Supervisor/Manager Question

well articulated. so sick of the trash talk on this site. sell something every week and your boss will love you like mine does!!!!!!!!

There is trash talk on every single company site. With Hospira it seems that job satisfaction depends upon what division you are in. You have to admit that the DDS team has had a very rough year and a half. Things will work themselves out and it will get better.

Prior to 1942, in the fields of Eastern Europe, there were GERMAN Gestapo Officers that directed their teams to herd the "unwanted" into fields and made them dig shallow graves. The "unwanted" were told turn around and from THE BACK one shot was dispensed to the head. Women and children, too. They were buried by other "unwanteds", so that their lives would be extended.

The DEDICATED Officers who had "no soul" are called Goose Steppen One Shotters. They also directed that members of the German army that refused to participate, be shot in the same way.

Eventually, because of nervous breakdowns of the trigger pullers and the cost of each bullet, to the Third Reich, a meeting was devised from which the "Final Solution" was devised, i.e., gas.

Your other questions-you know the answers already...

I am just curious. What is a "goose steppen one shotter" and who is GP? Is the goose going to go doo doo on GP's head or is GP going to step in the goose doo doo and slip and fall? Should GP use an umbrella and wear non-slip shoes to avoid the red-headed step child and who is this red-headed stepchild anyway? What happened to the guy three months ago?

I just know I am staying clear of GP so I don't end up with goose doo doo on my head or something worse.

Prior to 1942, in the fields of Eastern Europe, there were GERMAN Gestapo Officers that directed their teams to herd the "unwanted" into fields and made them dig shallow graves. The "unwanted" were told turn around and from THE BACK one shot was dispensed to the head. Women and children, too. They were buried by other "unwanteds", so that their lives would be extended.

The DEDICATED Officers who had "no soul" are called Goose Steppen One Shotters. They also directed that members of the German army that refused to participate, be shot in the same way.

Eventually, because of nervous breakdowns of the trigger pullers and the cost of each bullet, to the Third Reich, a meeting was devised from which the "Final Solution" was devised, i.e., gas.

Your other questions-you know the answers already...

Very sad story. I have heard it before but what in the world does it have to do with an incompetent manager?

You must be from Inside Chicago. How would you know how he did in sales training? Wes wants to keep things quite...(have no connections back to Chicago). That way he can minimize his exposure. The outside people are's in the Area P plan.

No I am not from inside Chicago. I was just commenting that his behavior at training was questionable. This works out all right. He is to clueless to manage. Absolutely no knowledge of our products or how we sell. Just a warm body kissing up to WJ.

No I am not from inside Chicago. I was just commenting that his behavior at training was questionable. This works out all right. He is to clueless to manage. Absolutely no knowledge of our products or how we sell. Just a warm body kissing up to WJ.

Whats up with all the backorders? No hep locks, vanco, mvi. Thought I might find some answers here? another Alabama pharmacy director told me about this website and I saw this. We wish he never quit but his manager, we called him howdy doody he would visit us when Ronnie went on vacation askiong us about the rep. We told him we liked him and he was one of our better drug reps. Who would want to work for a boss like that? Our buyer said he was in Europe. Whats up with all the backorders Abbott ppl?

I believe that is our good buddy GP. He wanted to get rid of the representative in that territory so he could hire his friend. He hired his friend at an senior account executive level with nothing but previous pharma sales experience. She is actually a pretty sharp gal. Now they are best buddies. She is ten times smarter then him but Ronnie probably saw the light and left. He doesn't even manage the district. One of his reps does everything except for showing up at managers meetings.

Whats up with all the backorders? No hep locks, vanco, mvi. Thought I might find some answers here? another Alabama pharmacy director told me about this website and I saw this. We wish he never quit but his manager, we called him howdy doody he would visit us when Ronnie went on vacation askiong us about the rep. We told him we liked him and he was one of our better drug reps. Who would want to work for a boss like that? Our buyer said he was in Europe. Whats up with all the backorders Abbott ppl?

I believe that is our good buddy GP. He wanted to get rid of the representative in that territory so he could hire his friend. He hired his friend at an senior account executive level with nothing but previous pharma sales experience. She is actually a pretty sharp gal. Now they are best buddies. She is ten times smarter then him but Ronnie probably saw the light and left. He doesn't even manage the district. One of his reps does everything except for showing up at managers meetings.

Just a comment on managers - be carefull, there are still a few good ones but most are not the same as when I started way back with Abbott. Back then you did not need to watch your own back, your manager took care of that for you. Now many, including mine, will stab you in the back or throw you under the bus, their primary job is to cover their own A**. Sorry but I need to call a spade a spade. One of my dearest friends was part of the seperation back in 2009 because the manager was not truthful ( doucments are available to prove this and they might end up in, you know where). This person is probably not going to make waves but could - the reward is that several of the customers in that territory heard of what happened and have or will shortly be converting to Baxter and Alaris !!!!!!

Whats up with all the backorders? No hep locks, vanco, mvi. Thought I might find some answers here? another Alabama pharmacy director told me about this website and I saw this. We wish he never quit but his manager, we called him howdy doody he would visit us when Ronnie went on vacation askiong us about the rep. We told him we liked him and he was one of our better drug reps. Who would want to work for a boss like that? Our buyer said he was in Europe. Whats up with all the backorders Abbott ppl?

I believe that is our good buddy GP. He wanted to get rid of the representative in that territory so he could hire his friend. He hired his friend at an senior account executive level with nothing but previous pharma sales experience. She is actually a pretty sharp gal. Now they are best buddies. She is ten times smarter then him but Ronnie probably saw the light and left. He doesn't even manage the district. One of his reps does everything except for showing up at managers meetings.

He did it again. Hired arepresentative from his old company Sanofi Adventis. Why does managment allow him to just hire his previous friends? He has no prior Hospira experience and within a couple years replaces 25% of his salesforce with his friends. He hires them at advanced levels even though they only have pharma experience.

Wes encourages hiring from the outside.

All of you sales people say that sales is the most important function of the company That you carry the company. Laughing at you now - the truth is finally out - manufacturing is the most important thing. You can't make a sale if you don't have a quality product.

All of you sales people say that sales is the most important function of the company That you carry the company. Laughing at you now - the truth is finally out - manufacturing is the most important thing. You can't make a sale if you don't have a quality product.

So you just go from string to string writing the same thing- LOSER if you could make a quality product we'd have something to sell.

We'd have something to sell if you could make a quality product.

Yes, for awhile.

Then one of your own is chosen as king and then proceeds to neglect operations in order to maximize his stock options.

He listens to the consultants insead of his employess and follows their pricey advice which mainly involves pulling resources away.

After years of this finally the wheels fall off and then you have nothing to sell again.

The End

The "sale's force" dont sell anything They kiss the ass of the RNs to get a sig and if lucky a 2 minute face to face with Dr. maybe once a week Pharma is a joke and Hospira is not real Pharma which makes it even a bigger joke Lets see, injectables and salt water wow what blockbuster products Sedline wow what a marvel

pressure to sell getting too much for you? stop whining slackers and sell something. old slow lazyass reps and worthless nurses who couldnt produce in a true clinical setting will all be joining the unemployed very soon. all you know-it-alls should apply for a managers job if you think you have what it takes. truth is you dont. you're just a bunch of overpaid whiny little bitches working twenty hours a week making excuses all your life about why you couldnt sell. my boss is soooooo mean. the competitors are sooooo much better. Chicago doesnt understand. is not easy to use. boo hoo boo hoo. get ready lame asses to trade food stamps for peanut butter. i'll be looking your remarks on CP then if you still have enough money on unemployment to pay for internet service.
well said

Booo hooo to you too-Seems like you are unhappy at your job while I work 20hrs a week-if that and make $150K. Pretty good hourly rate if you think about it. Now get back to work