out. People are driving themselves crazy. What will happen will happen

HI Everyone!

Each time Novartis has downsized ( or as they say in Oncology Rightsized) the criteria has been different so you really do not know until it happens. I was downsized out of Oncology this Sept. I was a 10+ year employee, never got a 1 and mostly 3's. I won Pres club Multiple times and became Cornerstone. I was told that Upper management was allowed no input and they were shocked at this process. Some of the best long term performers were let go. Most were very seasoned with Pension plans. I do not know of anyone that had just a few years with the division that were let go. This years Pres club winners were let go, as well as, folks that went on Cornerstone. So, in this instance it seems to have been the higher paid, pension plan folks. I think they realize it was a big mistake since some great reps went and left on their own after this.They left because they felt as though they were not valued and this downsizing proved their dedication, contributions and performance meant nothing so the risk of staying was too great when other offers came along.

When Gen Meds downsized performance was taken into account. Novartis really is its own worst enemy and so many of us are thinking of you all during this stressful time.

I can share with you that I was able to get another job and the culture is positive and fun. The competition was tough, but, other companies know Novartis reorgs every year or two and they are impressed with your ability to adapt to change. I am still in the industry, but, I am aquiring skills to leave and many should think about the same.
This is a dying industry for all of us in the field.

Good luck to all and know there is another world outside of Novartis

Anyone who was rehired after being displaced last year also starts over with zero tenure even if you went back to your same position. Im sure tenure will play a part as will performance, ratings, diversity, where you live in relation to the territory, awards and there is NO way anyone will be able to figure it out. People are driving themselves crazy. What will happen will happen

You are so wrong about this. If that was the case then everything would change like vacation etc.

I think there will be so many people that are going to be cut, no one will know what the criteria will be.

Tenure and what you cost the bottom line had everything to do with the last layoff. Just don't think that you are untouchable, especially if you are high salaried and are owed a pension, Novartis let go many Master Club DM's, Presidents Club and Cornerstone winners. The common thread was their high salaries and pensions. I know of many who never in their careers had received less than a"2 rating and had 15+ or more years were let go. As for the rats and backstabbers don't trust anyone and look out for yourself. Right now as you read this someone is kissing ass and sucking up so you get thrown under the bus, not them.