
Not only do I have OR credentials, I have OR credibility. Something that you, my friend sorely lack. You can hang out all day opening boxes, feeling important while trying to keep your competition at bay. Those days are coming to an end. Look around you. Even your company is selling you out. they realize that you provide nothing to the process. Syncera is just one step. Better start proving you're more than a box opener and babysitter!

Thanks for the FLUFF!

As an Ortho rep myself, I think it's funny that most reps think nobody is smart enough to do their job but them. Syncera is the beginning of a new era that many people have predicted. It will be a bumpy road at first, and there will be a learning curve, just like there was for every rep when he was learning the job. The goal is about lowering cost, to achieve that the hospital staff will be asked to do more. Will patient care suffer? Yes, if the rep is out of picture that's one less person to ensure that things go smoothly. However, a) the primary goal is cost savings, b) the hospital staff will figure it out, they're not all morons.

This is a reasonable retort...the other bozo must be one of the hospital morons you mention!

And I agree with you that they are not ALL morons, just the above poster and 98% of the rest of them.

Re: Syncera Operational

Take a look at the Syncera website. How long before other ortho companies will offer the same service?

Check out OrthoSecure website for an interesting technology

Smith and Nephew has been saying since at least 2009 that the future is a partnership at the CEO or Health System-level. Anyone who thought that that makes a rep's value more secure was lying to themselves.

Syncera just happens to be S&N's cool name for it...other companies just call them contracted vendors....where if the price was low enough and the sales rev was dictated by terms of a contract, no rep was spending much time in these accounts to begin with.

The high dollar rep days are over once those few lucky dinosaurs retire.

What I find funny about this industry was how it evolved from a sale, to a sale with great service, to a lower bid and the same great service. Now they are removing any imputed value of the service and cutting out the reps. I think that this is still a great industry where college grads can make $80k with decent benefits. I wish that someone would pay the rep by removing the imputed value of middle management!

OR credentials... You are a sales rep dbag and nothing more . You are not a doctor and not even a nurse. Just a sales rep. What credentials do you have! Enjoy them while they last as you will be nothing more than an inside sales rep soon enough. Im not the original one you questioned either.

My QOL is 10 times better than a Dr. And If I want to be a nurse, I'll take $85k off my income and work 20 more hours a week.

Yes, some village is missing you. Go troll another company board, you're even too stupid for smith&nephew tolerances...

 about sharing some sales numbers...some key client conversions...anything that indicates a real customer adopting the business model. That would be meaningful, yes?

Smith and Nephew has been saying since at least 2009 that the future is a partnership at the CEO or Health System-level. Anyone who thought that that makes a rep's value more secure was lying to themselves.

Syncera just happens to be S&N's cool name for it...other companies just call them contracted vendors....where if the price was low enough and the sales rev was dictated by terms of a contract, no rep was spending much time in these accounts to begin with.

The high dollar rep days are over once those few lucky dinosaurs retire.

What I find funny about this industry was how it evolved from a sale, to a sale with great service, to a lower bid and the same great service. Now they are removing any imputed value of the service and cutting out the reps. I think that this is still a great industry where college grads can make $80k with decent benefits. I wish that someone would pay the rep by removing the imputed value of middle management!

Keep dreaming/hoping. My hospitals don't stick a knife in a patient unless a rep is in the room on any case

Smith & Nephew says its 'no-frills' Syncera program, which replaces sales reps with an automated system, has performed so well that the company will expand it into Australia, New Zealand and the European Union.

Another CEO (from the perfume business) who is making a strategic error in the Orthopaedic business. History has many of them, and all companies have had this problem. He is alienating his selling team and surgeons. The 'intelligence' of these people says they have to change the status quo with the business model ?
However, they have forgotten the surgeon in the equation.
I don't work for S@N, however I would be very uncomfortable with a leader as this.
You people at S@N should post details it working, have accounts bitten, have reps lost their jobs, are the docs upset ?
So after cutting reps, does he start promoting all cemented hips because they work well in Sweden ? does he promote low cost manufactured implants from China ? When does the surgeon get to care and be responsible for their patients ??

This may be hoping for self preservation, but there is no way that any of my accounts could go to a repless model. Every single one have been advertising for new patients to come to their hospital, only to reduce the staff in SPD and the OR. Not only that with all the back orders they companies are having it would be interesting to see how a hospital would get implants for a case that are in back order. Once the gainsharing agreement are over with the docs, their tolerance for the inconveniences will be no more.
However if they go to a one vendor system and hire an ex rep to manage that may be another story. Saddle up boys it's going to be a bumpy ride

So how is it going in your area so far? I hear a rep in east Tennessee is losing a big account to Olivier's idea real soon. Wonder if he gets a lost compensation package? Bet you guys never thought you'd be competing with your district manager pushing Syncera in your accounts.

SNN will be purchased. Syncera will not make an impact. Once the prices stabilize at $2500 per knee, reps will be fighting over coming into any repless model's OR when they see the problems and chaos occurring in the OR.

The orthopaedic rep provides great value to the SPD department, surgical staff, OR business manager, surgical staff educator, orthopaedic coordinator, hospital marketing department, orthopaedic surgeon, orthopaedic physician assistant, materials manager. This all can be evidenced by the rep's hours logged into reptrax.

For a knee that costs $2500, with 7% commission, as a 1099, with the hospital paying no benefits to the rep, for $175 per procedure the hospital is getting a wonderful value. An average procedure includes shipping costs, case delivery, case setup, case coverage, case and instrument resetting, implant restocking fees to the rep. At $45 in shipping costs, the rep is left with $130 for his team. The team will spend an average of 4 hours on this single total knee.

This equates to $32.50 per hour for a 1099 rep that is paying his own health benefits, dental benefits, liability insurance, his own gas, his own car, his cell phone bill, his payroll processing, his own 401K benefits, and his 100% of his FICA tax.

Cost of benefits employed vs 1099 typically runs in the 40% range. Therefore the rep is actually making about $18 per hour. This equates to $34,560 per year.

How can a hospital run 3 shifts per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year, buy instruments, buy implants at a cost lower than $2500 per unit, increase their liability exposure, pay employees less than $34,000 per year to cover 3 shifts per day, 7 days a week, and come out ahead? There is, in the end, a higher cost to the hospital with a repless model.

I'm all ears here. It sounds like a desperate short term attempt for SNN to use up old inventory until SYK buys them.

SNN will be purchased. Syncera will not make an impact. Once the prices stabilize at $2500 per knee, reps will be fighting over coming into any repless model's OR when they see the problems and chaos occurring in the OR.

The orthopaedic rep provides great value to the SPD department, surgical staff, OR business manager, surgical staff educator, orthopaedic coordinator, hospital marketing department, orthopaedic surgeon, orthopaedic physician assistant, materials manager. This all can be evidenced by the rep's hours logged into reptrax.

For a knee that costs $2500, with 7% commission, as a 1099, with the hospital paying no benefits to the rep, for $175 per procedure the hospital is getting a wonderful value. An average procedure includes shipping costs, case delivery, case setup, case coverage, case and instrument resetting, implant restocking fees to the rep. At $45 in shipping costs, the rep is left with $130 for his team. The team will spend an average of 4 hours on this single total knee.

This equates to $32.50 per hour for a 1099 rep that is paying his own health benefits, dental benefits, liability insurance, his own gas, his own car, his cell phone bill, his payroll processing, his own 401K benefits, and his 100% of his FICA tax.

Cost of benefits employed vs 1099 typically runs in the 40% range. Therefore the rep is actually making about $18 per hour. This equates to $34,560 per year.

How can a hospital run 3 shifts per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year, buy instruments, buy implants at a cost lower than $2500 per unit, increase their liability exposure, pay employees less than $34,000 per year to cover 3 shifts per day, 7 days a week, and come out ahead? There is, in the end, a higher cost to the hospital with a repless model.

I'm all ears here. It sounds like a desperate short term attempt for SNN to use up old inventory until SYK buys them.

Desperate = yes. Short term = yes. Old inventory? Not sure what that means... for everyone they sell, I guarantee they build another... not using anything up that way.
This cuts SG&A without Olivier having to take a haircut (have you seen his hair??).
If I'm Stryker I wait until this falls apart and price comes down.

MassDevice article dated March 18 totally blew up the Syncera business model. My advice to the Syncera management is to head up over to your nearest TopGolf and apply for a job so you can wait/serve on the hated orthopedic sales reps as they hit golf balls and drink cocktails at 3pm in their scrubs.