Tell us again about Canadian Healthcare compassion.

I think the solution is to elect Haley Barbour for President in '12, because Mississippi is the model of what we need for the rest of America.

You actually stumbled into the truth, although you're too stupid to realize it, Barbour has done a GREAT JOB in Mississippi and would be an excellent choice for president.

You also stumbled into something else, a lot of Mississippi's healthcare woes are the result of bad lifestyle choices, not a lack of healthcare.

What do all these cases have to do with private insurance... you MORON??? This is ALL based on a Texas LAW.

The Texas Advance Directives Act (1999), also known as the Texas Futile Care Law, describes certain provisions that are now Chapter 166 of the Texas Health & Safety Code. Controversy over these provisions mainly centers on Section 166.046, Subsection (e),1 which allows a health care facility to discontinue life-sustaining treatment ten days after giving written notice if the continuation of life-sustaining treatment is considered medically inappropriate by the treating medical team.

This is CLEARLY another FAILURE you can Chalk-Up to GOVERNMENT.... The VERY SAME GOVERNMENT that liberal-drones want to bestow ALL POWER TO. Thanks for helping me to point out the shortcomings of government, regardless of who is in power. I don't worship at the alter of BIG-GOVERNMENT as obviously you do. I don't worship individuals, I embrace philosphies that predate the founding of America. You have NO philosophy.... you are an uneducated, misguided DRONE. As Lenin once alluded to, you are truly a USEFUL IDIOT.

Hey Dipshit. Where did I say it had to do with private insurance?? Not to mention, how many cases in the States were plugs pulled once private insurance ran out??
The Texas law is very similar to the way its set up in Ontario. To 'chaulk it up' to gov't is horseshit. At least in Ontario they have a right to appeal. In Texas, 10 days, just as you have in your post above, too bad PLUG PULLED!!!

To say its because of 'socialized' medicine is bullshit, and to point fingers at Canada when the SAME THING happens in the States PRIVATELY run system, is HYPOCRITICAL. The fact you don't undertand that shows that you worship stupidity.

Death Panels have been around for years in the States. Dumb fucks like you just turn a blind eye to it. Nice spin job. I hear Fox (cough, cough) News is hiring.

This is just fun now. As his arguments completely crumble around him, you can literally feel the tension and frustration in him with every word he types. Your ideology is completely devoid of any values embraced by the great philosophers of all time. All that liberals know is that if there is a problem, government must be the solution.

Now remind me why the AMA is NOT to be believed, but PHI is? The same PHI with a stated goal of: Health is a fundamental human right. Just societies ensure equitable health outcomes for everyone… That sounds suspiciously like they might be for Socialized Medicine.

I wonder if US infant mortality rates include the MILLIONS of babies that are aborted at the hands of liberal policy-makers? How do you act like you are against hospitals pulling the plug on someone while FULLY supporting the killing of babies? Liberals don’t VALUE life, they seek CONTROL. The sad thing is that there are probably enough DRONES around to give it to them. Is there any aspect of our lives that GOVERNMENT should NOT control? I mean government is ALL-KNOWING and ALL-CARING and NEVER has bad intentions…. Lets just give them full, top-down control of everything. Are you happy now?

Do you actually believe any of the shit your write?

Hey Dipshit. Where did I say it had to do with private insurance?? Not to mention, how many cases in the States were plugs pulled once private insurance ran out??
The Texas law is very similar to the way its set up in Ontario. To 'chaulk it up' to gov't is horseshit. At least in Ontario they have a right to appeal. In Texas, 10 days, just as you have in your post above, too bad PLUG PULLED!!!

To say its because of 'socialized' medicine is bullshit, and to point fingers at Canada when the SAME THING happens in the States PRIVATELY run system, is HYPOCRITICAL. The fact you don't undertand that shows that you worship stupidity.

Death Panels have been around for years in the States. Dumb fucks like you just turn a blind eye to it. Nice spin job. I hear Fox (cough, cough) News is hiring.

I believe these are your words.... are they not??? "And I can give you thousands of stories of private insurance companies denying care to countless Americans for the sake of profit, so spare me." Are you changing your story now because it has crumbled???

Maybe I am mistaken, but if you are sticking with your original argument, it looks like you are claiming that this Texas Law and resulting deaths are somehow the fault of Insurance when in REALITY it is the result of a LAW that GOVERNMENT made to pull the plug on patients. SO which "Privately Run system" are you referring to???

The FACT is that government-run healthcare denies more treatment than private insurance, government has passed laws to pull the plug on its citizens and CLEARLY Canada NEEDS AMERICA'S current healthcare system to save their babies.

You didn't answer my question about US infant mortality rates.... do they included the millions of abortions that you socialists so fervently favor??

I believe these are your words.... are they not??? "And I can give you thousands of stories of private insurance companies denying care to countless Americans for the sake of profit, so spare me." Are you changing your story now because it has crumbled???

Maybe I am mistaken, but if you are sticking with your original argument, it looks like you are claiming that this Texas Law and resulting deaths are somehow the fault of Insurance when in REALITY it is the result of a LAW that GOVERNMENT made to pull the plug on patients. SO which "Privately Run system" are you referring to???

The FACT is that government-run healthcare denies more treatment than private insurance, government has passed laws to pull the plug on its citizens and CLEARLY Canada NEEDS AMERICA'S current healthcare system to save their babies.

You didn't answer my question about US infant mortality rates.... do they included the millions of abortions that you socialists so fervently favor??

Did you read my first rebuttal to the original post?? I said people like you are a bunch of hypocrites when you blame the Canadian system on what happened, when it happens under a private run insurance system in the U.S. I never said an insurance company did it, just like the GOV"T didn't decide to remove life support on this kid. No politician was involved in the case. That's the perception of many of you ignorant dipshits.
You, if you posed the original dumbass comment, painted the idea that a case like this only happens in Canada when it clearly has not. To make a comment like 'Canada needs America's current system' is a joke, as they sure the hell didn't send the kid to Texas did they?

And no, infant mortality rates don't include abortion in EITHER country you dumb fuck. Not to mention, I don't support abortion either numb nut. However, if you want a better chance of your preemie baby surviving, better send them north. Stats are on my side fool!!!

Did you read my first rebuttal to the original post?? I said people like you are a bunch of hypocrites when you blame the Canadian system on what happened, when it happens under a private run insurance system in the U.S. I never said an insurance company did it, just like the GOV"T didn't decide to remove life support on this kid. No politician was involved in the case. That's the perception of many of you ignorant dipshits.
You, if you posed the original dumbass comment, painted the idea that a case like this only happens in Canada when it clearly has not. To make a comment like 'Canada needs America's current system' is a joke, as they sure the hell didn't send the kid to Texas did they?

And no, infant mortality rates don't include abortion in EITHER country you dumb fuck. Not to mention, I don't support abortion either numb nut. However, if you want a better chance of your preemie baby surviving, better send them north. Stats are on my side fool!!!

Who woke this liberal drone from his from 3-night bender? Just when I thought it had become a sanctuary of logic and reason, this guy had to ruin it.

CLEARLY in this case, CANADA NEEDED the US healthcare system.... MORON. That is precisely why they left Canada and came to the US.

No they didn't go to Texas because if you remember, the GOVERNMENT passed a law saying it was ok to pull the plug. Morons such as yourself want to expand that POWER from the states to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.... now how smart is that? We already know that government-run healthcare RIGHT NOW denies MORE treatment than private insurance. Even a moron like you can understand that their denial-rate will become even worse once it is expanded to the entire country.

Also your stats on life-expectancy and infant-mortality are NOT even accepted by liberal-drones as compelling evidence for any healthcare system comparison. Both are crude markers that are not valid and do NOT demostrate how well a healthcare system works.

Did you read my first rebuttal to the original post?? I said people like you are a bunch of hypocrites when you blame the Canadian system on what happened, when it happens under a private run insurance system in the U.S. I never said an insurance company did it, just like the GOV"T didn't decide to remove life support on this kid. No politician was involved in the case. That's the perception of many of you ignorant dipshits.
You, if you posed the original dumbass comment, painted the idea that a case like this only happens in Canada when it clearly has not. To make a comment like 'Canada needs America's current system' is a joke, as they sure the hell didn't send the kid to Texas did they?

And no, infant mortality rates don't include abortion in EITHER country you dumb fuck. Not to mention, I don't support abortion either numb nut. However, if you want a better chance of your preemie baby surviving, better send them north. Stats are on my side fool!!!

"I don't support abortion either numb nut."
Then PLEASE explain to me HOW you can possibly support democrats, who not only support abortion, they are in FAVOR of GOVERNMENT-FUNDED abortions. Our tax dollars funding the killing of babies. Oh.... but we are to believe that these very same democrats are going to be so much more compassionate than private insurance when CLEARLY they place very little value on HUMAN LIFE. What an ABSOLUTE MORON, LIBERAL, DRONE YOU ARE.

Did you read my first rebuttal to the original post?? I said people like you are a bunch of hypocrites when you blame the Canadian system on what happened, when it happens under a private run insurance system in the U.S. I never said an insurance company did it, just like the GOV"T didn't decide to remove life support on this kid. No politician was involved in the case. That's the perception of many of you ignorant dipshits.
You, if you posed the original dumbass comment, painted the idea that a case like this only happens in Canada when it clearly has not. To make a comment like 'Canada needs America's current system' is a joke, as they sure the hell didn't send the kid to Texas did they?

And no, infant mortality rates don't include abortion in EITHER country you dumb fuck. Not to mention, I don't support abortion either numb nut. However, if you want a better chance of your preemie baby surviving, better send them north. Stats are on my side fool!!!

Canadian Success Stories:

Read about Canada's Healthcare.... it sucks. Nobody wants that shit here.

"Millions of Canadians don’t have a family doctor and can’t find one, according to a poll commissioned by the CFPC.
The Decima poll, conducted by phone between Sept. 14-17, found approximately five million Canadians do not have a family doctor as their first point of contact when they need to access medical care and of those people, almost two million reported they have tried to find a family doctor in the past year and failed.
Even people who do have doctors are having trouble getting timely care, the CFPC (the College of Family Physicians of Canada) report said."

"I don't support abortion either numb nut."
Then PLEASE explain to me HOW you can possibly support democrats, who not only support abortion, they are in FAVOR of GOVERNMENT-FUNDED abortions. Our tax dollars funding the killing of babies. Oh.... but we are to believe that these very same democrats are going to be so much more compassionate than private insurance when CLEARLY they place very little value on HUMAN LIFE. What an ABSOLUTE MORON, LIBERAL, DRONE YOU ARE.

We have a winner! And another liberal drone bites the dust!

Who woke this liberal drone from his from 3-night bender? Just when I thought it had become a sanctuary of logic and reason, this guy had to ruin it.

CLEARLY in this case, CANADA NEEDED the US healthcare system.... MORON. That is precisely why they left Canada and came to the US.

No they didn't go to Texas because if you remember, the GOVERNMENT passed a law saying it was ok to pull the plug. Morons such as yourself want to expand that POWER from the states to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.... now how smart is that? We already know that government-run healthcare RIGHT NOW denies MORE treatment than private insurance. Even a moron like you can understand that their denial-rate will become even worse once it is expanded to the entire country.

Also your stats on life-expectancy and infant-mortality are NOT even accepted by liberal-drones as compelling evidence for any healthcare system comparison. Both are crude markers that are not valid and do NOT demostrate how well a healthcare system works.

They left Canada because they are crazy and believe anything will work. Once in the US the kid became "baby Joseph". Religion rearing its ugly head? Didn't you r*****s think that Schiavo woman was good to go too?

They left Canada because they are crazy and believe anything will work. Once in the US the kid became "baby Joseph". Religion rearing its ugly head? Didn't you r*****s think that Schiavo woman was good to go too?

The only ugly head rearing is you and your lack of a coherent argument.
Now just admit that Canada's health care sytem sucks and basically so do you.

A nation that profits of the health of its citizens seems wrong.

Your use of quotes is pointless and obviously the result of your inability to form your own rational thoughts, but since you seem to be so enamored by quotes, here is one for you...
"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." - Margaret Thatcher

Medicare is government run healthcare.... and NONE of what you said is true. It is worse care that FORCES inferior generic drugs with worse outcomes, it has driven the American economy into the shitter and eventually a one-payer system will rob us ALL of our freedom. So you can keep your socialist crap where it belongs.... In Canada.

Oh, but all the HMOs, PPOs etc dont require generics do they?? Or have $40 co-pays for Brand drugs- all the while the CEOs of each co reaps million$$$$ in pay.

If you listen, and stop drinking the special interest groups on that bullshit report, I wouldn't have to own you again. Read the whole the article, but here's a snippit dumbass!!!!!!!!!!!-(Update2)

What's your next move as I have plenty of more info to counter your bullshit!!

Piece of advice....don't reply.

"2)The numbers are simply bullshit!

Researchers from the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee analyzed data reported by the insurers to the California Department of Managed Care. From 2002 through June 30, 2009, the six insurers rejected 45.7 million claims -- 22 percent of all claims.

"For the first half of 2009, as the national debate over healthcare reform was escalating, the rejection rates are even more striking.

Claims denial rates by leading California insurers, first six months of 2009:

• PacifiCare -- 39.6 percent
• Cigna -- 32.7 percent
• HealthNet -- 30 percent
• Kaiser Permanente -- 28.3 percent
• Blue Cross -- 27.9 percent
• Aetna -- 6.4 percent

AMA's statistics don't account for the fact that PHI's often drop people when they get sick and if they drop you, you are no longer one of their customers that can be denied.

Let me put it this way.

Let's say a PHI starts with a million customers in January and ten thousand claims are filed over the course of the year. Five thousand of those customers who filed a claim promptly have their coverage dropped.

The statistics don't include these people so in reality PHI's deny a far larger percentage of customers.

They just do much of it by dropping coverage entirely.

In conclusion California Department's numbers >>>>> AMA's

3)The American Medical Association is the same organization that said medicare would make the USA a socialist country (hardly trustworthy)

Yes AMA has voiced support for a public option, but they've also recently voiced support for the Baucus plan that mandates Americans to buy from the PHI's and offers no public option.

Mandates the families (who have seen their loved ones murdered for money) to give PHI's more of their money again!

The fact of the matter is if AMA can support both a public option and the regressive Baucus plan then they will probably support anything labeled reform

Good points., and it doesnt matter where the info came from- the facts are the facts no matter who prints them.