Sunshine Act


The Sunshine Act was mentioned in another thread. Do the docs declare lunches as income, or not? What are the specifics of the Sunshine Act. Thank you in advance for mature, informed responses in lieu of the sophomoric, moronic replies on most topics.


My understanding is that any meal over $10 will get reported. Or if their meals from one company over the course of the yr exceed $100 combined they will be reported. Hope this helps

The Sunshine Act was mentioned in another thread. Do the docs declare lunches as income, or not? What are the specifics of the Sunshine Act. Thank you in advance for mature, informed responses in lieu of the sophomoric, moronic replies on most topics.
Many of my docs (especially group practice heads) fear that they will have to report big lunches as income, so they're not doing lunches anymore. Period.

I'm hosed, because its very tough for me to see them otherwise. Is my territory the only one with this problem?

The sunshine act is on hold and may even be reversed or killed. From big med companies, to small docs - nobody wants it. Also, they underestimated the cost to gather and report such info. Estimated now at about 1Bilion. Very costly information that will be of little or no value. So far, there is no agreement on exactly how to collect the data - store - or even report. Current estimate is nothing will be reported until at least March of 2014, if ever really.

Gotta love politics... Anyone watch the rock on NBC last night about the super PACS and the amount of money they are collecting and spending in supporting one person.. They expect 80 million spent on Romney before the election...

The kicker is the PAC does not have to show there statements and who there contributors are. These people in the house and senate have to go... And the socialist in the white house also!

The Sunshine Act is very much in effect, as of 1/1/2012. It is the result of the US Government - not the work of any medical products company. The act requires ANYTHING of value to be reported, even a study you hand out. The information will eventually be posted to a public website. It doesn't just apply to MDs; everyone who attended your in-service where you brought in pizza and soda received something of value from your company and their share, i.e. $200/20 people, needs to be reported. The intent, allegedly, is to make transparent the amount of money the medical industry is spending on Health Care Professionals. In reality, IT'S A GIANT PAIN IN THE ASS! A 15 minute expense report now takes 2 hours as you need to enter everyone's name into a database before they can be added to the expense report. Will this information be used in the future to tax the recipients? Who knows? The government & my company is forcing me to behave this way with respect to expenses. If it takes me 2 hours, it takes me 2 hours. But, I do it during business hours, not on my time. Hope this helps.

This Sunshine Act is exactly why our company needs to get into the future...the future is now!!! In Texas, there are a bunch of docs using a computer network to manage us. Some reps are shitting themselves but I see it as an opportunity. Are we a true resource to the docs and their patients or not? We can beat the Sunshine Act but we can't be narcissistic...get over orselves, Pfizer and lets get back in the fight so that we can be that resource we have always claimed we are.

the voice of reason

This Sunshine Act is exactly why our company needs to get into the future...the future is now!!! In Texas, there are a bunch of docs using a computer network to manage us. Some reps are shitting themselves but I see it as an opportunity. Are we a true resource to the docs and their patients or not? We can beat the Sunshine Act but we can't be narcissistic...get over orselves, Pfizer and lets get back in the fight so that we can be that resource we have always claimed we are.

the voice of reason

"Narcissistic?" You're the jackass that signed his letter "the voice of reason" Look in the mirror donkey.

"Narcissistic?" You're the jackass that signed his letter "the voice of reason" Look in the mirror donkey.

Makes sense, things are much clearer now. Pfizer must realize that we are like Union Pacific in a lot of ways...allow me to elaborate: like Pfizer, Union Pacific's arrogance (and dare I say that they were narcissistic) was shown when they threw up their defenses to fend off other innovations of the time that they thought were "competitors." "We are the railway industry", they'd say just like Pfizer says, "we are the 800 pound gorilla...we lead and don't follow." This is EXACTLY what the railroad industry's stance was and where did it get them? The railroad industry could have owned, with a little less arrogance and a little more foresight, the automobile and airline business had they simply put aside their petty thought process and embraced and owned the "travel industry." It's that simple really; it's a paradigm mentality. Pfizer should embrace some of these new innovations coming up but they won't. These computers in Texas that everyone is talking about will not go away and AZ, GSK, and J&J will get on board and we at Pfizer will find ourselves in anew position as a follower.

Makes sense, things are much clearer now. Pfizer must realize that we are like Union Pacific in a lot of ways...allow me to elaborate: like Pfizer, Union Pacific's arrogance (and dare I say that they were narcissistic) was shown when they threw up their defenses to fend off other innovations of the time that they thought were "competitors." "We are the railway industry", they'd say just like Pfizer says, "we are the 800 pound gorilla...we lead and don't follow." This is EXACTLY what the railroad industry's stance was and where did it get them? The railroad industry could have owned, with a little less arrogance and a little more foresight, the automobile and airline business had they simply put aside their petty thought process and embraced and owned the "travel industry." It's that simple really; it's a paradigm mentality. Pfizer should embrace some of these new innovations coming up but they won't. These computers in Texas that everyone is talking about will not go away and AZ, GSK, and J&J will get on board and we at Pfizer will find ourselves in anew position as a follower.

Could you explaing further, the computers in Texas please.

Could you explaing further, the computers in Texas please.

I don't know a lot about them beacuse we have been booted from our top MDs. Lilly, AZ, and Novartis are all participating in a new computer program that ALL the top MDs in Bexar County have installed. Reps sign up and get computer portals that connects them to the MDs 24/7/365. I have heard (I don't know because Pfizer isn't participating) that the computers spit out data for RXs, sampling activties, and vouchers on a daily basis for all MDs on the system. My friend who works at Sanofi said that he gets daily RXs and sampling for his drug and that of the entire class beacuse the RX is captured before the RX is filled at the pharmacy (even if fileld at a non-reporting location.) Why we aren't doing this, I just can't pathom it. My top MD said that he is required by the state to have these computers and that I am no longer allowed in his office unless Pfizer signs up. He actually told me that he is switching all his Pfizer samples and RXs to competitor's drugs. Great! Just what I need...getting my resume ready, i guess.

Many of my docs (especially group practice heads) fear that they will have to report big lunches as income, so they're not doing lunches anymore. Period.

I'm hosed, because its very tough for me to see them otherwise. Is my territory the only one with this problem?

Same here that is the little access left..... Soon to be gone...

I don't know a lot about them beacuse we have been booted from our top MDs. Lilly, AZ, and Novartis are all participating in a new computer program that ALL the top MDs in Bexar County have installed. Reps sign up and get computer portals that connects them to the MDs 24/7/365. I have heard (I don't know because Pfizer isn't participating) that the computers spit out data for RXs, sampling activties, and vouchers on a daily basis for all MDs on the system. My friend who works at Sanofi said that he gets daily RXs and sampling for his drug and that of the entire class beacuse the RX is captured before the RX is filled at the pharmacy (even if fileld at a non-reporting location.) Why we aren't doing this, I just can't pathom it. My top MD said that he is required by the state to have these computers and that I am no longer allowed in his office unless Pfizer signs up. He actually told me that he is switching all his Pfizer samples and RXs to competitor's drugs. Great! Just what I need...getting my resume ready, i guess.

I knew that this day was coming. Tell me more about this. Is this replacing reps? It looks like the competition is getting better intel than us on those docs, huh?

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