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TAK-875 = TANKED-86ed

BTW- Actos was the number 1 selling diabetes drug worldwide, with 3 different classes of generic drugs. Plus you keep on talking about Lupron but that accounted for 600 million vs 2.3 billion in Prevacid sales.

But I am not finished. Takeda took over TAP 6 years ago, why are you still here if you are so damn good???? If you were with either TAP or Takeda for 2005 until the takeover, there is no way you should still be here if you were any good. Not to mention, you actually have experience in oncology and can't get a job elsewhere.

Regardless of TAP vs Takeda, you my friend are simply pathetic. Complain complain complain about what???

Are you kidding me? There is no way I would ever leave here. Do you have any idea how much my base pay is?? I started at TAP in 1995 and my base pay alone is more than 99% of any other pharma co's base and bonus combined!! I'm never leaving this company. I just wish we'd get rid of more of the Takeda legacy slackers that have never had to truly sell a product in a competitive class. I hope the other posts on this board are right when they say all you Takeda legacy dead weight will be sent packing in a few months. That would be simply the best Christmas miracle ever. EVER!!

Are you kidding me? There is no way I would ever leave here. Do you have any idea how much my base pay is?? I started at TAP in 1995 and my base pay alone is more than 99% of any other pharma co's base and bonus combined!! I'm never leaving this company. I just wish we'd get rid of more of the Takeda legacy slackers that have never had to truly sell a product in a competitive class. I hope the other posts on this board are right when they say all you Takeda legacy dead weight will be sent packing in a few months. That would be simply the best Christmas miracle ever. EVER!!

Old school tap reps make more than many Takeda Dm's.

The legacy Tap portfolio crushes the Takeda America Legacy lifetime to this day those are the facts.

Keep tap'in the Takeda ATM machine

Old school tap reps make more than many Takeda Dm's.

The legacy Tap portfolio crushes the Takeda America Legacy lifetime to this day those are the facts.

Keep tap'in the Takeda ATM machine

You are so far up your own ass it hurts. I am a DM. Takeda legacy. In 2010 when the first layoffs came, I picked up 6 former TAP reps and 7 Takeda legacy reps. The TAP rep with the longest tenure (11 years) made $96K base. My two most tenured Takeda legacy reps made $108K and $114K. The rest of the team ranged from the mid $60s to the low $90s. Some were brand new and some were here for up to 10 years. As far as making more than a Takeda DM; most of the senior DMs at Takeda have base salaries in the $150K range. Our bonuses range from $35K in a low to average year to more than $60K in a good year. Add on another $15-$20K fro TIP and another $40-$60K for RSUs and the Senior DM makes around $250K per year predictably. If that is where you are then kudos, you probably earned it.

You are so far up your own ass it hurts. I am a DM. Takeda legacy. In 2010 when the first layoffs came, I picked up 6 former TAP reps and 7 Takeda legacy reps. The TAP rep with the longest tenure (11 years) made $96K base. My two most tenured Takeda legacy reps made $108K and $114K. The rest of the team ranged from the mid $60s to the low $90s. Some were brand new and some were here for up to 10 years. As far as making more than a Takeda DM; most of the senior DMs at Takeda have base salaries in the $150K range. Our bonuses range from $35K in a low to average year to more than $60K in a good year. Add on another $15-$20K fro TIP and another $40-$60K for RSUs and the Senior DM makes around $250K per year predictably. If that is where you are then kudos, you probably earned it.

I am sorry Sir but TAP reps don't understand logic, at least that's what I can see on here.

You are so far up your own ass it hurts. I am a DM. Takeda legacy. In 2010 when the first layoffs came, I picked up 6 former TAP reps and 7 Takeda legacy reps. The TAP rep with the longest tenure (11 years) made $96K base. My two most tenured Takeda legacy reps made $108K and $114K. The rest of the team ranged from the mid $60s to the low $90s. Some were brand new and some were here for up to 10 years. As far as making more than a Takeda DM; most of the senior DMs at Takeda have base salaries in the $150K range. Our bonuses range from $35K in a low to average year to more than $60K in a good year. Add on another $15-$20K fro TIP and another $40-$60K for RSUs and the Senior DM makes around $250K per year predictably. If that is where you are then kudos, you probably earned it.

I know what people make too and I wasn't comparing senior to senior obviously idiot

You are so far up your own ass it hurts. I am a DM. Takeda legacy. In 2010 when the first layoffs came, I picked up 6 former TAP reps and 7 Takeda legacy reps. The TAP rep with the longest tenure (11 years) made $96K base. My two most tenured Takeda legacy reps made $108K and $114K. The rest of the team ranged from the mid $60s to the low $90s. Some were brand new and some were here for up to 10 years. As far as making more than a Takeda DM; most of the senior DMs at Takeda have base salaries in the $150K range. Our bonuses range from $35K in a low to average year to more than $60K in a good year. Add on another $15-$20K fro TIP and another $40-$60K for RSUs and the Senior DM makes around $250K per year predictably. If that is where you are then kudos, you probably earned it.

I'm calling total bullshit on the above post. TAP legacy Reps and DM's with same time with company as Takeda legacy make way way way more than their Takeda legacy counterparts. I KNOW for a fact. So you believe what you want and try to believe your post is true but IT IS NOT. Actually, you post and the numbers are quite laughable. On average tap legacy make at least 15% more than takeda legacy.

I'm calling total bullshit on the above post. TAP legacy Reps and DM's with same time with company as Takeda legacy make way way way more than their Takeda legacy counterparts. I KNOW for a fact. So you believe what you want and try to believe your post is true but IT IS NOT. Actually, you post and the numbers are quite laughable. On average tap legacy make at least 15% more than takeda legacy.

Nice try - but wrong. Takeda reps and DMs were given a salary differential increase, added to their normal salary increase for the year, several years ago, to close the gap with TAP counterparts. I know - I was a Takeda Legacy rep who received one - pretty substantial, if I recall correctly - 5-7k. TAP DMs who make a boatload - have just been here for about 20 years, b/c TAP existed looong before TPNA.

Tap makes more thats a fact.

Tap was around longer and beat Takeda NA big time lifetime sales.

The legacy Tap product lines still do.

Takeda NA had a one hit wonder TAP had many home runs against tough competition

Haters gunna Hate

Nice try - but wrong. Takeda reps and DMs were given a salary differential increase, added to their normal salary increase for the year, several years ago, to close the gap with TAP counterparts. I know - I was a Takeda Legacy rep who received one - pretty substantial, if I recall correctly - 5-7k. TAP DMs who make a boatload - have just been here for about 20 years, b/c TAP existed looong before TPNA.

If you're Takeda legacy you're on TAP corporate welfare.

Nice try - but wrong. Takeda reps and DMs were given a salary differential increase, added to their normal salary increase for the year, several years ago, to close the gap with TAP counterparts. I know - I was a Takeda Legacy rep who received one - pretty substantial, if I recall correctly - 5-7k. TAP DMs who make a boatload - have just been here for about 20 years, b/c TAP existed looong before TPNA.

Reps weren't the only ones to receive adjustments. Your head would spin knowing what we are paying the people driving this company into the ground.

Reps weren't the only ones to receive adjustments. Your head would spin knowing what we are paying the people driving this company into the ground.

They get paid big money so ZS & Assoc can make the big decisions

COWARDS-Doesn't hide the fact that they are stabbing the very people that got them where they are in the back

Nice try - but wrong. Takeda reps and DMs were given a salary differential increase, added to their normal salary increase for the year, several years ago, to close the gap with TAP counterparts. I know - I was a Takeda Legacy rep who received one - pretty substantial, if I recall correctly - 5-7k. TAP DMs who make a boatload - have just been here for about 20 years, b/c TAP existed looong before TPNA.

So takeda legacy employees were paid so poorly that they had to be given a salary differential increase?? Da, you moron. We all know that! I think what the poster was trying to point out was that the salary differential increase just made the gap in pay between takeda legacy and tap legacy move from outrageous to enormous. Believe me, I'm in the know and tap legacy still makes substantially more than takeda legacy by and large. Good lord you are dense.

So takeda legacy employees were paid so poorly that they had to be given a salary differential increase?? Da, you moron. We all know that! I think what the poster was trying to point out was that the salary differential increase just made the gap in pay between takeda legacy and tap legacy move from outrageous to enormous. Believe me, I'm in the know and tap legacy still makes substantially more than takeda legacy by and large. Good lord you are dense.

So if this is true, then why do all Tapper reps keep saying Takeda Legacy will be laid off over the next 2 years? If its true it looks like bye bye Tappies.

So if this is true, then why do all Tapper reps keep saying Takeda Legacy will be laid off over the next 2 years? If its true it looks like bye bye Tappies.

And then they will find better jobs for even more money and realize how stupid it was to bang their heads against the wall working so hard for so many years stagnating with lazy cry baby Tattletale idiots like you at a go nowhere company like Takeda

And then they will find better jobs for even more money and realize how stupid it was to bang their heads against the wall working so hard for so many years stagnating with lazy cry baby Tattletale idiots like you at a go nowhere company like Takeda

Just like a true tapper who thinks they know everything. People will stop "tattletaleing" on you if you just did your job.

So if this is true, then why do all Tapper reps keep saying Takeda Legacy will be laid off over the next 2 years? If its true it looks like bye bye Tappies.

It's because all the Takeda legacy peeps can't sell!! It's known in the C-suite. Has nothing to do with pay. It's about ability. Takeda will pay huge as we are probably the highest paid reps, managers and managed care people in the industry. Takeda legacy will be shown the door cuz most are terrible sales people and managers.

It's because all the Takeda legacy peeps can't sell!! It's known in the C-suite. Has nothing to do with pay. It's about ability. Takeda will pay huge as we are probably the highest paid reps, managers and managed care people in the industry. Takeda legacy will be shown the door cuz most are terrible sales people and managers.

Wow you think you are so important and know so much. To bad it makes no logical sense. 2chainz lol

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