Syneos Recruiters ever bother to get back with candidates they begged to connect with? Just wonderin

First off learn how to spell, hope you are not a reflection of the "Syneos Standards" you champion. It's an utter waste of time with the old Inventiv lot, there is a legitimate discussion on how this organization deals with people, from Inventiv past to Syneos present, add some value to it or be gone. By the way, far from a Snowflake and you just insulted 70% of the demo you recruit for, is this also part of the great "Syneos Standards". I left for a manufacturing direct position, and I am doing great, Syneos enabled me to be able to achieve that, I really appreciate it, wish others could come out the other side as well, thats why I took the time to comment, good Company with some broken elements, could be great Company if they fixed it but with folks like you at the helm, don't hold your breath.
Ooooohhh! Such witty snippy comments. Let me ask you this…..why do I have to learn how to spell? What word do YOU think is wrong? I I’ll wait and you can explain your “spelling corrections?”. You know what? I think I just proved once again that you are not up to Syneos standards. You’re dismissed bitch. STFU!

Knowing how to spell is part of the standards, when you post a snide comment about people needing to learn how to spell when YOU are the one who doesn’t know, then yes you are an ASSMUNCH!!
I think assmunch would fall under the snide comments category, I am sure Syneos loves their agents representing them void of any intellectual capacity with such robust standards, you cant even talk about a legitimate business issue without the need to resort to third grade assmunch name calling, come on man, give me at least something was a spec of business acumen, incredibly immature, ok poopy head

Go in for the knockout, rookie. You had the champ on the ropes with your "there to here" overhands, and now you are stepping back to admire your work. Don't be Hearns vs Hagler. Finish!

Champ hit back strong after that, good call though, rookie lands one punch thinks he's Ali, you will need a TKO now rookie, not gonna win on rounds, Love the Hearns vs Hagler reference!!

Assmunch, buhbye, calling women bitches. I think you’re the one on repeat bro. How many times you gonna bring that up bro?Just learn to spell bro.

Nah Dude, good jabs, body blows, then uppercuts, mixed it up, seasoned throughout, wrangled context, total clinic, you had that bright spot with hear-here, but nothing afterwards and your last punch Rookie was spelling buhbye wrong (buh-bye) when calling out spelling, come on Bro, Champ wins in unanimous decision

Rookie was spelling buhbye wrong (buh-bye) when calling out spelling, come on Bro, Champ wins in unanimous decision
Epic fail! Epic fail!

Please take the time to check with the Merriam-Webster dictionary before you attempt to comment. It clearly states Buh-bye as an acceptable spelling. So in your words “down goes champ by a knockout!! It’s over!! You’re too easy to toy with.

Epic fail! Epic fail!

Please take the time to check with the Merriam-Webster dictionary before you attempt to comment. It clearly states Buh-bye as an acceptable spelling. So in your words “down goes champ by a knockout!! It’s over!! You’re too easy to toy with.

Give it up, your embarrassing yourself, Champ Rocks and whoop ya, Rookie your like Devo a one hit wonder, Champ is like the Stones just keeps on Rolling, Dude your dismissed, spare us the next 5 post, please