
Or we're the ones getting a deal done to bring in shit to this company and there's a reason these people are VPs and you aren't. There's a reason they are reporting to the SLT and / or Bob and you aren't. If you aren't as motivated and don't want to advance your career or don't care about advancing Amgens success, fine, be mediocre or leave. Whatever makes you sleep at night. But we're far from corporate drones. We love what we do. Don't rationalize you lack of success and your mediocrity by putting others down. Only losers do that. We work hard because we want to see Amgen succeed and want to grow in our careers. Clearly you don't. You have different priorities. Don't judge ours or infer you know what ours are. Because you have absolutely no clue. You've never been where we are.

this is the richest thread I have yet to read, “we love what we do” are you fucking normal? You’re a corporate paper pusher. Omg I ran a report today on copay card redemptions, boner! I ran a first and last call report, win! I just stacked ranked the sales team can’t wait to show the VP. Remember this thread when they put you out on your ass and how much you love your job even on a Sunday.

typing while dumping,

this is the richest thread I have yet to read, “we love what we do” are you fucking normal? You’re a corporate paper pusher. Omg I ran a report today on copay card redemptions, boner! I ran a first and last call report, win! I just stacked ranked the sales team can’t wait to show the VP. Remember this thread when they put you out on your ass and how much you love your job even on a Sunday.

typing while dumping,

The things you're mentioning are definitely boring as hell. And I don't do any of them. They're all things YOU DO in sales. Like I said. Your job sucks. Sorry for your lame ass job selling. When you're in a cool part of the company and your job actually makes you use your brain and you enjoy thinking about things, work is very different. Sad you don't get that. Your examples of what you think I do perfectly exemplify the vast difference in your experience and what you think I do vs what I do. I don't push any paper. Keep banging the table and thinking that. I know it makes you feel better to think everyone does the same lame shit you do. If you had real skills that were valued and had more mobility within the organization you'd know there's plenty of opportunities for fantastically rewarding roles where you can be a A THINKER not a doer. I don't run any reports, rank anything, and like I already said here, VPs are highly engaged in many parts of the deal process as well. Because they care about the company and their work. You don't. And that's why you'll never amount to much...or you'll get fired. Not me. Now buzz off turd.

The things you're mentioning are definitely boring as hell. And I don't do any of them. They're all things YOU DO in sales. Like I said. Your job sucks. Sorry for your lame ass job selling. When you're in a cool part of the company and your job actually makes you use your brain and you enjoy thinking about things, work is very different. Sad you don't get that. Your examples of what you think I do perfectly exemplify the vast difference in your experience and what you think I do vs what I do. I don't push any paper. Keep banging the table and thinking that. I know it makes you feel better to think everyone does the same lame shit you do. If you had real skills that were valued and had more mobility within the organization you'd know there's plenty of opportunities for fantastically rewarding roles where you can be a A THINKER not a doer. I don't run any reports, rank anything, and like I already said here, VPs are highly engaged in many parts of the deal process as well. Because they care about the company and their work. You don't. And that's why you'll never amount to much...or you'll get fired. Not me. Now buzz off turd.

this guy is single for sure and/or lives with 5 cats “rewarding” please share with us what gets your juices flowing during the day. A “thinker” not a “doer” oh man how many companies captured billions in market share simply by thinking. I’m thinking right now too, how full of shit you are

Or we're the ones getting a deal done to bring in shit to this company and there's a reason these people are VPs and you aren't. There's a reason they are reporting to the SLT and / or Bob and you aren't. If you aren't as motivated and don't want to advance your career or don't care about advancing Amgens success, fine, be mediocre or leave. Whatever makes you sleep at night. But we're far from corporate drones. We love what we do. Don't rationalize you lack of success and your mediocrity by putting others down. Only losers do that. We work hard because we want to see Amgen succeed and want to grow in our careers. Clearly you don't. You have different priorities. Don't judge ours or infer you know what ours are. Because you have absolutely no clue. You've never been where we are.

Upper-level VP-type drones are always clueless about how patients are really served and how money is really made. "Getting a deal" is a total zero until the drug goes commercial and actually sells well, which is never accomplished by the people who signed the deal. This is analogous to "getting hired" as opposed to actually performing well. The fact is that any company would function better without so many mindless VP's trying to look important and relevant, instead of helping patients and making money like the shareholders pay them to do. As a shareholder, I say fire half of the VP's and watch productivity skyrocket.

You were getting paid a lot to do shit. Sorry. I'm in the office in TO 10-12 hours a day fairly often. If you were selling drugs maybe this wouldn't have happened "dickhead". People only get micromanaged when they aren't performing. That's one thing I've definitely learned in my career. No one gives a shit when you come and go from work if you're a badass and killing it. When your performance sucks you get scrutinized over everything. Deal with it.

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. Glug, glug, glug

The things you're mentioning are definitely boring as hell. And I don't do any of them. They're all things YOU DO in sales. Like I said. Your job sucks. Sorry for your lame ass job selling. When you're in a cool part of the company and your job actually makes you use your brain and you enjoy thinking about things, work is very different. Sad you don't get that. Your examples of what you think I do perfectly exemplify the vast difference in your experience and what you think I do vs what I do. I don't push any paper. Keep banging the table and thinking that. I know it makes you feel better to think everyone does the same lame shit you do. If you had real skills that were valued and had more mobility within the organization you'd know there's plenty of opportunities for fantastically rewarding roles where you can be a A THINKER not a doer. I don't run any reports, rank anything, and like I already said here, VPs are highly engaged in many parts of the deal process as well. Because they care about the company and their work. You don't. And that's why you'll never amount to much...or you'll get fired. Not me. Now buzz off turd.
Lighten up, Francis.

How do you know how much finance acumen this person has? You, assume, that because they're in sales that there is no way they could do an analysis or understand finance and accounting. Grow up. You are coming off as a petulant child. There are military officers and business people, along with graduates from the: Military Academies, Stanford, Ivy League, UC System, NYU, Miami, Oklahoma, Texas, USC, San Diego, Pepperdine, Tulane, Howard, Texas A&M, Rice, SMU, Notre Dame, and many other schools in the Association of American Universities (if you're unfamiliar with this association, look it up) that work within the sales team, but there is no way that sales could "understand the business, at all". Did you, ever, stop to think that there are many people that would rather not move, live within, or pay the high cost of living and taxes associated with California? You're absurd and obtuse while living in your bubble.

I get it, you do not like the sales team. My assumption is that you believe that we are neanderthals, and incapable of thinking on our own. That seems to be the mindset of the home office. Many organizations that are sales organizations "groom" members of their sales teams to be top executives. Amgen, which purports to be a sales organization, does not think highly of the sales force. Therefore, the sales teams is not developed to move into executive leadership. I am painting this with a broad-brush, but I'm certain of this, based upon what I have seen. It's life at this organization, so, no worries. But, how long will the corporate back-patting continue while the bad decisions originate from our "all-knowing" corporate headquarters.

PS: If you ever want to talk GAAP, valuation, EV, EBITDA, ROCE, acid-test ratio, NPV, IRR, WACC, Fixed Asset Ratio, Solvency Ratios, and/or whatever, let me know, I'd run circles around you!
Many moons ago, Amgen used to groom members of the sales team to be top executives. But that stopped about 10 years ago. But who wants to move to California, land of the fruits and nuts?

With these new car trackers, I’m going to have to quit my job throwing papers in the mornings, and driving for Uber on the weekends. And my wife will quit her job delivering pizzas for Dominos in the evenings! Damn!

Upper-level VP-type drones are always clueless about how patients are really served and how money is really made. "Getting a deal" is a total zero until the drug goes commercial and actually sells well, which is never accomplished by the people who signed the deal. This is analogous to "getting hired" as opposed to actually performing well. The fact is that any company would function better without so many mindless VP's trying to look important and relevant, instead of helping patients and making money like the shareholders pay them to do. As a shareholder, I say fire half of the VP's and watch productivity skyrocket.

This is comical. Because you know how to run the company better right? It's hilarious people here believe thinking is useless. Of course that's what a salesperson would say when you have little in those pea brains of yours. I'm tired of you all. Stay out of TO. THANK GOD you're just along for the ride. Try to sell some of your drugs though please. You guys really suck.

This is comical. Because you know how to run the company better right? It's hilarious people here believe thinking is useless. Of course that's what a salesperson would say when you have little in those pea brains of yours. I'm tired of you all. Stay out of TO. THANK GOD you're just along for the ride. Try to sell some of your drugs though please. You guys really suck.
I'm also from TO. I don't agree with your opinion of sales. What exactly do you do here that is so far above others? I came from sales so maybe that's why I empathize but I'm telling you right now.... I'd rather work in the home office any day of the week especially with the heavy restrictions now days.

This is comical. Because you know how to run the company better right? It's hilarious people here believe thinking is useless. Of course that's what a salesperson would say when you have little in those pea brains of yours. I'm tired of you all. Stay out of TO. THANK GOD you're just along for the ride. Try to sell some of your drugs though please. You guys really suck.

Well, I'm not in sales -- but "deals" don't make any money whatsoever, in fact they cost money. Since I am a shareholder, you're my bitch. If you had even a fraction of the brainpower you claim, you'd be capable of designing the actual drug itself rather than just the "deal".
Now, sales DO make money, in fact they make every penny of the revenue. A deal only has a chance of contributing to profits if you made the RIGHT deal. Your irrational and disjointed posts conclusively prove your inability to really "think". I'd take a good salesperson over a self-congratulating incompetent VP drone any day.

Well, I'm not in sales -- but "deals" don't make any money whatsoever, in fact they cost money. Since I am a shareholder, you're my bitch. If you had even a fraction of the brainpower you claim, you'd be capable of designing the actual drug itself rather than just the "deal".
Now, sales DO make money, in fact they make every penny of the revenue. A deal only has a chance of contributing to profits if you made the RIGHT deal. Your irrational and disjointed posts conclusively prove your inability to really "think". I'd take a good salesperson over a self-congratulating incompetent VP drone any day.[/QUOTE

Not even responding anymore. Too ignorant and uneducated. Good luck with your career

Not even responding anymore. Too ignorant and uneducated. Good luck with your career

Way to name drop a bunch of basic terms from any intro finance and accounting class that you may or may not have even taken and done well in. Are you a CPA? Are you a CFA charterholder? Do you have an MBA with a focus in finance and accounting from a TOP school? Have you worked in any finance and/or accounting functions? Do you check any of those boxes?

If you don't check at least two of those. Shut up. If you do, then you are an exception to the rule. 95% or people at Amgen don't check two of those boxes. Not just sales. Why do you think so few people are advising exec management

And for those of you who think our exec management is making bad decisions...why then are we returning so much profitability to shareholders? Why does everyone on Wall Street rank us so highly? Why has our stock performed so well? Why have we built up so much cash and had such strong cash flow? Your opinions of our management are based on nothing. I'm willing to bet you all also think trump is a terrible president despite having data and facts that show he's not. The data says our management is doing a fantastic job. Your emotions and subjective opinion can say whatever uninformed bullshit opinion u want. It's based on having limited information. The fact that you're in sales truly means you don't know about our corporate strategy, what our executives are thinking, etc. You are in fact separated. I regularly have line of sight into senior management. Not telling you what I do or how but it's quite a lot of exposure.

And I'm laughing at those of you who think thousand oaks is expensive. Try San Francisco or new York city. How cheap or poor are you? It's not expensive here unless you're comparing it to Kansas or something else in the middle of the country. Have fun living there I guess. Don't like Amgen leave. Stop whining. This entire board is sales people bitching. Go sell shit.

We get it already, you're an attendant in the Executive Bathroom and they talk to you sometimes. Still, no reason to brag. I could order those fancy towels on Amazon if I really wanted them!