The point is that nobody will take you seriously if you complain anonymously on this board, even if BS, JK, or one of the new Shamalamadingdongs reads this. Nothing will be done about it. In fact, they will probably read this and laugh at you. That being said, no job is worth working in a hostile environment.

Ain't mattering one bit, India is closing the chop shop down. Manufacturing in Israel and Canada. The USA is a Distribution Cost Center with lots of dead weight. Full Control means buy bye. Cee Effing Oh, Legal beagle, huh bye.

Sounds awful! What exactly did happen to BF?

Wow - that was an embarrasingly sophmoric attempt at feigning sincerity and compassion in an attempt to gain information for nepharious purposes! I am willing to bet my next Taro bonus that this question was posted by EM or RR....you two are f'ing children intellectually and socially. Now, fuck off and stop posting - this is the only way we can talk about you and not get fired. you evil little men.

The point is EM persuades the managers to create an extreme hostile environment for reps so they quit that way he doesn't look like the evil dictator that he is. Prior to BS, EM wanted to have at least 1 rep perr district on a PIP. BS didn't like the idea of PIPs. Mangers don't need PIP's when they can harass reps under the radar. It's a win win for upper management. HR will find a way to push a rep out if they report. Managers will not report EM out fear. It trickles down. CC 's first call after a rep reports is to their DM. HR has no interest in creating a healthy environment. Reps aren't staying because of the money they are the laughing stock of Derm reps. They are staying for the salary to make rent, not have a lapse in health insurance for their kids and for their resumes to not have a employment gap. Things will never get better and sales will never improve under this dictatorship. I had to leave because I feel like I sold myself to the devil working at Taro. I'm lucky I'm not the breadwinner like the rest of them and have a supportive family. Good luck to all the reps, I pray for you all to find peace and know there is life beyond this mess

Excellent post and quite possibly the most accurate description of USA sales division. The best reps either leave or are forced out - everyone at Taro knows this to be a fact. All you have to do is look at who was here last year and who is left this year....that simple. 99% of the problems lie with EM and RR and their small circle of rats that feed them information. BTW, yes, the entire industry is laughing at us as a pharma sales force. The quality reps leave - if Taro was a good company, would they not replace them with other quality reps? Have they? I think we all know the score here, Taro is a chop shop for pharma reps and products - illegitimate and crooked from the word go.

What a bunch of whiners! Go back to school and study finance/accounting so you can sit in an air conditioned office all day and stare at spreadsheets and make at least $50K a year without worrying about your commissions.