Sunshine Act

I knew that this day was coming. Tell me more about this. Is this replacing reps? It looks like the competition is getting better intel than us on those docs, huh?

Okay, here is the skinny: the world of pharma rep access in 2015 is being played out currently in the San Antonio, Texas marketplace. I am in the Home office and am privy to a lot of inside info. Currently, our legal team is trying to fight this (for some reason) and figure out a way around the rep acces site and these doc computers. Truth is...all the top docs are on and word is that Dallas and Houston are next. We have to decide as a company if we are going to play chicken in the marketplace but it looks like these doc computers actually benefit us far more than we first thought. The amount of information that will be avail to us thru these compueters is staggering...and I mean staggering!! In the next few months, you will all see a paradigm shift in the San Antonio marketplace that will serve as a pilot for our future. I predict (and I have good intel) that Pfizer will awaken and join in as a leader in this innovation thereby securing our future as players in the market rather than bench warmers. I am telling you that as San Antonio goes in 2012 so will the entire country follow into 2015 and the years to follow.

Okay, here is the skinny: the world of pharma rep access in 2015 is being played out currently in the San Antonio, Texas marketplace. I am in the Home office and am privy to a lot of inside info. Currently, our legal team is trying to fight this (for some reason) and figure out a way around the rep acces site and these doc computers. Truth is...all the top docs are on and word is that Dallas and Houston are next. We have to decide as a company if we are going to play chicken in the marketplace but it looks like these doc computers actually benefit us far more than we first thought. The amount of information that will be avail to us thru these compueters is staggering...and I mean staggering!! In the next few months, you will all see a paradigm shift in the San Antonio marketplace that will serve as a pilot for our future. I predict (and I have good intel) that Pfizer will awaken and join in as a leader in this innovation thereby securing our future as players in the market rather than bench warmers. I am telling you that as San Antonio goes in 2012 so will the entire country follow into 2015 and the years to follow.

Ok, thanks for this update. It would be even more helpful if you'd share insights as to why the docs are in favor of this--what's in it for them--and also what this potentially new paradigm means in terms of rep staffing.

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