If you listen, and stop drinking the special interest groups on that bullshit report, I wouldn't have to own you again. Read the whole the article, but here's a snippit dumbass!!!!!!!!!!
What's your next move as I have plenty of more info to counter your bullshit!!
Piece of advice....don't reply.
"2)The numbers are simply bullshit!
Researchers from the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee analyzed data reported by the insurers to the California Department of Managed Care. From 2002 through June 30, 2009, the six insurers rejected 45.7 million claims -- 22 percent of all claims.
"For the first half of 2009, as the national debate over healthcare reform was escalating, the rejection rates are even more striking.
Claims denial rates by leading California insurers, first six months of 2009:
• PacifiCare -- 39.6 percent
• Cigna -- 32.7 percent
• HealthNet -- 30 percent
• Kaiser Permanente -- 28.3 percent
• Blue Cross -- 27.9 percent
• Aetna -- 6.4 percent
AMA's statistics don't account for the fact that PHI's often drop people when they get sick and if they drop you, you are no longer one of their customers that can be denied.
Let me put it this way.
Let's say a PHI starts with a million customers in January and ten thousand claims are filed over the course of the year. Five thousand of those customers who filed a claim promptly have their coverage dropped.
The statistics don't include these people so in reality PHI's deny a far larger percentage of customers.
They just do much of it by dropping coverage entirely.
In conclusion California Department's numbers >>>>> AMA's
3)The American Medical Association is the same organization that said medicare would make the USA a socialist country (hardly trustworthy)
Yes AMA has voiced support for a public option, but they've also recently voiced support for the Baucus plan that mandates Americans to buy from the PHI's and offers no public option.
Mandates the families (who have seen their loved ones murdered for money) to give PHI's more of their money again!
The fact of the matter is if AMA can support both a public option and the regressive Baucus plan then they will probably support anything labeled reform