Suit vs PCRX

when deposed, hope DS is asked about showing physicians yet to be published data from clinical trials.

Waiting for someone to call put DM on him calling in last qtrs $2 mill customer. Pretty convenient that was front loaded but who knows it’s Pacira the rules don’t exist for us. We’ll make sure we give our best customers as much PR as they need.

This hasnt gone away. Hmm, maybe there was some shenanigans within the Grant process.

According to ProPublica JH received $549k, wonder how much of this was from us?

That $549k is from 2012-2016. Try OpenPaymentsData from CMS.

So many shady, behind the scenes antics by leadership. It was bound to catch up with them.

my grants and options are worthless.
darn tooten knew about bc’s a&b and knowingly promoted him hiding it from h.r.

what they should be worried about is the continuing canabilization of 20ml by 10ml.
many surgeons split 20ml when doing bi-lateral tka, some have tried 10ml on primary tka & been pleased. $315 vs. $175, that’s what pacira should be worried about.

what they should be worried about is the continuing canabilization of 20ml by 10ml.
many surgeons split 20ml when doing bi-lateral tka, some have tried 10ml on primary tka & been pleased. $315 vs. $175, that’s what pacira should be worried about. Hey partner, what’ll happen when they find out it’s actually $320?

"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."

The pacira leadership think they are wise, however, their customers and J&J colleagues see them as fools. The illusion that the 20 ml provides superior efficacy compared to the 10 ml is a con job, how many times have we expanded past 150 ml in a procedure, perhaps 10% of the time. The Bilateral TKA is a perfect argument- split the 20 ml =10m for each kneel, expand and you get great results-

I was in call recently with my RD and he/she could not rationally defend the 10 ml vs 20 ml argument with a surgeon! To add insult to injury we called the AD and he confused us even more- Who hires these people?!!!!!!

"O that way madness lies."

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