Would a real company have an assignment like taking pictures of a big "DO NOT SHIT" sign that no clinic wants on their floor? I want to take a picture with a big steaming pile right in the center!
I feel the same way. What a fucking waste of money and time. This is a pathetic attempt from a pathetic woman who is trying to make it look like she is earning her salary. I say we can her and her acute counterpart and give every SE a raise with the money we save. Neither one has ever contributed anything useful to help anyone!
Hmm how I am guessing most of the conversations went so far. "Can I stick this retarded sticker on your floor and take a picture of you with it? If I don’t I get put on a list that is sent out to the whole company as the only ass hole who hasn’t broke down and given in yet. You can peel it off right after the photo."
Shit the latest winner didn’t even have a face in the photo and it wasn’t even stuck to anything. That account said “NO you can’t stick it and I really don’t even want anyone to know it’s me. But ill let you take the photo, just so you don’t get in trouble from the Retarded campaign Nazi.”